openSUSE Users

September 2006

  • 434 participants
  • 650 discussions
kde su does not accept correct password
by John Andersen 09 Sep '06

09 Sep '06
url on konqueror aligned to right
by Kalos Bonasia 09 Sep '06

09 Sep '06
Resolvable id 226576 does not exist.
by John Andersen 09 Sep '06

09 Sep '06

08 Sep '06

08 Sep '06
X server difficulties
by Bob Rea 08 Sep '06

08 Sep '06
Desktoo shortcut to Folder
by Fajar Priyanto 08 Sep '06

08 Sep '06
9 16
0 0
80 Gb USB Hard-disk on a P3 Notebook
by Puneit Singh 08 Sep '06

08 Sep '06
Suse 10.0 & Dell Dimension 9200
by Henrik Schmiediche 08 Sep '06

08 Sep '06
Samba File Permissions
by Peter Bloomfield 08 Sep '06

08 Sep '06
8 13
0 0