Hi all,
I am writing the e-mail based on opensuse.org translation_guide. I would like
to translate opensuse.org to Slovak language.
I would appreciate some tips, guides etc.
Jozef Peterka AKA Kai
As we all know and many complain about, the wiki is quite hard to find
things in.
This also hinders contribution, because if you can't find something in
a disorganised mess, for one you are not even sure what to contribute,
as it hard to figure out what is missing or where to put it, and new
contributors are unlikely to radicly change the structure to fix it.
The frontpage is also a hard thing to start on, and like makeup, it
can only hide so much of what is underneath.
So it is up to us, and now is as good a time as any to get the wiki
into shape, with some structure and clarity.
The most important sections (I believe) are downloads and documentation.
I have started with http:\\en.opensuse.org\documentation and will
continue on each major section linked to from that page, I have
already done some reconstruction and moved some pages.
A good page for anybody to help is the page http://en.opensuse.org/Howtos
You can simply find Howto type articles currently in the wiki and link
to them in the correct section, or because it is wiki, create links to
howto articles that should exist. It might be enough to spur someone
into writing a new article.
So join in and help, offer feedback...be constructive.
Peter 'Pflodo' Flodin.
Hi, everyone.
Last autumn, to celebrate SUSE 10.0, I created a Document titled
"Desktop Cutomization Tips". Today, to celebrate 10.1, I have editted
this page.
I would like to have any technical or grammatical advice on it, or have
it editted directly, or have someone to translate it into Japanese ;)
http://jroller.com/page/Noniko (Broken English)
http://www.myblog.de/noniko (Schlechtes Deutsch)
MediaWiki: When will you update to version 1.6? It could be very
helpful for the other languages. King regards.
King Regards,
Tora Toraman
SuSE Linux OS Turkıye
==upper place (definition)==
may be we could add a green back screen to make it a bridge
between sidebar and right column - this definition should
also be made shorter - there is the "overview" part for the
==center place==
may we keep download and bugreport here? there are always
Two others links for this on the page. If we keep them, we
should make them smaller. they are already nearly invisible,
on the worst screen place :-)
An image of the stable release should be in the middle and
one or two major info is a good idea.
The sidebar has two parts we can't really play with: tool
box and others langages.
we must limit the ohers menu entries to sgnificant ones
(remember: keep it simple)
the french wiki:
gives an idea of what I propose. but it's not that good.
"page de garde" is "home page", the link to the front page
it self. don"t forget the sidebar is always there, on the
left, even on the others pages.
Opensuse is the first place, as was suggested by somebody
else. I don' see why add "about" in front of "opensuse"
"vue d'ensemble" is "project overwiev" - adding project made
the french line too long, that is why I didn't made it.
Participate may need a more important place, but better in
the center place than on the sidebar, it needs not be in all
Use is an important place; mainly download, documentation
and contacts. I don't see any reason to have SDB different
than documentation and in contacts there are all the kinds
of contacts (mailing lists, forums...)
there is no need for news or roadmap here, they have all a
column on the right for themselves
Before giving contents, I propose we think of the layout.
The use of the wiki already gave us an initial layout:
*upper left logo
*personnal links (of login prompt)
*bottom edits line
we _can_ change this, but it's probably not a good idea.
then the actual layout is pretty confusing.
Did you notice the upper right menu bar? my stupid I did
not! So we have download at top, on left, on center
bottom... it's important, I know, but isn't it too much?
Looking at the page, I see for more significant places we
can play with.
* sidebar/left menu column
* right column
* "head", that is page title and Novell/opensuse definition
* middle of the page. This middle is now divided on two:
permanent bug/download links and transient news.
==overall size==
we should try to limit oveall size to 800x600.
This size is readable (given browser resizing) even with an
old 640x480 screen. Most users have greater screens but use
browsers in a window, not full screen. This size is not an
absolute rule, just a target
I really think your are right saying we must go ahead on
this subject, so I will try to separate it on smaller chunks :-)
The first thing we _must_ do is a "hub" page, viewable on
"opensuse.org" (without any "en", "fr"...).
We need this badly because our goal of making an
international distribution, with multiples localized wikis
make us need a single page common to the whole community,
given anywhere as reference, and this cannot be the english
* we need to make simple (always make simple should be the
main rule :-). So I propose the HUB page to be One image
with around it one clickable place for each local wiki.
can we agree with this first point?
* this central image should be simply the opensuse logo, the
one you can see in the upper left corner of any page, just
resized with full definition to be visible (we can't just
enlarge the icon)
* the total screen size should be 640x480. We don't really
need more for a hub and this should accomodate each and any
world computer. Think to make a usable equivallent for non
graphics browsers and disabled peoples.
* what to use as back images for localized wikis is more
difficult. The simpler way is flags. I understand this is
sometime a problem, but I fail to find a better way. flags
are internationally known, not lizards :-). I can see a
Japanese flag and see there is a japanese wiki, a dragon
with criptics (for me) symbols in it is not good. this pages
is also an advertisement of how international SUSE is :-)
your feeling?
Dear Friends,
l would like to know if we have possibility to see the translation statistics
in wiki. For example, the percentage of the ones translated to Turkish
or to Germany.
Tora Toraman