I have Trouble with the touchpad while I type, almost since ever,
currently with XFCE in Leap 15.2. The touchpad activates randomly,
apparently touched by my hand and destroys what I typed.
I have in settings "Disable touch pad while typing" set to 2 seconds.
Type "SynPS/2 Synaptics Touchpad". Edge scrolling. This is supposed to
impede the trouble I have, but it does not.
If I type and I try to move the mouse pointer it doesn't respond till
two seconds have passed, which is a nuisance I would accept if it worked.
There are two types of incidents.
One, the cursor location suddenly moves several paragraphs up in the
middle of typing a word, thus within centiseconds. Certainly inside the
2 seconds protection.
Two, a large portion of the text I'm typing suddenly gets selected,
again in the middle of typing a word (I type fast), so that on the next
letter I type the entire highlight gets replaced with that next letter,
erasing at times all my work.
In the first case, I can select the offending text and move it to the
correct location, or hit undo. In the second case, I have to use undo,
so I don't actually lose my work.
Almost always it happens inside Thunderbird. At least, i don't remember
it happening in other apps.
It is possible that the protection I need is from accidental tap, not
accidental move.
minas-tirith:~ # hwinfo --mouse
40: PS/2 00.0: 10500 PS/2 Mouse
[Created at input.249]
Unique ID: AH6Q.ZHI3OT7LsxA
Hardware Class: mouse
Model: "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"
Vendor: 0x0002
Device: 0x0007 "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad"
Compatible to: int 0x0210 0x0002
Device File: /dev/input/mice (/dev/input/mouse0)
Device Files: /dev/input/mice, /dev/input/mouse0, /dev/input/event1
Device Number: char 13:63 (char 13:32)
Driver Info #0:
Buttons: 2
Wheels: 0
XFree86 Protocol: explorerps/2
GPM Protocol: exps2
Config Status: cfg=no, avail=yes, need=no, active=unknown
minas-tirith:~ #
Cheers / Saludos,
Carlos E. R.
(from oS Leap 15.2 x86_64 (Minas Tirith))