Anmerkung: ja, ich weiss, suse-isdn ist eine SuSE Liste, der Rechner
ist aber ein debian. Trotzdem ists Linux und auf dieser Liste finden
sich einige Leute, die sich gut mit Linux+ISDN auskennen. Schonmal
danke für Eure Hilfe.
Jetzt aber:
Ich möchte erreichen, dass ein Modem sich auf meinem Rechner
einwählen und dann dessen Internetverbindung nutzen kann. Dazu steht
auf Serverseite ein sarge mit laufender Fritz!Card zur Verfügung
(faxen geht).
Clientseitig wird ein normales Notebook-Modem genutzt.
Erste Frage deshalb: Ist es überhaupt möglich, ein Modem auf einer
ISDN-Karte anrufen (und letztlich auch verbinden) zu lassen; wenn bei
Protocol modem steht?
Im Endausbau soll das alles per callback laufen, da der
Server an einer ISDN-Leitung mit Deutschlandflat hängt.
Wenn ich mich jetzt -versuche- einzuwählen, nimmt der Rechner den
Anruf zwar entgegen; über ein Rauschen kommen sie aber nicht hinaus.
D.h. die beiden können sich anscheinend nicht auf eine
Geschwindigkeit oder sowas einigen (der Connect schlägt fehl).
Meine Einstellungen in der /etc/ppp/peers/callIn2 sieht so aus:
logfile /var/log/pppd_callIn2.log
plugin capiplugin.so
name callin
lcp-echo-interval 5
lcp-echo-failure 10
lcp-max-configure 50
lcp-max-terminate 2
#plugin userpass.so
msn 123
connectdelay 60
protocol modem
Meine Logs sehen wir folgt aus:
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian kernel: capidrv-1: incoming call 951XXX,1,0,YYY ignored
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: incoming call(1): "951XXX" -> "YYY" incoming (0x1)
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[12223]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=3 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian last message repeated 2 times
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: plci_change_state:0x101 0 -> 4 event=5
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: incoming call contr=1 cip=1 \201951XXX -> 060857
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: capiplugin: incoming call(1): "951XXX" -> "YYY" incoming (pcli=0x101/ncci=0x0) (0x1)
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: accept plci 0x0101 8,1,0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: plci_change_state:0x101 4 -> 6 event=12
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state 2 -> 3
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=3 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian last message repeated 2 times
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: DISCONNECT_IND reason 0x3304 (Another application got that call) for plci 0x101
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: plci_change_state:0x101 6 -> 8 event=9
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: plci_change_state:0x101 8 -> 0 event=11
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: capiplugin: disconnect(remote): "951XXX" -> "YYY" incoming (pcli=0x101/ncci=0x0) 0x3304 (0x0000) - Another application got that call
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=3 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: plci_change_state:0x101 0 -> 4 event=5
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian isdnlog: + Oct 27 22:04:38 -----------------------------------------
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[12223]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=0 event=3 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=3 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian isdnlog: | capidrv-1#0 : free
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian isdnlog: | capidrv-1#1 : free
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[12223]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=0 event=3 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=3 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian isdnlog: Oct 27 22:04:38 Call to tei 66 from +49 951/XXX, Bamberg on +49 5251/YYY, Paderborn CONNECT (Speech)
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[12223]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=0 event=3 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=3 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: capiplugin: waiting for incoming call ...
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: incoming call contr=1 cip=1 \201951XXX -> 060857
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state 3 -> 2
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: capiplugin: incoming call(1): "951XXX" -> "YYY" incoming (pcli=0x101/ncci=0x0) (0x1)
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: accept plci 0x0101 8,1,0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: plci_change_state:0x101 4 -> 6 event=12
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state 2 -> 3
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=3 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=3 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11327]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=3 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: DISCONNECT_IND reason 0x3304 (Another application got that call) for plci 0x101
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: plci_change_state:0x101 6 -> 8 event=9
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: plci_change_state:0x101 8 -> 0 event=11
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: capiplugin: disconnect(remote): "951XXX" -> "YYY" incoming (pcli=0x101/ncci=0x0) 0x3304 (0x0000) - Another application got that call
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=3 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian last message repeated 3 times
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: capiplugin: waiting for incoming call ...
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state 3 -> 2
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:05:10 debian kernel: capilib_new_ncci: kcapi: appl 4 ncci 0x10101 up
Oct 27 22:05:10 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: connected: "951XXX" -> "YYY" incoming
Oct 27 22:05:10 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: using /dev/capi/0:
"951XXX" -> "YYY" incoming
Oct 27 22:05:11 debian pppd[12223]: Using interface ppp0
Oct 27 22:05:11 debian pppd[12223]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/capi/0
Oct 27 22:05:11 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: phase establish (was serialconn).
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian kernel: kcapi: appl 4 ncci 0x10101 down
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: Modem hangup
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: phase disconnect (was establish).
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: Connection terminated.
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: phase dead (was disconnect).
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=1 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian last message repeated 2 times
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=0 event=3 ????
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian last message repeated 2 times
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian isdnlog: Oct 27 22:05:21 Call to tei 66 from
+49 951/XXX, Bamberg on +49 5251/YYY Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: contr 1: listenconf Info=0x0000 (No additional information) infomask=0x144 cipmask=0x4010032 capimask2=0x0
Oct 27 22:04:38 debian pppd[11259]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Oct 27 22:05:10 debian kernel: capilib_new_ncci: kcapi: appl 4 ncci 0x10101 up
Oct 27 22:05:10 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: connected: "XXX" -> "YYY" incoming
Oct 27 22:05:10 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: using /dev/capi/0:
"XXX" -> "YYY" incoming
Oct 27 22:05:11 debian pppd[12223]: Using interface ppp0
Oct 27 22:05:11 debian pppd[12223]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/capi/0
Oct 27 22:05:11 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: phase establish (was serialconn).
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian kernel: kcapi: appl 4 ncci 0x10101 down
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: Hangup (SIGHUP)
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: Modem hangup
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: phase disconnect (was establish).
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: Connection terminated.
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: phase dead (was disconnect).
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=1 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian last message repeated 2 times
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=0 event=3 ????
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian last message repeated 2 times
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian isdnlog: Oct 27 22:05:21 Call to tei 66 from
+49 951/XXX, Bamberg on +49 5251/YYY, Paderborn HANGUP ( 0:00:43)
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: disconnect(remote):
"951XXX" -> "YYY" incoming 0x3400 (0x3301) - No additional information
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=1 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian last message repeated 2 times
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: exit
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: Exit.
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: Plugin capiplugin.so loaded.
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: capiplugin: $Revision: 1.36 $
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: capiconn: 1.10
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: Plugin userpass.so loaded.
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: userpass: $Revision: 1.5 $
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: pppd 2.4.3 started by root, uid 0
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: capiplugin: phase serialconn.
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=1 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian last message repeated 5 times
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: capiplugin: waiting for incoming call ...
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
, Paderborn HANGUP ( 0:00:43)
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: disconnect(remote):
"951XXX" -> "YYY" incoming 0x3400 (0x3301) - No additional information
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=1 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian last message repeated 2 times
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: capiplugin: exit
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[12223]: Exit.
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: Plugin capiplugin.so loaded.
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: capiplugin: $Revision: 1.36 $
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: capiconn: 1.10
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: Plugin userpass.so loaded.
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: userpass: $Revision: 1.5 $
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: pppd 2.4.3 started by root, uid 0
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: capiplugin: phase serialconn.
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=1 event=1 ????
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian last message repeated 5 times
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: capiplugin: waiting for incoming call ...
Oct 27 22:05:21 debian pppd[13165]: controller 1: listen_change_state state=2 event=4 ????
Was ich hierbei nicht verstehe ist, warum der beim timestamp
Oct 27 22:05:21 einfach wieder auflegt.
Wisst ihr's?
Bei weiteren Fragen / Loganforderungen einfach melden, ja?
danke + cu,