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December 2020
- 112 participants
- 91 discussions
Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading:…
Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug
on For more information on filing bugs please
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Packages changed:
krb5 (1.18.2 -> 1.18.3)
python-importlib-metadata (2.0.0 -> 3.1.1)
python-pyOpenSSL (19.1.0 -> 20.0.0)
python-python-xlib (0.27 -> 0.29)
python-urllib3 (1.25.10 -> 1.26.2)
=== Details ===
==== krb5 ====
Version update (1.18.2 -> 1.18.3)
Subpackages: krb5-32bit krb5-client
- Update to 1.18.3
* Fix a denial of service vulnerability when decoding Kerberos
protocol messages.
* Fix a locking issue with the LMDB KDB module which could cause
KDC and kadmind processes to lose access to the database.
* Fix an assertion failure when libgssapi_krb5 is repeatedly loaded
and unloaded while libkrb5support remains loaded.
==== openssl-1_1 ====
Subpackages: libopenssl1_1 libopenssl1_1-32bit libopenssl1_1-hmac
- Use the centralized crypto policy profile (jsc#SLE-15832)
* add openssl-1.1.1-system-cipherlist.patch from Fedora
==== python-Mako ====
- Let the python-rpm-macros do their job for the correct provides
and obsoletes tags for multiple python3 flavors
==== python-dbus-python ====
- Support builds with more than one python3 flavor
- Remove shebang from examples (rpmlint warning, is in common doc)
- Clean duplicate python flavor variables for configure
- Update the provides/obsoletes tags for old-style dbus-1-$python
==== python-dnspython ====
- Remove skipping tests which are acutally passing.
- Python < 3.7 requires external contextvars
==== python-dulwich ====
- Fix condition around BuildRequirement
- We don't need to break Python 2.7
- Add remove_mock.patch to remove dependency on the external mock
package (gh#dulwich/dulwich#820).
==== python-geventhttpclient ====
- Fix condition around BuildRequirement
- We don't need to break Python 2.7
- Add remove_mock.patch to remove dependency on the external mock
package (gh#gwik/geventhttpclient#135).
==== python-importlib-metadata ====
Version update (2.0.0 -> 3.1.1)
- Update to 3.1.1
* no changelog, probably just the merge of 2.1.1
- Update in v2.1.1
* #261: Restored compatibility for package discovery for metadata
without version in the name and for legacy eggs.
- Update in v3.1.0
* Merge with 2.1.0.
- Update in v2.1.0
* #253: When querying for package metadata, the lookup now honors
package normalization rules.
- Update in v3.0.0
* Require Python 3.6 or later.
- Upstream switched to pytest, so do we
- Revert last change: The condition for **BuildRequires** does not
make any sense, as that would also prevent the install of
python36-importlib_resources into the build environment.
- Make requirement of importlib_resources only for particular
versions of Python (< 3.9).
==== python-mailman ====
- Fix systemd services
- Add missing services and timers to systemd
==== python-notify2 ====
- Fix Requires of dbus-python so that the macros can work out the
correct flavor for multiple python3 flavors
==== python-pyOpenSSL ====
Version update (19.1.0 -> 20.0.0)
- According to gh#pyca/pyopenssl#684 tests must run with TZ=UTC, also
skip test_verify_with_time on %ix86.
- Update to v20.0.0
- Backward-incompatible changes:
- The minimum cryptography version is now 3.2.
- Remove deprecated OpenSSL.tsafe module.
- Removed deprecated
OpenSSL.SSL.Context.set_npn_select_callback, and
- Drop support for Python 3.4
- Drop support for OpenSSL 1.0.1 and 1.0.2
- Deprecations:
- Deprecated OpenSSL.crypto.loads_pkcs7 and
- Changes:
- Added a new optional chain parameter to
OpenSSL.crypto.X509StoreContext() where additional untrusted
certificates can be specified to help chain building. #948
- Added OpenSSL.crypto.X509Store.load_locations to set trusted
certificate file bundles and/or directories for verification.
- Added Context.set_keylog_callback to log key material. #910
- Added OpenSSL.SSL.Connection.get_verified_chain to retrieve
the verified certificate chain of the peer. #894.
- Make verification callback optional in Context.set_verify. If
omitted, OpenSSL?s default verification is used. #933
- Fixed a bug that could truncate or cause a zero-length key
error due to a null byte in private key passphrase in
OpenSSL.crypto.load_privatekey and
OpenSSL.crypto.dump_privatekey. #947
- drop patch fix-compilation-2020.patch: no longer needed
- refreshed patch skip-networked-test.patch
==== python-pycurl ====
- Add make-leap15-compat.patch to pass tests on Leap 15.2
- Add remove_nose.patch to remove dependency on nose
==== python-python-xlib ====
Version update (0.27 -> 0.29)
- Update to version 0.29
* Drawable & XInput: Avoid using array.array.tostring() which
will be removed in Python 3.9 (thanks @t-wissmann).
- Changelog for version 0.28
* DPMS: Display Power Management Signaling (by @thiagokokada)
- Add remove-mock.patch gh#python-xlib/python-xlib#186
- Let the python-rpm-macros do their job for correct provides and
obsoletes tag for all python3 flavors
==== python-pyudev ====
- Add remove_mock.patch gh#pyudev/pyudev#409
- Static linting with pylint is not needed for unit tests or build
==== python-requests-toolbelt ====
- Fix condition around BuildRequirement
- We don't need to break Python 2.7
- Add remove_mock.patch to remove dependency on the external mock
==== python-setuptools ====
- Add remove_mock.patch to remove dependency on the external mock
==== python-urllib3 ====
Version update (1.25.10 -> 1.26.2)
- If you skip_python2 you don't need mock.
- We don't need to break Python 2.7
- Add remove_mock.patch to remove dependency on the external mock
package (gh#urllib3/urllib3#2108).
- Fixed the testsuite and updated dependencies
- update to 1.26.2:
* Fixed an issue where ``wrap_socket`` and ``CERT_REQUIRED`` wouldn't
be imported properly on Python 2.7.8 and earlier (Pull #2052)
* Fixed an issue where two ``User-Agent`` headers would be sent if a
``User-Agent`` header key is passed as ``bytes`` (Pull #2047)
* Added support for HTTPS proxies contacting HTTPS servers (Pull #1923, Pull #1806)
* Deprecated negotiating TLSv1 and TLSv1.1 by default. Users that
still wish to use TLS earlier than 1.2 without a deprecation warning
should opt-in explicitly by setting ``ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_1`` (Pull #2002)
* *Starting in urllib3 v2.0: Connections that receive a ``DeprecationWarning`` will fail**
and ``Retry(method_whitelist=...)`` in favor of ``Retry.DEFAULT_ALLOWED_METHODS``,
``Retry.DEFAULT_REMOVE_HEADERS_ON_REDIRECT``, and ``Retry(allowed_methods=...)``
(Pull #2000) **Starting in urllib3 v2.0: Deprecated options will be removed**
* Added default ``User-Agent`` header to every request (Pull #1750)
* Added ``urllib3.util.SKIP_HEADER`` for skipping ``User-Agent``, ``Accept-Encoding``,
and ``Host`` headers from being automatically emitted with requests (Pull #2018)
* Collapse ``transfer-encoding: chunked`` request data and framing into
the same ``socket.send()`` call (Pull #1906)
* Send ``http/1.1`` ALPN identifier with every TLS handshake by default (Pull #1894)
* Properly terminate SecureTransport connections when CA verification fails (Pull #1977)
* Don't emit an ``SNIMissingWarning`` when passing ``server_hostname=None``
to SecureTransport (Pull #1903)
* Disabled requesting TLSv1.2 session tickets as they weren't being used by urllib3 (Pull #1970)
* Suppress ``BrokenPipeError`` when writing request body after the server
has closed the socket (Pull #1524)
* Wrap ``ssl.SSLError`` that can be raised from reading a socket (e.g. "bad MAC")
into an ``urllib3.exceptions.SSLError`` (Pull #1939)
* Fix retry backoff time parsed from ``Retry-After`` header when given
in the HTTP date format. The HTTP date was parsed as the local timezone
rather than accounting for the timezone in the HTTP date (typically
UTC) (Pull #1932, Pull #1935, Pull #1938, Pull #1949)
==== system-users ====
Subpackages: system-group-hardware system-group-libvirt system-group-wheel system-user-bin system-user-daemon system-user-ftp system-user-games system-user-lp system-user-mail system-user-man system-user-news system-user-nobody system-user-qemu system-user-tftp system-user-upsd system-user-uucp system-user-wwwrun
- Remove kvm group from hardware subpackage, since kvm is in its
own subpackage (jsc#SLE-11629).
==== systemd ====
Subpackages: libsystemd0 libsystemd0-32bit libudev-devel libudev1 libudev1-32bit systemd-32bit systemd-container systemd-doc systemd-lang systemd-logger systemd-sysvinit udev
- Explicitly require group(kvm) by udev: the group used to be
created by system-users-hardware, but has been split/moved to
qemu/kvm, where it is more logical. The file
/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules references this
group, thus we should make sure the group exists. Otherwise there
are errors in the journal in the form of:
/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules:86 Unknown group 'kvm', ignoring
==== sysuser-tools ====
- useradd_or_adduser_dep must be PreReq so ordering makes sure it gets
installed before.
- suggest shadow where useradd_or_adduser_dep is actually required
[View Less]
Just detected that FF refuses to send a link as Email.
As I have not used this for longer I don't know how old this error is
and if it is Suse related.
The german error message is :
Erstellung des Ein-/Ausgabemoduls nicht möglich. Meldung von klauncher:
Unbekanntes Protokoll „mailto“.
Creation of I/O modul not possible. Message from klauncher: Unknown
protocoll "mailto"
Nothing found about it but the same error in the Suse Forum from July
2020. Unsolved:
[View More]
Any ideas?
[View Less]
Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading:…
Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug
on For more information on filing bugs please
[View More]openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports
Packages changed:
attica-qt5 (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
autoyast2 (4.3.63 -> 4.3.64)
baloo5 (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
bluez-qt (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
breeze5-icons (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
dracut (050+suse.250.ge6b6e843 -> 051+suse.84.gc6bd70b8)
frameworkintegration (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
fuse3 (3.10.0 -> 3.10.1)
geoclue2 (2.5.4 -> 2.5.6)
gnome-tweaks (3.34.0 -> 3.34.1)
kactivities-stats (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kactivities5 (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
karchive (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kauth (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kbookmarks (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kcalendarcore (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kcmutils (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kcodecs (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kcompletion (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kconfig (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kconfigwidgets (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kcontacts (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kcoreaddons (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kcrash (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kdav (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kdbusaddons (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kdeclarative (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kded (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kdelibs4support (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kdesu (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kdnssd-framework (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kdoctools (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kemoticons (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kfilemetadata5 (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kglobalaccel (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kguiaddons (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kholidays (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
khtml (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
ki18n (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kiconthemes (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kidletime (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kimageformats (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kinit (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kio (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kirigami2 (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kitemmodels (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kitemviews (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kjobwidgets (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kjs (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
knewstuff (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
knotifications (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
knotifyconfig (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kpackage (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kparts (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kpeople5 (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kplotting (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kpty (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kquickcharts (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kross (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
krunner (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kservice (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
ktexteditor (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
ktextwidgets (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kunitconversion (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kwallet (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kwayland (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kwidgetsaddons (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kwindowsystem (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
kxmlgui (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
libKF5ModemManagerQt (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
libKF5NetworkManagerQt (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
plasma-framework (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
prison-qt5 (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
purpose (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
qqc2-desktop-style (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
solid (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
sonnet (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
strace (5.9 -> 5.10)
syndication (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
syntax-highlighting (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
threadweaver (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
vim (8.2.2105 -> 8.2.2129)
yast2-firstboot (4.3.9 -> 4.3.10)
yast2-network (4.3.32 -> 4.3.34)
yast2-security (4.3.5 -> 4.3.6)
yast2-trans (84.87.20201205.6b65f14502 -> 84.87.20201213.376c5d6d35)
=== Details ===
==== alsa-ucm-conf ====
- Backport upstream fixes: AMD MCP mute issue, chtnau8824 fixes,
rt715 fix, and soundwire initialization fix:
==== alsa-utils ====
- Fix alsactl restore behavior during locking (boo#1179904):
- Remove unnecessary condition for alsa-restore.service
- Fix dependency in sound-extra.service
==== apache2 ====
- only include BuildRequires: apache2-{prefork,worker,event} used in
test target
==== apache2-prefork ====
- only include BuildRequires: apache2-{prefork,worker,event} used in
test target
==== apache2-utils ====
- only include BuildRequires: apache2-{prefork,worker,event} used in
test target
==== attica-qt5 ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Attica5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Fix crash in provider loading by checking reply pointer before deref (kde#427974)
==== autoyast2 ====
Version update (4.3.63 -> 4.3.64)
Subpackages: autoyast2-installation
- Add support for Btrfs quotas (jsc#SLE-7742).
- 4.3.64
==== baloo5 ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: baloo5-file baloo5-file-lang baloo5-imports baloo5-imports-lang baloo5-kioslaves baloo5-kioslaves-lang baloo5-tools baloo5-tools-lang libKF5Baloo5 libKF5BalooEngine5 libKF5BalooEngine5-lang
- Fix a regression causing empty results (kde#430273):
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here.
==== bluez-qt ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: bluez-qt-imports bluez-qt-udev libKF5BluezQt6
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== breeze5-icons ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Add text-field variants: -frameless (-> text-field), -framed
* Add symbolic name symlink for input-* icons.
* Add icon for True Type XML font
* Add add-subtitle
* Change MathML icon to use a formula and use specific mime type
* Add icon for QEMU disk image and SquashFS image
* Add edit-move action icon
* Add icon for core dumps
* Add a bunch of subtitle mime types
* Remove useless blur from kontrast icon
==== dracut ====
Version update (050+suse.250.ge6b6e843 -> 051+suse.84.gc6bd70b8)
- Update to version 051 (051+suse.84.gc6bd70b8):
* suse.spec: add 051 modules dbus, wicked
* Drop entirely
* Revert "Retrieve service, rpc and protcol entries via getent in hostonly mode"
* Adding stalebot file
* Revert "Add --uefi-output for custom output filename"
* Improve documentation of iso-scan/filename feature
* multipathd: fix the comparison
* 06dbus: consider dbus-broker
* 06dbus: Add busctl as a more useful tool
* 06dbus: Include dbus or messagebus group and user, depending on distro
* 35network-wicked: openSUSE Factory has reintroduced libexec
* 35network-wicked: install ip utility anyway
* 35network-wicked: Run wicked early enough to unlock block devices
* 06dbus: Do not install superfluous services
* 40network: introduce wicked option
* 35network-wicked: introduce wicked support module
* 06dbus: introduce dbus support
* Add --uefi-output for custom output filename
* 95fcoe: don't install if there is no FCoE hostonly devices
* 95fcoe: ensure needed modules are installed
* dracut-install: Globbing support for resolving "firmware:"
* add positional argument completion
* Prevent creating unexpected files on the host when running dracut
* configure: Find FTS library with --as-needed
- Update to version 050+suse.275.gc9639522:
* Don't print when a module is explicitly omitted (by default)
* 95nfs: /var/lib/nfs/statd/sm is /var/lib/nfs/sm on SUSE (boo#1177462)
* Retrieve service, rpc and protcol entries via getent in hostonly mode (boo#1177461)
* Remove uses of bash (and bash specific syntax) in runtime scripts
* 90crypt: pull in enablement
* 90multipath: install kpartx's 11-dm-parts.rules
* Revert "90crypt: ship"
* 90qemu-net: install less module for strict hostonly mode
* 90qemu-net: in hostonly mode, only install if network is needed
* 95nfs: Install less module if hostonly mode is strict
* 90kernel-modules: Install less modules for hostonly mode
* 90kernel-modules: install block drivers more strictly
* 04watchdog-modules: Simplify install_kernel using new added helper
* Add a helper for detect device kernel modules
* Fix check_block_and_slaves_all
* 90kernel-network-modules: Don't install iscsi related module
* Add a --hostonly-nics option
* Configure the runner for team interfaces
* 99squash: Check require module earlier, and properly
* dracut-functions: add a helper to check if kernel module is available
* 90crypt: ship
* Revert "90crypt: pull in enablement"
* dmsquash-live/iso-scan: Provide an easy reference to iso-scan device.
* 99memstrack: use /bin/bash
==== frameworkintegration ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: frameworkintegration-plugin libKF5Style5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
==== fuse ====
Subpackages: libfuse2
- Modernize some older specfile constructs. Rediff patch4 as -p1.
- Update descriptions.
==== fuse3 ====
Version update (3.10.0 -> 3.10.1)
Subpackages: libfuse3-3
- Update to release 3.10.1
* Unspecified "various minor fixes"
==== geoclue2 ====
Version update (2.5.4 -> 2.5.6)
Subpackages: system-user-srvGeoClue typelib-1_0-Geoclue-2_0
- Update to version 2.5.6:
+ Fix crashes in WiFi handling code.
+ Plug a leak.
- Changes from version 2.5.5:
+ Plug another leak.
+ Fix another buffer overflow.
+ Fix WiFi-geolocation that got broken in 2.5.4.
+ Put freequently used small strings on the stack to avoid
excessive memory usage.
==== gnome-tweaks ====
Version update (3.34.0 -> 3.34.1)
Subpackages: gnome-tweaks-lang
- Update to version 3.34.1:
+ Fix default window sizing and requests.
+ Updated translations.
- Drop gnome-tweaks-fix-titlebar-buttons-left.patch: Fixed
upstream, though in a different way than the patch we had.
==== kactivities-stats ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Port deprecated method
* Port QRegExp to QRegularExpression
* Removed debugging output
* ResultModel: expose resource MimeType
* Add event filtering for files and directories (kde#428085)
==== kactivities5 ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kactivities5-imports libKF5Activities5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== karchive ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kauth ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Auth5 libKF5Auth5-lang libKF5AuthCore5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kbookmarks ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Bookmarks5 libKF5Bookmarks5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
==== kcalendarcore ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Fix maintainer, that is supposed to be Allen Winter
* Re-add COLOR property serialization from RFC7986.
* Add support for CONFERENCE property
* Add alarmsTo convenience method to Calendar
* Check that by day recurrences do not precede dtStart.
==== kcmutils ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5KCMUtils5 libKF5KCMUtils5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
* remove hack that broke multi level kcms in icon mode
==== kcodecs ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Codecs5 libKF5Codecs5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kcompletion ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Completion5 libKF5Completion5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kconfig ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kconf_update5 libKF5ConfigCore5 libKF5ConfigCore5-lang libKF5ConfigGui5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Add KF6 TODO to use the just-approved (*) XDG_STATE_HOME env var.
* Fix KConfigGroup::copyTo with KConfigBase::Notify
==== kconfigwidgets ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5ConfigWidgets5 libKF5ConfigWidgets5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Remove redundant setLayout() call
==== kcontacts ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kcontacts-lang libKF5Contacts5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kcoreaddons ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kcoreaddons-lang libKF5CoreAddons5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Port some usage of QStringRef to QStringView
* [ktexttohtml] Add test case for empty text
* Make int to QChar conversion explicit
* Remove unused include
* Guard QRegExp include behind deprecation flag
* Fix include for NAME_MAX
* Fix test KFormatTest::formatRelativeDate
* Avoid to crash when factory is empty (when we return an error)
* KFormat: Add more relative date time cases
* Enable KPluginFactory to optionally pass KPluginMetaData to plugins
==== kcrash ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kdav ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kdav-lang libKF5DAV5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Remove it as it creates too many errors
==== kdbusaddons ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kdbusaddons-tools libKF5DBusAddons5 libKF5DBusAddons5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kdeclarative ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kdeclarative-components libKF5CalendarEvents5 libKF5Declarative5 libKF5Declarative5-lang libKF5QuickAddons5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Sync margins from AbstractKCM into SimpleKCM
* Remove obsolete license text
* Relicense file to LGPL-2.0-or-later
* Rewrite KeySequenceItem (and helper) to use KeySequenceRecorder (kde#407395)
==== kded ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kded-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kdelibs4support ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kdelibs4support-lang libKF5KDELibs4Support5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kdesu ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Su5 libKF5Su5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Properly parse escaped double quotes
* Add OpenBSD's doas(1) support
==== kdnssd-framework ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5DNSSD5 libKF5DNSSD5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kdoctools ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kdoctools-lang libKF5DocTools5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kemoticons ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kfilemetadata5 ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kfilemetadata5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Port some deprecated method
* Fix some leaks in OpenDocument and Office OpenXML extractors
* Add several subtypes for OpenDocument and OpenXML document
==== kglobalaccel ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kglobalaccel5 libKF5GlobalAccel5 libKF5GlobalAccel5-lang libKF5GlobalAccelPrivate5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Load statically linked kglobalacceld interface plugins
==== kguiaddons ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Explicitly BuildRequire pkgconfig(wayland-client) that's needed
now and don't rely on other packages pulling it in
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Remove redundant setLayout() call (parent is passed to Q*Layout ctor)
* Make shortcut inhibition work from the get-go (kde#407395)
* Fix potential crash in wayland inhibitor teardown (kde#429267)
* CMake: Find Qt5::GuiPrivate when Wayland support is enabled
* Add KeySequenceRecorder as base for KKeySequenceWidget and KeySequenceItem
==== kholidays ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Holidays5 libKF5Holidays5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Fix rounding of sun position events less than 30s before the next hour
* Avoid parsing each holiday file twice in defaultRegionCode()
* Compute the astro seasons only once per occurrence
* Fix holiday region lookup for ISO 3166-2 codes
* Make HolidayRegion copyable/movable
* Add support for calculating civil twilight times
==== khtml ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5KHtml5 libKF5KHtml5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== ki18n ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5I18n5 libKF5I18n5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kiconthemes ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5IconThemes5 libKF5IconThemes5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
* Add selected property to effects
* Use qDebug instead if icon theme is not found
==== kidletime ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Load statically linked system poller plugins
==== kimageformats ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kimageformats-eps
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* test: don't convert image format if possible
* No longer descease color depth to 8 for 16 bit uncompressed PSD files
* tests: Remove qimage_format_enum_names and just use QMetaEnum
==== kinit ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kinit-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kio ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kio-core kio-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Too many changes since 5.76.0, only listing bugfixes:
* NewFile Dialog: allow to accept directory creation before stat has run (kde#429838)
* KUrlNavBtn: make opening subdirs from dropdown menu with the keyboard work (kde#428226)
* Places view: highlight place only when it is displayed (kde#429806)
* KIO::iconNameForUrl: resolve icon for remote files based on name (kde#429530)
* RenameDialog: allow to overwrite when files are older (kde#236884)
* Do not add unnecessary separators (kde#427830)
==== kirigami2 ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kirigami2-lang libKF5Kirigami2-5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Too many changes since 5.76.0, only listing bugfixes:
* Refine list separator appearance (kde#428739)
* Fix rendering borders the proper size with software fallback (kde#427556)
* Use fwidth() for smoothing in low power mode (kde#427553)
==== kitemmodels ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kitemmodels-imports libKF5ItemModels5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Remove redundant setLayout() call
* Remove test app, KRecursiveFilterProxyModel is deprecated since 5.65
* KRearrangeColumnsProxyModel: only column 0 has children
==== kitemviews ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5ItemViews5 libKF5ItemViews5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
* We require Qt 5.13 now, so remove ifdef
==== kjobwidgets ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5JobWidgets5 libKF5JobWidgets5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
==== kjs ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5JS5 libKF5JSApi5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== knewstuff ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: knewstuff-imports libKF5NewStuff5 libKF5NewStuff5-lang libKF5NewStuffCore5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Too many changes since 5.76.0, only listing bugfixes:
* Reuse QWidgets dialog (kde#416328)
* Fix entry disappearing too early from updatable page (kde#427801)
* Remove entry from cache before inserting new entry (kde#424919)
==== knotifications ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Notifications5 libKF5Notifications5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Remove redundant setLayout() call
* Don't pass transient hint (kde#422042)
* Add SPDX license statement for the impl on macOS
* Fix case-sensitive error of AppKit header on macOS
* Do not invoke invalid notification actions
* Fix memory handling for notifybysnore
==== knotifyconfig ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5NotifyConfig5 libKF5NotifyConfig5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
==== kpackage ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kpackage-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Drop X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends
==== kparts ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Parts5 libKF5Parts5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Deprecate embed() method, for lack of usage
* Make KParts use KPluginMetaData instead of KAboutData
==== kpeople5 ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kpeople5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kplotting ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kpty ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Pty5 libKF5Pty5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kquickcharts ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here.
==== kross ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kross-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== krunner ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Do not use explicitly deleted constructor in autotests
* Deprecate KDE4 package remnants
* Remove unneeded test
* Use isValid() method instead of nullptr check
* Simplify nullptr checks
* Make use of new KPluginMetaData plugin constructor support of KPluginLoader
* Add trailing commas
* Add clang-format target
* Rework internals of match id methods and add tests for it
==== kservice ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kservice-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* [kapplicationtrader] Fix API docs
* KSycoca: recreate DB when version < expected version
* KSycoca: Keep track of resources Files of KMimeAssociation
* KSycoca: ensure extrafiles are ordered for comparison
* KSycoca: avoid database rebuild if XDG_CONFIG_DIRS contains
* Fix duplicate detection check
==== ktexteditor ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: ktexteditor-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Port KComboBox to QComboBox
* use KSyntaxHighlighting themeForPalette
* fix i18n call, missing argument (kde#429096)
* minor improvements to theme search
* Improve the automatic theme selection
==== ktextwidgets ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5TextWidgets5 libKF5TextWidgets5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
==== kunitconversion ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5UnitConversion5 libKF5UnitConversion5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kwallet ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: kwallet-tools kwallet-tools-lang kwalletd5 kwalletd5-lang libKF5Wallet5 libkwalletbackend5-5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== kwayland ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Compile without deprecated method
==== kwidgetsaddons ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5WidgetsAddons5 libKF5WidgetsAddons5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
* Don't emit twice passwordChanged
* We require Qt 5.13 now, so remove ifdef
* KEditListWidget: fix runtime warning from QLayout
* typo--
* Add KMessageDialog, an async-centric variant of KMessageBox
* Restore the old default popup mode of KActionMenu
* Port KActionMenu to QToolButton::ToolButtonPopupMode
==== kwindowsystem ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5WindowSystem5 libKF5WindowSystem5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
* Load statically linked integration plugins
* Portaway from pid() to processId()
==== kxmlgui ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5XmlGui5 libKF5XmlGui5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
* autotests: fix for Windows by using GenericDataLocation
* We depend on Qt 5.13 now so we can remove this check
* Introduce HideLibraries and deprecate HideKdeVersion
* Fix build without KGlobalAccel
* Rewrite KKeySequenceWidget to use KeySequenceRecorder
==== libKF5ModemManagerQt ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== libKF5NetworkManagerQt ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== miniupnpc ====
- Fix the python subpackage generation
- Support multiple python3 flavors gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66
- Don't own the whole python sitearch directory
==== php7 ====
Subpackages: apache2-mod_php7 php7-ctype php7-dom php7-gd php7-gettext php7-iconv php7-json php7-mbstring php7-mysql php7-pdo php7-sqlite php7-tokenizer php7-xmlreader php7-xmlwriter
- restart php-fpm.service in %posttrans fpm (extensions may need
to be updated too, so restart must be delayed to after all RPM
transactions have completed)
==== plasma-framework ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Plasma5 plasma-framework-components plasma-framework-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Too many changes since 5.76.0, only listing bugfixes:
* Finish the animation before changing the length of the progressbar highlight (kde#428955)
* [textfield] Fix clear button overlapping text (kde#429187)
==== prison-qt5 ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Prison5 prison-qt5-imports
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Pass parent to Q*Layout ctor instead of calling setLayout()
==== purpose ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Purpose5 libKF5PurposeWidgets5 purpose-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Remove unused include
* [bluetooth] Fix sharing multiple files (kde#429620)
* Read translated plugin action label (kde#429510)
==== qqc2-desktop-style ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* button: rely on down, not pressed for styling
* Reduce the size of round buttons on mobile
* Remove debugging leftover
* fix mobile scrollbar in RTL mode
* fix progressbar in RTL mode
* fix RTL display for RangeSlider
==== solid ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Solid5 libKF5Solid5-lang solid-imports solid-tools
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Include errno.h for EBUSY/EPERM
* FstabBackend: return DeviceBusy where umount failed on EBUSY (kde#411772)
* Fix detection of recent libplist and libimobiledevice
==== sonnet ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5SonnetCore5 libKF5SonnetCore5-lang libKF5SonnetUi5
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.76.0:
* Use contains instead of indexOf
==== strace ====
Version update (5.9 -> 5.10)
- Update to strace 5.10
* Improvements
* libdw-based stack tracing is now enabled for non-native personalities.
* Implemented decoding of process_madvise syscall introduced in Linux 5.10.
* Updated decoding of pidfd_open syscall to match Linux 5.10.
* Updated decoding of membarrier syscall to match Linux 5.10.
* Updated lists of ALG_*, BPF_*, INET_DIAG_*, IORING_*, KEY_*, KVM_*, MDBA_*,
* Updated lists of ioctl commands from Linux 5.10.
* Bug fixes
* Added clock_gettime64, clock_settime64, clock_adjtime64, and
lock_getres_time64 syscalls to %clock trace class.
==== syndication ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== syntax-highlighting ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
Subpackages: libKF5SyntaxHighlighting5 libKF5SyntaxHighlighting5-lang
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- Too many changes since 5.76.0, only listing bugfixes:
* Latex: some math environments can be nested (kde#428947)
==== threadweaver ====
Version update (5.76.0 -> 5.77.0)
- Update to 5.77.0
* New feature release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 5.76.0
==== vim ====
Version update (8.2.2105 -> 8.2.2129)
Subpackages: gvim vim-data vim-data-common
- Update to version 8.2.2129, fixes the following problems:
* There is no way to do something on CTRL-Z
* Vim9: executing user command from Vim9 script not tested
* Ruby: missing function prototype
* Vim9: leaking memory
* Vim9: a range cannot be computed at runtime
* After using a complete popup the buffer is listed
* Vim9: crash when sourcing vim9script early
* Internal error when using \ze before \zs in a pattern
* Not all Perl functionality is tested
* GTK3: status line background color is wrong
* Dead code in the job support
* Some functions use any value as a string
* Vim9: some errors not tested for; dead code
* Vim9: unreachable code in assignment
* Running tests may leave some files behind
* GTK: menu background is the same color as the main window
* Cannot use ":shell" when reading from stdin
* "vim -" does not work well when modifyOtherKeys is enabled
* Vim9: no test to check for :let error
* Vim9: some errors not tested
* TOML files are not recognized
* Update runtime files.
==== virtualbox ====
Subpackages: virtualbox-guest-tools virtualbox-guest-x11
- Fix additional mouse control dialog issues.
- Forward Hans-Peter Jansen's fixes.
==== virtualbox-kmp ====
- Fix additional mouse control dialog issues.
- Forward Hans-Peter Jansen's fixes.
==== wireless-regdb ====
- leverage %{_firmwaredir} to install firmware into correct location (boo#1029961)
==== yast2-firstboot ====
Version update (4.3.9 -> 4.3.10)
- Map the current static hostname only to the primary IP address
of the connections without a hostname.
- Do not write network changes that are not related with the
hostname client (bsc#1178834)
- 4.3.10
==== yast2-network ====
Version update (4.3.32 -> 4.3.34)
- Write also connections in case that the hostname mapped to a
connection primary IP address is changed through the DNS
standalone client (bsc#1174431)
- 4.3.34
- Allow to modify the hostname mapped to a connection primary IP
address when the associated hostname is modified (bsc#1174431)
- 4.3.33
==== yast2-security ====
Version update (4.3.5 -> 4.3.6)
- Removed obsolete setting DISPLAYMANAGER_SHUTDOWN from
/etc/sysconfig/displaymanager (bsc#1175495).
- 4.3.6
==== yast2-trans ====
Version update (84.87.20201205.6b65f14502 -> 84.87.20201213.376c5d6d35)
Subpackages: yast2-trans-af yast2-trans-ar yast2-trans-bg yast2-trans-bn yast2-trans-bs yast2-trans-ca yast2-trans-cs yast2-trans-cy yast2-trans-da yast2-trans-de yast2-trans-el yast2-trans-en_GB yast2-trans-es yast2-trans-et yast2-trans-fa yast2-trans-fi yast2-trans-fr yast2-trans-gl yast2-trans-gu yast2-trans-hi yast2-trans-hr yast2-trans-hu yast2-trans-id yast2-trans-it yast2-trans-ja yast2-trans-jv yast2-trans-ka yast2-trans-km yast2-trans-ko yast2-trans-lo yast2-trans-lt yast2-trans-mk yast2-trans-mr yast2-trans-nb yast2-trans-nl yast2-trans-pa yast2-trans-pl yast2-trans-pt yast2-trans-pt_BR yast2-trans-ro yast2-trans-ru yast2-trans-si yast2-trans-sk yast2-trans-sl yast2-trans-sr yast2-trans-sv yast2-trans-ta yast2-trans-th yast2-trans-tr yast2-trans-uk yast2-trans-vi yast2-trans-wa yast2-trans-xh yast2-trans-zh_CN yast2-trans-zh_TW yast2-trans-zu
- Update to version 84.87.20201213.376c5d6d35:
* Translated using Weblate (Chinese (China))
* New POT for text domain 'security'.
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
* Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
* New POT for text domain 'registration'.
* New POT for text domain 'firstboot'.
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* New POT for text domain 'firstboot'.
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
* Added translation using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal))
[View Less]
All meeting minutes can be found here:
## Participants
guillaume_g, dleuenberger, lkocman, skriesch, wengel, michel, maxlin,
ddemaio, rbrown
!!! Please be aware that this meeting is hosted on
## Leap
My Christmas break starts on Thursday 17th Dec, but I'll be available
on phone/telegram/RocketChat
Updated software-o-o to display all install-images in the single
installation tab (…
[View More]no more ports)
Announcement of openSUSE Leap 15.3 testing images availability on
!!! New package submissions need to be currently submitted to
openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3 !!! We'll fix this (internal request OBS-
Next step from this is to update get-software-o-o (future replacement
for software-o-o)
I'll be working on as many tasks as possible in progress-o-o. A lot of
them are no longer applicable since we re-use binaries.
## openSUSE Tumbleweed
* RPM 4.16 in Staging:A, together with brp-check-suse.
* openblas:
* Mozilla (FF and TB):
The rest in Staging:A seems to settle
* Ruby 3.0 scheduled for Dec 25; YaST is not ready for it, the rest
seems ok; we will add ruby 3.0 as 2nd interpreter and build all
rubygems - but stay with ruby 2.7 as default for now
* Active work won rpmlint 2.0 is ongoing; integration work is messy,
due to its huge dep chain
* DNS on openQA/ariel is stil set to GOOGLE
## Richard (Kubic/TW MicroOS)
MicroOS is moving to selinux by default (but not Kubic, yet). Package
to automatically configure it is WIP. Meanwhile users can enable it
with transactional-update setup-selinux Please join the
selinux(a) mailinglist for all discussions related to
improving SELinux on openSUSE.
kubernetes 1.20 packged and released, minor tunings required
All MicroOS/Kubic appliance/vm/pi images may configure hostname based
on DHCP lease, submission in review.
MicroOS/Kubic Pi images now use compress=lzo
MicroOS tasks being tracked on a public github project tracker - . Everyone should
please feel free to leave suggestions or (even better) work on the
issues tracked there.
My Christmas break starts from 18th Dec.
Shameless Plug: Blogged about using combustion to configure MicroOS on
Pi -
## Max
* Review suse-sle-reviewers SRs aka mirror submissions
lkocman: for everyone please reference bug or jira in submissions for
SLE. suse-sle-reviewers will not approve SR without issue reference as
SLE Release Manager would reject it anyway. And we want to keep short
feedback loop.
* Working on Backports project
* Check what packages have to carry from 15.2:Update to SP3 Backports
* Seems rpmlint-backports hasn't refuse opencv3 build on !x86_64
Lubos will look at the publishing of appliance images, which is
currently not working.
## Guillaume - Arm
I will be off the next 2 weeks, but I will keep an eye on openQA.
* is rolling no blocker.
Leap 15.3 ARM:
* A "Prefer: opencv" has been added to PrjConf of Backports:SLE-15-
SP3 to fix unresolvables on all non-x86 architectures
* Armv7: Project setup to do.
RPi 400 is still a WIP. We already have patches for u-boot, waiting for
internal review:
WSL: WIP to have WSL on aarch64 on The goal
is to haveWSL-DistroLauncher package built for aarch64.
Lubos: no update either
Will be done today: On this topic I have an agreement with WSL team to
publish a blog post about how to get this working manually via wsl.exe
import of aarch64 binary archive from OBS. Fedora recently published
something like this, but for x86.
WSL information:
## Michel ppc64le
start to look at leap15.3 tests failures
Lubos requested additional HW resources for openqa, Hector (our Power
TPM) is on it.
Adrian: there is support for ppc VM in the script, but we need KVM for
building images.
Lubos to check with Hector.
## Sarah - s390x
* first official week for Sarah with openSUSE release engineering as a
* fix for DASD bug is ongoing (Developers require more information)
* verification of different bug fixes
## Doug
* End of Year Survey to run from Dec. 19 to - Jan. 2 (questions
* Will write article
* Alpha Leap 15.3 article today
* shops prototype received
* matomo (former piwik) is down. (fix likely to come in January)
* centos topic -
* Elections
* Elections have begun
* Meet the candidates this weekend -
## Dirk
Not present
Finished rewording of Distribution Architecture Policy and posted
update (was: Tier1 Policy):
Various Tumbleweed package updates:
## Gerald
Not present
## Wolfgang (Package Hub)
* Backports synced to CDN so PackageHub can be activated with
SUSEConnect and is ready for testing
* KDE Plasma 5 is currently missing, Antonio is helping on that
* Waiting for some submit requests to SLE to be accepted
- (perl-Test-Warnings)
- (perl-YAML)
- (serd)
- (python-Markdown)
- (lv2)
- (lilv)
Lubos will request prioritization of these requests. Let's make sure
it's done before Christmas or until end of the year in worst case.
Max would like to setup Minimal staging for Backports over the
Christmas break.
## Adrian - CtLG
On vacation
Marco will deliver finished mirroring plugin by end of the week.
All that's needed should be done, including publishing.
Max: we can enable publishing in :ToTest
Will work on Leap 15.3 publishing these days. Afterwards Jump 15.2
project will be removed everywhere.
lkocman: Any news from Marco on SR mirroring?
Adrian/Max: SR redirection is already in place, should work for frozen
projects as well.
We need to see if there is any gap in between freezing Backports and
ARMv7 discussion notes
* Setup should be for ARMv7 and count possibly RISC-V
* ARMv7 has just ready to boot images, so no install images.
- These were not on, but rather linked from
wiki. In the end we would like to have these images on software-o-o as
* Guillaume is fine with using term Ports
* We will need to have a (sub) project that contains all the sources
from SUSE:SLE-15-SP3:GA (the whole inheritance structure) +
openSUSE:Backports + openSUSE:Leap:15.3
Arches would initially be set only to ARMv7
We would like to have Autobuild's help for at least the initial setup.
Guillaume should be admin on that project, otherwise it's going to be
We would like to have setup by mid January.
Max: we need to rebuild every source, my concern is about the layout
We will most likely have to copy sources one by one.
Lubos: Let's ask autobuild how to copy sources and ensure that they're
the same as in the inheritance structure for SUSE:SLE-15.
Max: An idea: we could compare package list in Leap 15.2, we could copy
it from SP3:GA or inherited project and rebuild that.
Note: Lubos just sent request for initial ARMv7 setup to
ARMv7 Feature tracker for OPENSUSE-14 / SLE-17212 (accessible to
members of openSUSE partner team, Neal Gompa, me, Guillaume G.)
[View Less]
Good morning,
Please point me in the right direction if this message was not posted to the appropriate mailing list.
We are currently updating and improving the openSUSE user documentation and there is something that I would like clarified, as the question often occurs on the support platforms. The page states:
Please be aware of the following limitations of the live images.
They should not be used to install or upgrade Tumbleweed. …
[View More]Please use the Tumbleweed media instead. They have a limited package and driver selection, so cannot be considered an accurate reflection as to whether Tumbleweed will work on your hardware or not
My question is two-fold:
- Is the fact that "the live images have limited package and driver selection" the (main) reason why they should not be used to install Tumbleweed?
- If so, are there *other important reasons* worth mentioning to motivate users not to install from live images? If not, what are the *main reasons*?
[View Less]
I had taken bsc#1178478 as an opportunity to rework
package a bit. After we get Apache/apache2 state into
Factory, I think it will be ready for cautious testing.
Notable changes:
* package is now massively tested with upstream
* update-alternatives are used to provide httpd
command and modules under /usr/lib64/apache2
* APACHE_EXTENDED_STATUS="lua" gives something
Please report me any oddity you spot.
Have a lot of fun!
Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading:…
Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug
on For more information on filing bugs please
[View More]openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports
Packages changed:
fwupd (1.5.2 -> 1.5.3)
gstreamer (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
gstreamer-plugins-bad (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
gstreamer-plugins-base (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
gstreamer-plugins-good (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
gstreamer-plugins-libav (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
gstreamer-plugins-ugly (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
kernel-firmware (20201120 -> 20201130)
libzypp (17.25.2 -> 17.25.5)
patterns-gnome (20200416 -> 20201210)
python-M2Crypto (0.36.0 -> 0.37.1)
python-Pillow (7.2.0 -> 8.0.1)
python-cryptography (3.2.1 -> 3.3)
python-kiwi (9.21.26 -> 9.22.1)
python-reportlab (3.5.51 -> 3.5.56)
rsyslog (8.2010.0 -> 8.2012.0)
rubygem-vagrant_cloud (2.0.3 -> 3.0.2)
simple-scan (3.38.1 -> 3.38.2)
systemd (246.6 -> 246.7)
tracker (3.0.1 -> 3.0.2)
tracker-miners (3.0.1 -> 3.0.3)
yast2-network (4.3.31 -> 4.3.32)
yast2-security (4.3.4 -> 4.3.5)
yast2-storage-ng (4.3.27 -> 4.3.28)
zypper (1.14.40 -> 1.14.41)
=== Details ===
==== apache2 ====
- added like server status
(configured by APACHE_EXTENDED_STATUS="lua")
- modified sources
% apache2-mod_status.conf
% apache2-start_apache2
% sysconfig.apache2
- actually install suse provided READMEs
- install upstream configuration example
- added sources
+ apache2-README-configuration.txt
==== apache2-prefork ====
- added like server status
(configured by APACHE_EXTENDED_STATUS="lua")
- modified sources
% apache2-mod_status.conf
% apache2-start_apache2
% sysconfig.apache2
- actually install suse provided READMEs
- install upstream configuration example
- added sources
+ apache2-README-configuration.txt
==== apache2-utils ====
- added like server status
(configured by APACHE_EXTENDED_STATUS="lua")
- modified sources
% apache2-mod_status.conf
% apache2-start_apache2
% sysconfig.apache2
- actually install suse provided READMEs
- install upstream configuration example
- added sources
+ apache2-README-configuration.txt
==== fwupd ====
Version update (1.5.2 -> 1.5.3)
Subpackages: fwupd-lang libfwupd2 libfwupdplugin1 typelib-1_0-Fwupd-2_0
- Update to version 1.5.3:
+ Lower the CURL version required to fix build in RHEL
+ Do not use meson ternary operations to avoid bumping the
required meson version
+ Added Lite Mk III
+ Allow setting the GMainContext when used for sync methods
+ Fall back to the misc device for serio devices
+ Actually implement rescan in FuUdevDevice
+ bcm57xx: Refactor CRC code to remove extra byteswap
+ bcm57xx: Fix CRC check
+ synaptics-rmi: Don't crash if calling ->to_string() before
- >setup()
+ Fix a possible critical warning due to missing retval
+ Add the serio->firmare_id for UDev devices
+ Export the driver name from FuUdevDevice
+ Allow the client to send PKCS7 and GPG signatures
+ Force the remote kind to JCat server-side
+ Only parse the signature if the remote is JCat
+ fu-main: Fix sender_features insert with wrong size
+ make platform integrity plugin optional and disabled by default
+ Add quirk for Western Digital
+ Mark more user-visible strings as translatable
+ modem-manager: validate firmware update method combinations
+ modem-manager: remove unused byte counts in QMI/PDC update logic
+ modem-manager: make sure the correct interface number is used
for QMI
+ modem-manager: udev monitoring only if device switches layout
+ modem-manager: plug udev client leak
+ Restrict loading component types of firmware
- Enable supported_build to clarify that this package is supported
- Drop fwupd-platform-integrity.conf since upstream disables the
platform integrity module by default now due to incompleteness.
- Address fwupd-refresh.service in %preun, %pre, %post, and %postun
and provide a rc link for it
- Version "Obsoletes: dbxtool" and "Obsoletes: fwupdate"
==== gstreamer ====
Version update (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
Subpackages: gstreamer-lang gstreamer-utils libgstreamer-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-Gst-1_0
- Update to version 1.18.2:
+ Highlighted bugfixes:
- Fix MPEG-TS timestamping regression when playing DVB streams
- compositor: fix artefacts in certain input scaling/conversion
situations and make sure that the output format is actually
supported, plus renegotiation fixes
- Fix sftp:// URI playback in decodebin/playbin via giosrc
- adaptivedemux/dashdemux/hlsdemux fixes
- rtsp-server fixes
- android media: fix crash when encoding AVC
- fix races in various unit tests
- lots of other bug fixes and memory leak fixes
- various stability, performance and reliability improvements
- g-i annotation fixes
- build fixes
+ gstreamer changes:
- bin: When removing a sink, check if the EOS status changed
- info: colorize PIDs in log messages
- aggregator: Include min-upstream-latency in buffering time,
helps especially with performance issues on single core
systems where there are a lot of threads running
- typefind: copy seqnum to new segment event, fixing issues
with oggdemux operating in push mode with typefind operating
in pull mode
- identity, clocksync: Also provide system clock if sync=false
- queue2: Fix modes in scheduling query handling
- harness: Handle element not being set cleanly
- g-i: Add some missing nullable annotations, and fix some
nullable annotations:
- gst_test_clock_process_next_clock_id() returns nullable
- gst_stream_type_get_name() is not nullable
- build: fix build issue when compiling for 32-bit
architectures with 64-bit time_t (e.g. riscv32) by increasing
padding in GstClockEntryImpl in gst_private.h
- Fix the _service file and spec to really use the tarball
generated by service.
==== gstreamer-plugins-bad ====
Version update (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-bad-lang gstreamer-transcoder libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0 libgstbadaudio-1_0-0 libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0 libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0 libgstcodecs-1_0-0 libgstisoff-1_0-0 libgstmpegts-1_0-0 libgstphotography-1_0-0 libgstsctp-1_0-0 libgsttranscoder-1_0-0 libgsturidownloader-1_0-0 libgstvulkan-1_0-0 libgstwayland-1_0-0 libgstwebrtc-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-GstTranscoder-1_0
- Update to version 1.18.2:
+ tsparse: timestamp packetized buffers, fixing timestamp
handling regression in connection with dvbsrc in MeTV
+ ttmlparse: fix issues in aggregation of input TTML
+ mpegdemux: Set duration on seeking query if possible, fixes
seeking in MPEG-PS streams in gst-play-1.0
+ mpegtsdemux: Fix off by one error
+ adaptivedemux:
- Store QoS values on the element
- Don't calculate bitrate for header/index fragments
+ hlsdemux: Don't double-free variant streams on errors
+ mpegtspacketizer: Handle PCR issues with adaptive streams
+ player: call ref_sink on pipeline
+ vkdeviceprovider: Avoid deadlock on physical device
+ wlvideoformat: fix DMA format convertor
+ Webrtc shutdown crashes
+ decklink:
- Update enum value bounds check in gst_decklink_get_mode()
- Correct framerate 2KDCI 23.98
+ amc: Fix crash when encoding AVC
+ d3d11videoprocessor: Fix wrong input/output supportability
+ opencv: allow compilation against 4.5.x
+ tests: svthevcenc: Fix test_encode_simple
+ tests: dtls: Don't set dtlsenc state before linking
+ mpegtsmux: Restore intervals when creating TsMux
+ adaptivedemux, hlsdemux, curl: Use actual object for logging
+ gi: player: Fix get_current_subtitle_track() annotation
- Fix the _service file and spec to really use the tarball
generated by service.
==== gstreamer-plugins-base ====
Version update (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-base-lang libgstallocators-1_0-0 libgstapp-1_0-0 libgstaudio-1_0-0 libgstfft-1_0-0 libgstgl-1_0-0 libgstpbutils-1_0-0 libgstriff-1_0-0 libgstrtp-1_0-0 libgstrtsp-1_0-0 libgstsdp-1_0-0 libgsttag-1_0-0 libgstvideo-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-GstAudio-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstPbutils-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstTag-1_0 typelib-1_0-GstVideo-1_0
- Update to version 1.18.2:
+ gl/eagl: internal view resize fixes for glimagesink
+ video-converter: increase the number of cache lines for
resampling, fixes significant color issues and artefacts with
"special" resizing parameters in compositor
+ compositor: Don't crash in prepare_frame() if the pad was just
+ decodebin3: Properly handle caps query with no filter
+ videoaggregator:
- Guarantee that the output format is supported
- Fix locking around vagg->info
- Fix renegotiation when using convert pad
- document and fix locking in convert pad
+ gluploadelement:
- Avoid race condition of base class' context
- Avoid race condition of inside upload creation
+ gl: Fix prototype of glGetSynciv()
+ tcpserversink: Don't assume g_socket_get_remote_address()
+ audiodecoder, videodecoder: Don't reset max-errors property
value in reset()
+ audioencoder: Fix incorrect GST_LOG_OBJECT usage
+ pbutils: Fix segfault when using invalid encoding profile
+ g-i: videometa: gir annotate the size of plane array in new API
+ examples/gl/gtk: Add missing dependency on gstgl
+ video: fix doc warning.
- Fix the _service file and spec to really use the tarball
generated by service.
==== gstreamer-plugins-good ====
Version update (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-good-extra gstreamer-plugins-good-gtk gstreamer-plugins-good-jack gstreamer-plugins-good-lang gstreamer-plugins-good-qtqml
- Update to version 1.18.2:
+ rpicamsrc: add vchostif library as it is required to build
+ deinterlace: Enable x86 assembly with nasm on MSVC
+ v4l2: caps negotiate wrong as interlace feature
+ aacparse: Fix caps change handling
+ rtspsrc: Use URI hash for stream id
+ flvmux: Release pads via GstAggregator
+ qtmux: Chain up when releasing pad, and fix some locking
+ matroska-mux: Fix sparse stream crash
+ Splitmux testsuite races
- Fix the _service file and spec to really use the tarball
generated by service.
==== gstreamer-plugins-libav ====
Version update (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
- Update to version 1.18.2:
+ avauddec: Check planar-ness of frame rather than context, fixes
issue with aptX HD decoding.
==== gstreamer-plugins-ugly ====
Version update (1.18.1 -> 1.18.2)
Subpackages: gstreamer-plugins-ugly-lang
- Update to version 1.18.2:
+ No changes.
- Fix the _service file and spec to really use the tarball
generated by service.
==== icewm-theme-branding ====
- Change file /etc/icewm/startup: Pass environment variables to
systemd --user session (bsc#1179237).
==== kernel-firmware ====
Version update (20201120 -> 20201130)
Subpackages: kernel-firmware-all kernel-firmware-amdgpu kernel-firmware-ath10k kernel-firmware-ath11k kernel-firmware-atheros kernel-firmware-bluetooth kernel-firmware-bnx2 kernel-firmware-brcm kernel-firmware-chelsio kernel-firmware-dpaa2 kernel-firmware-i915 kernel-firmware-intel kernel-firmware-iwlwifi kernel-firmware-liquidio kernel-firmware-marvell kernel-firmware-media kernel-firmware-mediatek kernel-firmware-mellanox kernel-firmware-mwifiex kernel-firmware-network kernel-firmware-nfp kernel-firmware-nvidia kernel-firmware-platform kernel-firmware-prestera kernel-firmware-qlogic kernel-firmware-radeon kernel-firmware-realtek kernel-firmware-serial kernel-firmware-sound kernel-firmware-ti kernel-firmware-ueagle kernel-firmware-usb-network ucode-amd
- Update to version 20201130 (git commit 7455a3606674):
* linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX210
* linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX210
* i915: Add GuC firmware v49.0.1 for all platforms
* i915: Remove duplicate KBL DMC entry
* Mellanox: Add new mlxsw_spectrum firmware xx.2008.2018
==== libzypp ====
Version update (17.25.2 -> 17.25.5)
- Fix lsof monitoring (bsc#1179909)
- version 17.25.5 (22)
- Prevent librpmDb iterator from accidentally creating an empty
rpmdb in / (repoened bsc#1178910)
- Fix update of gpg keys with elongated expire date (bsc#1179222)
- needreboot: remove udev from the list (bsc#1179083)
- Prefer /run over /var/run.
- version 17.25.4 (22)
- RepoManager: Carefully tidy up the caches. Remove non-directory
entries. (bsc#1178966)
- RpmDb: If no database exists use the _dbpath configured in rpm.
Still makes sure a compat symlink at /var/lib/rpm exists in case
the configures _dbpath is elsewhere. (bsc#1178910)
- Url: Hide known password entries when writing the query part
(bsc#1050625 bsc#1177583, CVE-2017-9271)
- adapt testcase to change introduced by libsolv#402.
- RepoManager: Force refresh if repo url has changed (bsc#1174016)
- RepoInfo: ignore legacy type= in a .repo file and let RepoManager
probe (bsc#1177427, Fixes openSUSE/zypper#357).
- version 17.25.3 (22)
==== lvm2 ====
Subpackages: liblvm2cmd2_03
- lvm2 should use 'external_device_info_source="udev"' by default (bsc#1179691)
- change external_device_info_source from none to udev
- comment out lvm.conf item preferred_names by default (bsc#1179738)
- comment out preferred_names
- Update lvm.conf, make it closely to upstream's setting (bsc#1179739)
- change lvm.conf, follow upstream 7b41ea61b2e33dbfad754fd4c6e7851faf7ca5ef
==== lvm2-device-mapper ====
Subpackages: device-mapper libdevmapper-event1_03 libdevmapper1_03 libdevmapper1_03-32bit
- lvm2 should use 'external_device_info_source="udev"' by default (bsc#1179691)
- change external_device_info_source from none to udev
- comment out lvm.conf item preferred_names by default (bsc#1179738)
- comment out preferred_names
- Update lvm.conf, make it closely to upstream's setting (bsc#1179739)
- change lvm.conf, follow upstream 7b41ea61b2e33dbfad754fd4c6e7851faf7ca5ef
==== malcontent ====
Subpackages: libmalcontent-0-0 libmalcontent-ui-0-0 malcontent-lang typelib-1_0-Malcontent-0
- Split MalcontentControl into seperate package so a library
doesn't require a desktop application.
==== mdadm ====
- There are some important fixes merged in mdadm upstream which
should go with jsc#SLE-13700. This is the update from upstream
mdadm including the important fixes we should have.
- Detail: show correct raid level when the array is inactive
- Don't create bitmap for raid5 with journal disk
- Monitor: refresh mdstat fd after select (jsc#SLE-13700)
- Monitor: stop notifing about containers. (jsc#SLE-13700)
- mdmonitor: set small delay once (jsc#SLE-13700)
- Check if other Monitor instance running before fork.
- Super1: allow RAID0 layout setting to be removed.
- Detail: fix segfault during IMSM raid creation
- Create.c: close mdfd and generate uevent (jsc#SLE-13700)
- imsm: update num_data_stripes according to dev_size
- imsm: remove redundant calls to imsm_get_map (jsc#SLE-13700)
- Monitor: don't use default modes when creating a file
- imsm: limit support to first NVMe namespace (jsc#SLE-13700)
- mdadm: Unify forks behaviour (jsc#SLE-13700)
- mdadm/Detail: show correct state for clustered array
- Make target to install binaries only (jsc#SLE-13700)
- udev: start grow service automatically (jsc#SLE-13700)
==== patterns-gnome ====
Version update (20200416 -> 20201210)
Subpackages: patterns-gnome-gnome patterns-gnome-gnome_basic patterns-gnome-gnome_basis patterns-gnome-gnome_basis_opt patterns-gnome-gnome_games patterns-gnome-gnome_ide patterns-gnome-gnome_imaging patterns-gnome-gnome_internet patterns-gnome-gnome_multimedia patterns-gnome-gnome_office patterns-gnome-gnome_utilities patterns-gnome-gnome_x11 patterns-gnome-gnome_yast patterns-gnome-sw_management_gnome
- Add malcontent-control recommendation to the base pattern
==== patterns-server ====
Subpackages: patterns-server-dhcp_dns_server patterns-server-directory_server patterns-server-file_server patterns-server-gateway_server patterns-server-kvm_server patterns-server-lamp_server patterns-server-mail_server patterns-server-printing patterns-server-xen_server
- kvm-server for s390x: beginning with the v5.2.0 qemu package,the
s390x specific sub-package is named qemu-s390x, not qemu-s390.
Reference using the new name (boo#1177764 jsc#SLE-17060)
==== python-M2Crypto ====
Version update (0.36.0 -> 0.37.1)
- Update to 0.37.1:
- Remove support for CentOS 6 and Python 2.6 (remove
tests.vendor module). Python 2.7 is still fully supported.
- Remodel CI:
- on GitHub switched from Travis-CI to GH Actions
- on GitLab-CI: stop testing 2.7 on Fedora, add centos7
- update appveyor.yml
- Stop playing with swig in, we don't support swig 1.*
- Fix dereferencing of pointers (gl#m2crypto/m2crypto#281)
- Replace deprecated PyObject_AsReadBuffer with our own shim
(thanks to Casey Deccio for saving my bacon there).
- Use parametrized to create parametrized tests (new external
- Only use DigestSign() and DigestUpdate() with OpenSSL >= 1.1.1
- Expose all the X509_V_FLAG
- Add support for DigestSign* and DigestVerify*
==== python-Pillow ====
Version update (7.2.0 -> 8.0.1)
- specfile:
* README.rst ->
- update to version 8.0.1:
* Update FreeType used in binary wheels to 2.10.4 to fix
CVE-2020-15999. [radarhere]
* Moved string_dimension image to pillow-depends #4993 [radarhere]
- changes from version 8.0.0:
* Drop support for EOL Python 3.5 #4746, #4794 [hugovk, radarhere,
* Drop support for PyPy3 < 7.2.0 #4964 [nulano]
* Remove ImageCms.CmsProfile attributes deprecated since 3.2.0 #4768
[hugovk, radarhere]
* Remove long-deprecated functions #4798 [hugovk, nulano,
* Add support for 16-bit precision JPEG quantization values #4918
* Added reading of IFD tag type #4979 [radarhere]
* Initialize offset memory for PyImagingPhotoPut #4806 [nqbit]
* Fix TiffDecode comparison warnings #4756 [nulano]
* Docs: Add dark mode #4968 [hugovk, nulano]
* Added macOS SDK install path to library and include directories
[#4974] [radarhere, fxcoudert]
* Imaging.h: prevent confusion with system #4923 [ax3l, ,radarhere]
* Avoid using pkg_resources in PIL.features.pilinfo #4975 [nulano]
* Add getlength and getbbox functions for TrueType fonts #4959
[nulano, radarhere, hugovk]
* Allow tuples with one item to give single color value in getink
[#4927] [radarhere, nulano]
* Add support for CBDT and COLR fonts #4955 [nulano, hugovk]
* Removed OSError in favour of DecompressionBombError for BMP #4966
* Implemented another ellipse drawing algorithm #4523 [xtsm,
* Removed unused JpegImagePlugin._fixup_dict function #4957
* Added reading and writing of private PNG chunks #4292 [radarhere]
* Implement anchor for TrueType fonts #4930 [nulano, hugovk]
* Fixed bug in Exif __delitem__ #4942 [radarhere]
* Fix crash in ImageTk.PhotoImage on MinGW 64-bit #4946 [nulano]
* Moved CVE images to pillow-depends #4929 [radarhere]
* Refactor font_getsize and font_render #4910 [nulano]
* Fixed loading profile with non-ASCII path on Windows #4914
* Fixed effect_spread bug for zero distance #4908 [radarhere,
* Added formats parameter to #4837 [nulano, radarhere]
* Added regular_polygon draw method #4846 [comhar]
* Raise proper TypeError in putpixel #4882 [nulano, hugovk]
* Added writing of subIFDs #4862 [radarhere]
* Fix IFDRational __eq__ bug #4888 [luphord, radarhere]
* Fixed duplicate variable name #4885 [liZe, radarhere]
* Added homebrew zlib include directory #4842 [radarhere]
* Corrected inverted PDF CMYK colors #4866 [radarhere]
* Do not try to close file pointer if file pointer is empty #4823
* ImageOps.autocontrast: add mask parameter #4843 [navneeth, hugovk]
* Read EXIF data tEXt chunk into info as bytes instead of string
[#4828] [radarhere]
* Replaced distutils with setuptools #4797, #4809, #4814, #4817,
[#4829], #4890 [hugovk, radarhere]
* Add MIME type to PsdImagePlugin #4788 [samamorgan]
* Allow ImageOps.autocontrast to specify low and high cutoffs
separately #4749 [millionhz, radarhere]
==== python-Twisted ====
- Add twisted-pr1369-remove-pyopenssl-npn.patch to support
pyOpenSSL 20
- Add twisted-pr1487-increase-ffdh-keysize.patch to support
crpytography 3.3
- Fix the update-alternatives setup
* manpages were cloned but never registerd with u-a
* install alternatives as master and slave links now
==== python-cryptography ====
Version update (3.2.1 -> 3.3)
- update to 3.3.0
- BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Support for Python 3.5 has been removed
due to low usage and maintenance burden.
- BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: The GCM and AESGCM now require 64-bit
to 1024-bit (8 byte to 128 byte) initialization vectors. This
change is to conform with an upcoming OpenSSL release that will
no longer support sizes outside this window.
- BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: When deserializing asymmetric keys we
now raise ValueError rather than UnsupportedAlgorithm when an
unsupported cipher is used. This change is to conform with an
upcoming OpenSSL release that will no longer distinguish
between error types.
- BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: We no longer allow loading of finite
field Diffie-Hellman parameters of less than 512 bits in
length. This change is to conform with an upcoming OpenSSL
release that no longer supports smaller sizes. These keys were
already wildly insecure and should not have been used in any
application outside of testing.
- Updated Windows, macOS, and manylinux wheels to be compiled
with OpenSSL 1.1.1i.
- Python 2 support is deprecated in cryptography. This is the
last release that will support Python 2.
- Added the recover_data_from_signature() function to
RSAPublicKey for recovering the signed data from an RSA
- Remove unnecessary dependency virtualenv.
==== python-immutables ====
- Add skip_32bit_tests.patch (gh#MagicStack/immutables#53) to skip tests
which fail on 32bit architectures.
==== python-kiwi ====
Version update (9.21.26 -> 9.22.1)
- Bump version: 9.22.0 ? 9.22.1
- Fixed validation of bool value in dracut module
The oem-multipath-scan setup results in a bool variable inside
of the initrd code. The variable kiwi_oemmultipath_scan is
therefore either set to "true" or "false". A check in code
of the form [ -n ... ] is stupid since the variable always
contains text. This commit fixes the validation to make use
of the bool() method provided for these type of variables
- Bump version: 9.21.26 ? 9.22.0
- Omit multipath module by default
The plain installation of the multipath toolkit activates the
dracut multipath code. The setup if the target image runs in a
multipath environment or not should however be decided explicitly
in the image description via <oem-multipath-scan> and not
implicitly by the presence of tools
- Fixed multipath disk device assignment in kiwi lib
The former lookup of the multipath mapped disk device contained
a race condition. If the lookup of the device mapper files happened
before multipathd has finished the initialization, kiwi continues
with the unix node name and fails when the device mapper keeps
a busy state on it. This commit changes the code such that in case
of an explicit request to use multipath the lookup of the mapped
device becomes a mandatory process that runs until the
DEVICE_TIMEOUT is reached. Default timeout is set to 60 sec.
This references Issue SUSE-Enceladus/azure-li-services#255
- Fixed PackageManager decorator in unit test
Implement patch decorators for factories consistently
- Refactor Repository
This commit refactors the Repository class and turns it into a
proper factory class and also includes type hints to facilitate
it's use from an API POV. Related to #1498
- Add DNF as a proper dependency for openSUSE
This is required so that OBS can build openSUSE containers and appliances
using DNF as the package manager.
- Fixed spec file microdnf requirement
SUSE/SLES doesn't provide microdnf within the official channels yet
- Refactor Partitioner
This commit refactors the Partitioner class and turns it into a
proper factory class and also includes type hints to facilitate
it's use from an API POV. Related to #1498
- Avoid using generators in pre-mount hooks
This commit deletes the generator that was creating the sysroot.mount
unit for ramdisk deployments. Generators, specially the sysroot.mount is
expected to be created on very early stages of the boot procedure as
this has impact on relevant targets such as, which
does not depend on sysroot.mount if the unit is not there.
In ramdisk deployments some data is known on pre-mount stage as
as it is downloaded from the PXE server. At this stage it is not safe to
generate a sysroot.mount unit that depends on as
the target is close to finalize or even finalized already and could
potentially skip sysroot.mount exection.
Instead we include a mount hook which is only executed on ramdisk
deployments that simply runs the mount command to mount /sysroot.
This fixes bsc#1178670
- Refactor PackageManager
This commit refactors the PackageManager class and turns it into
a proper factory class which also include type hints to facilitate
it's use from an API POV. Related to #1498
- Refactor Markup
This commit refactors the Markup class and turns it into a proper
factory class which also include type hints to facilitate it's
use from an API POV. Related to #1498
==== python-outcome ====
- BuildRequire more than the default python3 flavor packages
- pytest-cov is not required
==== python-paramiko ====
- Set environment to utf-8 to allow tests to pass on Python 2. (bsc#1178341)
==== python-psutil ====
- Only require unittest2 for Leap.
- Add missing BR for unittest2
==== python-reportlab ====
Version update (3.5.51 -> 3.5.56)
- Update to 3.5.56
* allow setting initial template cycle
* fix for pillow 8.0.x
* added trustedHosts & trustedSchemes settings
* allow Drawing.outDir to be a callable
- Rebased reportlab-missing-includes.patch
==== python-sniffio ====
- Revert the python36 skip. python36-curio has been reenabled
==== rsyslog ====
Version update (8.2010.0 -> 8.2012.0)
- Upgrade to rsyslog 8.2012.0:
* testbench bugfix: some tests did not work in make distcheck
* immark: rewrite with many improvements
* usability: re-phrase error message to help users better understand cause
* add new system property $now-unixtimestamp
* omfwd: add new rate limit option
* omfwd bug: param "StreamDriver.PermitExpiredCerts" is not "off" by default
==== rubygem-vagrant_cloud ====
Version update (2.0.3 -> 3.0.2)
- New upstream release 3.0.2
[#] v3.0.2 (October 30, 2020)
* Raise custom exception on request error [GH-67](
[#] v3.0.1 (October 27, 2020)
* Fixes on authentication related client methods [GH-65](
* Prevent frozen data modifications on deletions [GH-65](
* Update direct upload callback behaviors [GH-65](
[#] v3.0.0 (September 21, 2020)
* Refactor library implementation [GH-59](
* Add support for direct storage uploads [GH-62](
_NOTE_: This release includes breaking changes and is not backwards compatible
==== simple-scan ====
Version update (3.38.1 -> 3.38.2)
Subpackages: simple-scan-lang
- Update to version 3.38.2:
+ Add new text resolution 200 dpi.
+ Fix crash when scanning on Lexmark MFP.
+ Display an error, when no documents found in the feeder during
start scanning.
+ Do not use is_inhibited() as it is not reliable, check the
cookie value instead.
+ Updated translations.
==== systemd ====
Version update (246.6 -> 246.7)
Subpackages: libsystemd0 libsystemd0-32bit libudev-devel libudev1 libudev1-32bit systemd-32bit systemd-container systemd-doc systemd-lang systemd-logger systemd-sysvinit udev
- Import commit d5e7958d35dc7758fe2e87e0a8193b93ce1a1b15 (merge of v246.7)
450792497e sd-event: fix delays assert brain-o (#17790)
1040a19d08 udevadm: rename option '--log-priority' into '--log-level'
a7b41e19bd udev: rename kernel option 'log_priority' into 'log_level'
For a complete list of changes, visit:…
==== tracker ====
Version update (3.0.1 -> 3.0.2)
Subpackages: libtracker-sparql-3_0-0 tracker-data-files tracker-lang typelib-1_0-Tracker-3_0
- Update to version 3.0.2:
+ Update some wording in website
+ Fix initialization issues in portal
+ Improve turtle parser
+ Improve checks for dates in the far past/future
+ Cleanup meson build options
+ Fix invalid reads
+ Make UPDATE parser tree processing iterative rather than
+ Fix errors in tracker:uri-is-parent
+ Protect harder against invalid database state
+ Introspection annotation fixes
+ Improve thread safety of internal ontology objects
+ Add missing <package> element to gir file.
==== tracker-miners ====
Version update (3.0.1 -> 3.0.3)
Subpackages: tracker-miner-files tracker-miners-lang
- Update to version 3.0.3:
+ Allow newstatat/statat64 syscalls
+ Brown paper bag release
- Changes from version 3.0.2:
+ Fix sched test under non glibc platforms
+ Refcount fixes
+ Avoid the fluiddec gstreamer plugin
+ Ensure to avoid non-native files in tracker-extract-3
+ CI fixes
+ Updated translations.
==== yast2-network ====
Version update (4.3.31 -> 4.3.32)
- Fix bonding slaves sorting (bsc#1178950)
- 4.3.32
==== yast2-security ====
Version update (4.3.4 -> 4.3.5)
- Removed handling of obsolete entry SYSTOHC in /etc/sysconfig/clock
- 4.3.5
==== yast2-storage-ng ====
Version update (4.3.27 -> 4.3.28)
- Partitioner: do not show summary when there are no actions to
perform (bsc#1179829).
- 4.3.28
==== zypper ====
Version update (1.14.40 -> 1.14.41)
Subpackages: zypper-log zypper-needs-restarting
- Avoid translated text in xml attributes ( fixes #361 )
- BuildRequires: libzypp-devel >= 17.25.3.
Adapt to new LoadTestcase API.
- version 1.14.41
[View Less]
Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading:…
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on For more information on filing bugs please
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Packages changed:
man-pages-ja (20191215 -> 20201115)
=== Details ===
==== man-pages-ja ====
Version update (20191215 -> 20201115)
- version update to 20201115
* added and improved manual pages
[View Less]
According to
PHP applications should put PHP files under /usr/share/php/{<Vendor
Name> or <Application Name>}.
Currently, the /usr/share/php directory is not in the filesystem
package and also not provided by PHP{7,8}. Should this directory be
provided by PHP{7,8} or should packages create this directory
themselves as needed? Or should packages install in the
/usr/share/php{7,8} instead?
Citeren Eric Schirra <ecsos(a)>:
> Am 2020-12-15 09:41, schrieb Ralf Lang:
>> Am 15.12.2020 um 09:39 schrieb Eric Schirra:
>>> Am 2020-12-15 08:40, schrieb Arjen de Korte:
>>>> According to
>>>> PHP applications should put PHP files under /usr/share/php/{<Vendor
>>>> Name> or <Application Name>}.
>>>> Currently, the /…
[View More]usr/share/php directory is not in the filesystem
>>>> package and also not provided by PHP{7,8}. Should this directory be
>>>> provided by PHP{7,8} or should packages create this directory
>>>> themselves as needed? Or should packages install in the
>>>> /usr/share/php{7,8} instead?
>>> Why should a php-web-application go under this directory?
>>> This is totally illogical and not reproducible.
>>> For me a web application should be under /srv/www.
>>> It's not a "normal" application. It's application which runs under one
>>> server.
>> We had the argument for and against /srv/www for several years. I don't
>> really feel any side of the argument is superior. We should settle for
>> one or the other and work out the details on how to implement it and
>> document that, not go back to the general question time and again.
> I does not know about the old discussion.
> And i don't forbid my mouth.
> /usr/share has hunderd of packages/application in it.
> We would have no overview wath is a "normal package" and what is a
> web-package.
> This is for people which have to much time.
> But not for people which really must work.
Make up your mind. You accepted which points to
boo#1092345 exactly detailing why applications should install to
/usr/share instead of /srv/www.
[View Less]