Anybody gotten this beast to run on SuSE Linux 7.2????
Still trying to get the susefied rpm's of 8.1/8.2 to compile...
No luck so far.....
The more you know, you know that you know nothing.
Hi Everyone,
This seems to be the place to ask this.
I have a few IBM 8514 XGA monitors that I would like to use if possible. I
have nvidia GF2 dual head cards and have very modern 1600X1280 64k colors
NOKIA monitors on the primary side of these cards. Is there a rule that the
monitors on the 2 heads be similar, or can they be this different? While the
newer monitors have nice fast refresh rates the 8514's have 31Hz rates but
very long persistance gourgious color phosphors.
I do NOT want the 2 monitors to be one 'stretched' desktop, I prefer that they
have seperate material. This setup could be ideal for the display of photos
and such on the 8514.
Can anyone offer assistance?
Proud to use SuSE Linux, since 5.2
Loving using SuSE Linux 8.2
"Non Sanz Capsicum"
"Not Without Cayenne"