openSUSE Factory

  • 20 participants
  • 19274 discussions
beta4 and VMware
by Christian Boltz 25 Feb '06

25 Feb '06
Xgl - openSUSE 10.1 beta4
by Igor 24 Feb '06

24 Feb '06
11 20
0 0
Network-Manager Offline Mode
by Marcel Hilzinger 24 Feb '06

24 Feb '06
SUSE Linux Beta5 is delayed
by Andreas Jaeger 24 Feb '06

24 Feb '06
YaST trying to install ppc.rpm on x86
by Silviu Marin-Caea 24 Feb '06

24 Feb '06
Minimal install of OSS
by Igor Jagec 22 Feb '06

22 Feb '06
9 11
0 0