Hello, everyone.
First of all, sorry for the crosspost, but the KDE list is too new, and
I don't know how many people we have frequenting it yet.
I downloaded the KDE3 RPMs from the SuSE ftp server yesterday, and
installed all of the base RPMs through YaST. After a great deal of
cursing and swearing, I finally got it to run after running it as root,
and then running it as a regular user. BUT, kdm is no longer available,
and xdm is running in its place. Also, all of the nice application
links that SuSE put into KDE2 are gone.
Many apps also fail to run. YaST2 bombs out and XMMS does not even
start. I have also updated the RPMs for these.
It seems to me that the process for updating from KDE2 to KDE3 is far
from painless, and I have been unable to find any documentation about it
on either the SuSE web or ftp sites. The RPMs seem to be lacking some
of the necessary configuration changes to provide for a smooth update.
Can we expect updated RPMs in the near future to rectify these issues ?
Maybe a script could be created to edit those files missed by the RPMs.
Bye for now,