openSUSE Users

October 2006

  • 403 participants
  • 628 discussions
[opensuse] SPAM: Text mode at boot time
by Cristea Bogdan 15 Oct '06

15 Oct '06
6 10
0 0
SPAM: automount hal problems
by Bob S 15 Oct '06

15 Oct '06
Kernel update failed
by Flextron 14 Oct '06

14 Oct '06
SPAM: Making ISO' with SuSE 10.0
by Erik Jakobsen 14 Oct '06

14 Oct '06
SAS (Installer doesn't see hard-drives)
by Philip Mötteli 14 Oct '06

14 Oct '06
7 13
0 0
SPAM: Adding to Gnome menus?
by Simon Roberts 14 Oct '06

14 Oct '06