Hello there, my first post post here...
I was sent to this list from the OpenSUSE list...
I'm trying to write some documentation about
remote access to SUSE.
Unfortunately, I'm down with a real bad flu...
I've notcied that both jdd and PFLodo have made changes to it.
To my question:
I've finished (for now) the intro, Now I need to right diferent "Chapters" on
how to setup different pieces of software I've been blabing about...
I would like to make the chapters seperate documents, each along the lines
"Tell then what your are going to tell, tel them, and then tell what you just
told then".
my problems are:
1) the documents look like shit.
2) I need to use tables to organize the options.
3) I'll want lots and lots of screen shots for the newbies...
And I don't know how to fix any of these...
Additionally, I find it hard working on the wiki documantation.
Any tips appreceated.
P.S. How do I get something like this into wiki?
Here are Vietnamese translations (after the arrows) of some words:
Welcome_to_openSUSE.org -> Chào_mừng_đến_với_openSuSE.org
Communicate -> Giao thiệp
Download -> Tải xuống
Report a Bug -> Báo cáo lỗi
The attached tarball contains 5 translated pages, and this email also
attached (word.txt).
P.S. Please don't think that I'm working under user root. These files
are on my FAT32 filesystem :).
С уважением
Phan Vĩnh Thịnh <teppi82 tại gmail chấm com>
http://teppi82.googlepages.com Jabber: teppi82(a)jabber.ru
4 files added, 1 (sidebar) updated.
Please check them and tell me if every thing I do is right or not.
С уважением
Phan Vĩnh Thịnh <teppi82 tại gmail chấm com>
http://teppi82.googlepages.com Jabber: teppi82(a)jabber.ru
There is now quite a few articles that need sysop attention in:
Category:Pages_to_delete and
Some can be deleted instantly as it is obvious that they created by
After a while you get logged out from openSUSE.org.
I know it has been asked before, but is it not possible to do an
auto-login with a cookie?
Now each time I see a minor change I need to go though the login process
and about 80% of the time I can't be botherd because of the small change
compared to the login process.
houghi http://houghi.orghttp://www.plainfaqs.org/linux/http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html
> Today I went outside. My pupils have never been tinier...
Hi, everyone.
In the middle of May I was noticed by a Novell Japan staff about that
they were preparing for ja.opensuse.org.
Two members of JA translation team including me went Novell's office
and had a meeting. They explained how it is going and we discussed on
how to work together.
Recently it was announced in Japan that ja.opensuse.org is going to
start at the beginning of June.
I'm very happy. I'd like to work to connect en (we call it "Honke", the
head family) and jp each other.
http://jroller.com/page/Noniko (Broken English)
http://www.myblog.de/noniko (Schlechtes Deutsch)
I worked today on the "pages to delete" category.
many of these pages are in fact renamed pages, when probably
the author didn't know about page move and made a cut/paste
in place.
it's much better to use a redirect. One must only take care
from time to time of the page "double redirects" or "broken
redirects", but the redirect uses very few space and energy,
so there is very little need to delete the #redirect pages.
However it's probably usefull to effectively delete the
localisez pages (IT, TR) when the localised wiki is up (the
redirect don't seems to work with interwiki links), or
simply replace them by a link to the localized wiki. this
could be better done by a native langage user :-)
I mostly use delete when there are multiple move due to
typos or spelling changes made in a row (I have often
spelling problems :-) the bitTorrent spelling was specially
difficult for me :-)
AFAIK no page is never really deleted, as we can undelete a
page, it's still here in the database, so the delete only
clean the "all pages" special page.
this is a mediawiki drawnback, the database is always
growing with any edit (I know some users have very huge
databases :-(. But like this nothing is never really lost :-)