Dear openSUSE Team,
we are a small group of Ruby enthusiasts organizing a Ruby Unconference
in Hamburg
Coming back after a long pause due to covid. This year on 10th-11th June
the Ruby Unconf 2023 is back!
We are currently looking for sponsors to support us in making it happen.
After 2018 I would love to welcome you as a sponsor of the Unconf again.
All Information about sponsoring and the available Option can be found
in this PDF
[View More]1l9KVDwe2HM57GTyM8tD6OEsPHlsBV9Ss/view>
or on our website <>.
Please let me know if you are interested.
Greetings from Hamburg
Jan Zaydowicz
Ruby Usergroup Hamburg & Ruby Unconf Hamburg organizer
Digital sustainability is important to us, which is why we use links
instead of attachments when sharing documents to avoid double storage
and to reduce our carbon footprint.
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