Hi all!
Watching openSUSE from being not involved in development I get the impression
that it keeps acting like a poker player:
Having a full deck of cards at hand including four aces but not showing to
anyone just because the position of his sun glasses could… possibly…
eventually… under circumstances… be optimized.
That's something I want to change and want to revive the marketing team and
get arts people involved. So I started to take notes:
1) Create content
- present tools
- …
[View More]continuous reports about developments going on
- do interviews with different people/teams about their work in oS
- ask people running booths to report
- show how cool oS features are
- draw pictures, memes and such
- create video demos of various oS features
2) Create buzz
- push stuff from 1) to any platform online
- push shop-o-o with monthly product
- make raffles of stickers etc.
- invite to chats, forums etc. to discuss things
3) Keep following up
- run regular onboarding events for new people interested to help
- tailor events for special interests ("how to work with oS as a web dev")
I am willing to step up and coordinate the whole thing a bit. But this all
needs a few more people. Anyone wanting to help with this is welcome. Also
please keep in mind that the things I mentioned are just ideas and discussion
is very much welcome.
What are your thoughts? Who's in?
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