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September 2021
- 109 participants
- 96 discussions
On 2021/09/10 03:00, Dominique Leuenberger wrote:
> Why are there 4 dates associated with the release(s) that go out?
> internal date: 0907
> title date (in message) 0908
> file date: 0909
> actual message date 0910.
> Shouldn't any of those agree?
Attempted cleanup -- hopefully won't bounce?
Hello all,
I'm a contributor to the Wine project. To summarize the following mail,
Wine needs special versions of some of its normal dependencies, such as
libfreetype and libgnutls, built using the MinGW cross-compiler, and I'm
sending out a mail to major distributions in order to get some feedback
from our packagers on how these should be built and packaged.
For a long time Wine has built all of its Win32 libraries (DLLs and
EXEs) as ELF binaries. For various reasons related to …
[View More]application
compatibility, we have started building our binaries as PE instead,
using the MinGW cross-compiler. It is our intent to expand this to some
of our dependencies as well. The list of dependencies that we intend to
build using MinGW is not quite fixed yet, but we expect it to include
and be mostly limited to the following:
* libvkd3d
* libFAudio
* libgnutls
* zlib (currently included via manual source import)
* libmpg123
* libgsm
* libpng
* libjpeg-turbo
* libtiff
* libfreetype
* liblcms2
* jxrlib
and dependencies of the above packages (not including CRT dependencies,
which Wine provides).
There is currently some internal discussion about how these dependencies
should be built and linked. There are essentially three questions I see
that need to be resolved, and while these resolutions have a significant
impact on the Wine building and development process, they also have an
impact on distributions, and accordingly I'd like to get input from our
packagers to ensure that their considerations are accurately taken into
(1) Should we build via source import, or link statically, or dynamically?
Static linking and source imports are dispreferred by openSUSE [1] [2],
on the grounds that they make it harder to handle security updates. They
also take up more space on disk, and make building and bisecting harder.
Note however that if they are linked dynamically, we need to make sure
that we load our packages instead of MinGW builds of open-source
libraries with applications ship with. There's some internal discussion
about whether this is possible while using "stock" builds of MinGW
libraries, but, due to the way the Win32 loader works, we will probably
need to compile each library, and its dependencies, with a separate,
wine-specific name, e.g. "libwinefreetype-6.dll" and
"libwineharfbuzz.dll". For a detailed explantion see footnote [3]. Note
that all we actually need to change is the name; we don't need to patch
the source.
Accordingly, although static linking and source imports are generally
disprefered, it may quite likely be preferable in our case. We don't get
the benefits of on-disk deduplication, since Wine is essentially the
only piece of software which needs these libraries.
(2) If we use dynamic libraries, should dependencies be included in the
main wine package, or packaged separately?
This is mostly a question for packagers, although it also relates to (3).
(3) If dependencies are packaged separately, should Wine build them as
part of its build tree (e.g. using submodules), or find and link
(statically or dynamically) to existing binaries?
Linking to existing binaries is generally preferable: it avoids
duplication on disk; it reduces compile times when compiling a single
package from source (especially the first time). However, we aren't
going to benefit from on-disk duplication. And, most importantly, unlike
with ELF dependencies, there is no standardized way to locate MinGW
libraries—especially if it comes to Wine-specific libraries. There is a
MinGW version of pkg-config shipped by many distributions, which lets us
find libraries, but there's no standardized way to find them at runtime.
(Also, as far as I can tell, openSUSE doesn't build MinGW pkg-config? I
couldn't seem to find it anywhere. That could be trivially solved, though.)
For what it's worth, the current proposed solution (which has the
support of the Wine maintainer) involves source imports and submodules.
There's probably room for changing our approach even after things are
committed, but I'd still like to get early feedback from distributions,
and make sure that their interests are accurately represented, before we
[3] The basic problem is that applications can and often do ship with PE
builds of cross-platform libraries. These libraries can be ahead of
Wine's system libraries, behind them, or even built with custom patches.
Accordingly we really don't want to load "our" freetype in place of
"their" freetype, or "theirs" in place of "ours". But because of the way
the Win32 loader works, you can generally only have one DLL of a given
name loaded in a process, and further attempts to dlopen() [as it were]
"libfreetype-6.dll" will return the handle to the already loaded
library, potentially breaking either Wine or the application. There
*may* be ways we can hack around this internally, but it's not clear
that it's feasible yet, and so it's probably best to assume that we'll
need special builds of dynamic libraries.
[View Less]

openSUSE Release Engineering Meeting 10.09.2021 - ad hoc Leap 15.3 image respins planning
by Lubos Kocman 10 Sep '21
by Lubos Kocman 10 Sep '21
10 Sep '21
Document is available here:
Assuming respin project name is openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Update:Respin and
Reason for this effort
* We did not republish 15.2 / 15.3 Images with boothole/shim respins.
15.2 was too close to 15.3 GA
* Axel Brown approached us regarding Rasppi image respin. See details
* openSUSE Leap current doesn't have …
[View More]installer update channel, so our
flexibility is limited compared to e.g. SLE 15 SP3
- Project setup
Starting by 15.3
* Don't rebuild update package
** Repositories
<path project="openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Update" repository="standard-
<path project="openSUSE:Leap:15.3" repository="standard"/>
<path project="openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3:Checks"
<path project="openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3:Update"
<path project="openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3"
<path project="SUSE:SLE-15-SP3:Update" repository="pool-leap-
<path project="SUSE:SLE-15-SP3:GA" repository="pool"/>
<path project="SUSE:SLE-15-SP2:Update" repository="pool-leap-
<path project="SUSE:SLE-15-SP2:GA" repository="pool"/>
<path project="SUSE:SLE-15-SP1:Update" repository="pool-leap-
<path project="SUSE:SLE-15-SP1:GA" repository="pool"/>
<path project="SUSE:SLE-15:Update" repository="pool-leap-15.3"/>
<path project="SUSE:SLE-15:GA" repository="pool"/>
** The *snapshot* repo(pool-leap-15.3) should be used in order to
avoiding random product rebuilding be triggered. Maybe we should
refresh pool-leap-15.3?
* Make sure disk limit rule is tweaked for product build images/local
* Copy project attributes from openSUSE:Leap:15.3 if needed,
OSRT:Config, OSRT:ProductVersion and OSRT:ToTestManagerConfig, you
might need to adjust the value.
* We need a snapshot-repo of standard repository in
openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Update and openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3, eg.
- Package level
* Must to have and need to rebuild + we has been asked to delete some
packages from ftp-tree: 000package-groups(for pkglistgen),
000product(generated by pkglistgen per 000package-groups), 000release-
packages(generated by pkglistgen per 000package-groups), installation-
images, and 000update-repos?
* Fixed skelcd-control-openSUSE - remember that workaround in the
release package for additional update repos
- Tooling
* pkglistgen (+ update-repos?)
* project-installcheck
* TotestManager
* skippkg-finder (for fix terrible uninstallable rpms in ftp)
* Give the right permission on project/package for bots
* tweak and provide a separate config for 15.3
Update:Respin (lubos)
- openQA
* Add config for Respin project to openqa-trigger-from-obs
* Add a new JobGroup on o3 for Respin testing, maybe "openSUSE Leap 15
Respin", we can reuse old "openSUSE Leap 15" jobgroup config (We can't
re-use current group which is already used for 15.4)
* Run libsolv/installcheck against asset repo in openqa, in some cases
you might need to adjust 'skippkg-finder-skiplist-ignores' in
OSRT:Config for skippkg-finder recalculation. openQA's asset repo isn't
browseable, but it is a good repo setup, add it to zypper, refresh
zypper to get repodata, you should've repodata in
/var/cache/raw/zypp/REPO_NAME, run libsolv/installcheck with repodata.
* Discuss scope of test-suite we probably doesn't need full scope of
tests that we have for Leap 15 now, but at least offline migration
should be tested from previous 15.X releases and typical install
* Should we worry about Leap -> SLE migration? I'll mention it to PM
and Wei Gao, however I don't think that the effort should somehow
endanger this scenario. It's expected to work from an updated Leap
15.3+ system.
- Publishing
* Publishing script have to work for
openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Update:Respin:ToTest -> ftp-stage. Who can do this?
* Some changes to replace old Leap 15.3 content to the respined one on
pontifex. Who should do this?
* Lubos to talk to Lars and Adrian about publishing script next Friday
- Availability
The published image should be simply available on as
the lastest Leap 15.X image without any need to rework the page
manually. Ideally our -Current symlink should always point to the
latest image.
- Cadence
Our respin setup should be able to handle regular quaterly updates, but
given the resources we have and demand, we don't believe we have to
rebuild image every quarter.
It would be more of a reactive rebuild (when needed), which would be
time-wise synchronized with timing of a SLE Quartlerly update release.
- Architectures
x86_64, s390x, ppc64le, aarch64 (Armv7 out of scope)
- Artifacts
Initial setup
DVD image
ARM deployment images (rasppi ...)
Net install image
WSL (We'll create subproject wsl team will figure out the rest)
Containers to be checked with Neal (not for this round).
- Out of scope
Product identification change
- Prerequisites
All fixes are expected to be accepted in the Leap15.3:Update,
openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP3:Update, SUSE:SLE-15-SPX:Update projects
... etc. This effort is only for respinning images that will contain
released maintenance updates.
[View Less]
Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading:…
Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug
on For more information on filing bugs please
[View More]openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports
Packages changed:
Mesa (21.2.0 -> 21.2.1)
Mesa-drivers (21.2.0 -> 21.2.1)
MozillaFirefox (91.0.1 -> 91.0.2)
MozillaThunderbird (91.0.1 -> 91.0.3)
akonadi-calendar (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
akonadi-calendar-tools (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
akonadi-contact (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
akonadi-import-wizard (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
akonadi-mime (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
akonadi-notes (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
akonadi-search (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
akonadi-server (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
akregator (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
analitza (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
apache2-mod_php7 (7.4.22 -> 7.4.23)
ark (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
arpwatch (2.1a15 -> 3.1)
baloo5-widgets (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
blinken (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
bluedevil5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
bovo (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
breeze (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
breeze-gtk (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
calendarsupport (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
cervisia (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
corosync (2.4.5+git69.6236728a -> 2.4.5+git70.64010f57)
discover (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
dolphin (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
dragonplayer (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
drkonqi5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
eventviews (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
ffmpegthumbs (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
flatpak (1.11.2 -> 1.11.3)
grantleetheme (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
gtk4 (4.2.1 -> 4.4.0)
gwenview5 (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
hwdata (0.350 -> 0.351)
incidenceeditor (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
irqbalance ( ->
juk (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
k3b (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kaccounts-integration (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kaccounts-providers (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kactivitymanagerd (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kaddressbook (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kalarmcal (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kalgebra (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kamera (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kanagram (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kapptemplate (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kate (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
katomic (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kblackbox (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kblocks (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kbounce (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kbreakout (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kbruch (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kcachegrind (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kcalc (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kcalutils (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kcharselect (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kcm_sddm (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kcolorchooser (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kcron (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kde-cli-tools5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kde-gtk-config5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kde-print-manager (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kdeconnect-kde (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kdeedu-data (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kdegraphics-thumbnailers (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kdenetwork-filesharing (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kdepim-addons (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kdepim-runtime (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kdf (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kdialog (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kdiamond (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kernel-firmware (20210812 -> 20210901)
kernel-source (5.13.13 -> 5.14.0)
kgamma5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kgeography (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kget (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kgoldrunner (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
khangman (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
khelpcenter5 (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
khotkeys5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kidentitymanagement (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kig (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kimap (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kinfocenter5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kio-extras5 (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kio_audiocd (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kipi-plugins (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kiriki (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kiten (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kitinerary (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kjumpingcube (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kldap (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kleopatra (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
klines (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmag (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmahjongg (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmail (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmail-account-wizard (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmailtransport (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmbox (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmenuedit5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kmime (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmines (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmousetool (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmouth (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kmplot (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
knavalbattle (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
knetwalk (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
knotes (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kolf (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kollision (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kolourpaint (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kompare (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
konquest (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
konsole (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kontact (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kontactinterface (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
konversation (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kopete (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
korganizer (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kpat (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kpimtextedit (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kpkpass (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kqtquickcharts (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
krdc (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kreversi (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
krfb (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kruler (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kscreen5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kscreenlocker (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kshisen (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
ksirk (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
ksmtp (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kspaceduel (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
ksquares (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
ksshaskpass5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
ksudoku (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
ksystemlog (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
ksystemstats5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kteatime (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
ktimer (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
ktnef (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
ktouch (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kturtle (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kubrick (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kwalletmanager5 (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kwayland-integration (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kwayland-server (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kwin5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
kwordquiz (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
kwrited5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
layer-shell-qt (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
libaom (3.1.1 -> 3.1.2)
libepoxy (1.5.8 -> 1.5.9)
libgravatar (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkcddb (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkcompactdisc (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkdcraw (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkdecoration2 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
libkdegames (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkdepim (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkeduvocdocument (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkexiv2 (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkgapi (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkipi (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkleo (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkmahjongg (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkomparediff2 (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libksane (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libkscreen2 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
libksieve (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libksysguard5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
libktorrent (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
libqt5-qtbase (5.15.2+kde200 -> 5.15.2+kde222)
libvirt (7.6.0 -> 7.7.0)
libyui (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
libyui-ncurses (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
libyui-ncurses-pkg (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
libyui-qt (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
libyui-qt-graph (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
libyui-qt-pkg (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
lokalize (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
lskat (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
mailcommon (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
mailimporter (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
mariadb-connector-c (3.1.13 -> 3.2.3)
mbox-importer (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
mcelog (177 -> 178)
messagelib (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
milou5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
mobipocket (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
numactl ( ->
okular (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
oxygen5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
parley (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
php7 (7.4.22 -> 7.4.23)
pim-data-exporter (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
pim-sieve-editor (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
pimcommon (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
plasma-browser-integration (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
plasma-nm5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
plasma5-addons (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
plasma5-desktop (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
plasma5-disks (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
plasma5-integration (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
plasma5-pa (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
plasma5-systemmonitor (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
plasma5-thunderbolt (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
plasma5-workspace (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
powerdevil5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
python-libvirt-python (7.6.0 -> 7.7.0)
qemu (6.0.0 -> 6.1.0)
re2 (20210801 -> 20210901)
rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks (1.5.0 -> 1.5.1)
signon-kwallet-extension (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
skanlite (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
spectacle (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
step (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
strace (5.13 -> 5.14)
suse-module-tools (16.0.8+1 -> 16.0.9)
sweeper (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
systemd (248.6 -> 249.4)
systemsettings5 (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
umbrello (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
usbutils (013 -> 014)
xdg-desktop-portal-kde (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
xrdb (1.2.0 -> 1.2.1)
yakuake (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
yast2-add-on (4.4.1 -> 4.4.2)
yast2-trans (84.87.20210822.664756784b -> 84.87.20210828.fbeca8288d)
=== Details ===
==== Mesa ====
Version update (21.2.0 -> 21.2.1)
Subpackages: Mesa-dri-devel Mesa-libEGL1 Mesa-libGL1 Mesa-libglapi0 libgbm1
- update to 21.2.1
* first bugfix release
==== Mesa-drivers ====
Version update (21.2.0 -> 21.2.1)
Subpackages: Mesa-dri Mesa-gallium Mesa-libva libvdpau_r300 libvdpau_r600 libvdpau_radeonsi libvulkan_intel libvulkan_radeon libxatracker2
- update to 21.2.1
* first bugfix release
==== MozillaFirefox ====
Version update (91.0.1 -> 91.0.2)
Subpackages: MozillaFirefox-translations-common
- Mozilla Firefox 91.0.2:
* Fixed: Firefox no longer clears authentication data when
purging trackers, to avoid repeatedly prompting for a
password (bmo#1721084)
==== MozillaThunderbird ====
Version update (91.0.1 -> 91.0.3)
Subpackages: MozillaThunderbird-translations-common
- Mozilla Thunderbird 91.0.3:
* fixed: Folder icons could be overridden by linked favicons in
HTML messages
* fixed: Unified folders showed no messages when underlying
folders were removed
* fixed: Folder pane toolbar did not always persist after
restarting Thunderbird
* fixed: Compose window attachment pane did not close when
disabling signing of an OpenPGP message
* fixed: Using "Reply to List" with some list emails
incorrectly opened a "no-reply" warning
* fixed: Account setup UX issues with Exchange autodiscover
* fixed: Account settings did not display non-UTF-8 server
descriptions correctly
* fixed: Thunderbird sometimes sent an unnecessary "SMTPUTF8",
causing some servers to reject mail
* fixed: No mouseover pop was displayed with event details for
non-all-day events in the Today Pane
* fixed: Filtering tasks in the Today Pane did not work
* fixed: Email based event scheduling displayed the date and
time in a format unreadable by humans
- Mozilla Thunderbird 91.0.2:
* new: Tags are now colored in mail filter editor
* changed: Context menu items related to OpenPGP and
attachments are now hidden when not applicable
* fixed: Creating a new account with manual setup failed
* fixed: Recipient autocomplete always preferred the primary
email address for a contact
* fixed: LDAP performance improvements
* fixed: Extensions listed on the Recommended Addons did not
have a clear way to view details in a browser
* fixed: Status checkmark on View > Calendar > Calendar Pane >
Show Calendar Pane was reversed
* fixed: mid: URLs in calendar invites did not open the linked
mail message
* fixed: Various theme and UX fixes
==== WindowMaker ====
- Added build requirements which result in broader image support and UTF-8/RTL
==== akonadi-calendar ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-calendar-lang akonadi-plugin-calendar libKF5AkonadiCalendar5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Ensure created ical resources syncs initial config to storage
==== akonadi-calendar-tools ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-calendar-tools-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Ensure created ical resources syncs initial config to storage
==== akonadi-contact ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-contact-lang akonadi-plugin-contacts libKF5AkonadiContact5 libKF5ContactEditor5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== akonadi-import-wizard ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-import-wizard-lang libKPimImportWizard5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== akonadi-mime ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-mime-lang akonadi-plugin-mime libKF5AkonadiMime5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== akonadi-notes ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-notes-lang libKF5AkonadiNotes5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== akonadi-search ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-search-lang libKF5AkonadiSearch
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== akonadi-server ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-server-lang libKF5AkonadiAgentBase5 libKF5AkonadiCore5 libKF5AkonadiPrivate5 libKF5AkonadiWidgets5 libKF5AkonadiXml5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Add a missing static storage class
==== akregator ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: akregator-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== analitza ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libAnalitza5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== apache2-mod_php7 ====
Version update (7.4.22 -> 7.4.23)
- updated to 7.4.23: This is a security release which also contains
several bug fixes. See
==== apr ====
- security update
- added patches
fix CVE-2021-3594 [bsc#1187367], invalid pointer initialization may lead to information disclosure (udp)
+ apr-CVE-2021-3594.patch
==== ark ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: ark-lang libkerfuffle21
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== arpwatch ====
Version update (2.1a15 -> 3.1)
- Remove accidentially checked in manpage (arpwatch.8)
- Update to version 3.1 (bsc#1185939)
* Dropped
+ arpwatch-2.1a11-emailaddr.dif, this is now supported upstream.
Incompatible change: Flags change from -e and -s to -w and -W
+ arpwatch-2.1a11-hname-overflow.dif: included upstream
+ arpwatch-2.1a11-tokenring.diff: Dropped token ring support
+ arpwatch-2.1a15-massagevendor.patch: new python version
is available
+ arpwatch-MAC.patch: Fix is upstream
+ getnameinfo.patch
* Refreshed
+ 0001-Ignore-802.1Q-frames.patch
+ arp2ethers.patch
* Notable upstream changes:
+ Add python 2 compatibility to massagevendor (for pfsense <= 2.4.4).
+ Add -Z (zero pad) and -C (compact) flags to arpwatch and arpsnmp to allow
run time selection of zero padded or compact ethernet addresses in arp.dat.
+ arpsnmp errors now go to stderr instead of syslog.
+ Add arpwatch directory flag (-D)
+ Added the -x flag which is like -n but excludes cidrs
==== baloo5-widgets ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: baloo5-widgets-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== blinken ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: blinken-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== bluedevil5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: bluedevil5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== bovo ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: bovo-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== breeze ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-style-lang breeze5-wallpapers libbreezecommon5-5
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.22.4:
* kstyle: consider activeSubControls when deciding arrow colour (kde#434884)
==== breeze-gtk ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== calendarsupport ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: calendarsupport-lang libKF5CalendarSupport5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Remove dead print plugins
* Fix Clazy warnings
* Make events stand out from holidays when printing
==== cervisia ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: cervisia-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== corosync ====
Version update (2.4.5+git69.6236728a -> 2.4.5+git70.64010f57)
Subpackages: libcfg6 libcmap4 libcorosync_common4 libcpg4 libquorum5
- Update to version 2.4.5+git70.64010f57:
* totem: Add cancel_hold_on_retransmit config option
==== cronie ====
Subpackages: cron
- Change default configuration to use run-parts from debianutils
instead of run-crons
- Remove cronie-anacron-1.4.7-run-crons.patch to make anacron use
- update to 1.5.7:
* anacron: Fix problem of anacron not being started on some desktops
* crontab: switch off colors if NO_COLOR is set
* crontab: crontab without arguments now works if stdin is not a TTY
* crond: Fix various issues on loading the crontab databases on startup
* anacron: Expand MAILTO and MAILFROM environment variables
* crontab: New option to test crontab file syntax without installing it
- cronie-nheader_lines.diff: refresh against 1.5.7
==== discover ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: discover-backend-flatpak discover-backend-fwupd discover-backend-packagekit discover-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.22.4:
* Show actual shortcut for Refresh action's tooltip (kde#438916)
==== dolphin ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: dolphin-part dolphin-part-lang libdolphinvcs5
- Add patch to fix the "Open in Terminal" functionality if kinit
is not running (kde#441072):
* 0001-Port-to-KTerminalLauncherJob.patch
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Filter the items that have changed
* FoldersPanel: Fix inline renaming (kde#441124)
* Fix selecting file always opening new instance (kde#440663)
* Avoid crash on start when help actions are restricted through the Kiosk system
==== dragonplayer ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: dragonplayer-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== drkonqi5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== eventviews ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: eventviews-lang libKF5EventViews5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Allow separate ListView configurations
* Preserve sorting in the ListView (kde#441530)
==== ffmpeg-4 ====
Subpackages: libavcodec58_134 libavdevice58_13 libavfilter7_110 libavformat58_76 libavresample4_0 libavutil56_70 libpostproc55_9 libswresample3_9 libswscale5_9
- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2021-38171.patch: Backport from upstream to fix
adts_decode_extradata in libavformat/adtsenc.c in FFmpeg 4.4
does not check the init_get_bits return value (bsc#1189724).
==== ffmpegthumbs ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: ffmpegthumbs-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== flatpak ====
Version update (1.11.2 -> 1.11.3)
Subpackages: libflatpak0 system-user-flatpak
- Update to version 1.11.3.
* Bug fixes:
* Don't inherit an unusual $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR setting into the sandbox,
fixing a regression introduced when CVE-2021-21261 was fixed in
1.8.5 and 1.10.0
* Update the included copy of bubblewrap (flatpak-bwrap) to 0.5.0
* Better diagnostics when a --bind or other bind-mount fails
* Create non-directories with safer permissions
* Allow mounting an non-directory over an existing non-directory
* Silence kernel messages for our bind-mounts
* Improve ability to bind-mount directories on case-insensitive
* Don't ask user which remote to download from if there is only
one option
* Internal changes:
* Improve test coverage
* Spelling fixes
* Translation updates: Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian
==== grantleetheme ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: grantleetheme-lang libKF5GrantleeTheme5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== grilo ====
Subpackages: grilo-lang libgrilo-0_3-0 libgrlnet-0_3-0 libgrlpls-0_3-0 typelib-1_0-Grl-0_3
- Add grilo-CVE-2021-39365.patch: Fix missing TLS certificate
verification(glgo#GNOME#grilo#146 bsc#1189839 CVE-2021-39365).
==== gtk4 ====
Version update (4.2.1 -> 4.4.0)
Subpackages: gtk4-lang gtk4-schema libgtk-4-1 typelib-1_0-Gtk-4_0
- Update to version 4.4.0:
+ Input:
- Match IBus for display of Compose sequences
- Match IBus for handling of mismatches
- Handle Escape in Compose sequences
- Allow multiple dead keys
- Support 32bit keysyms
+ GtkCheckButton: Activate when moving focus
+ GtkLabel: Propertly ignore double underscores for mnemonics
+ GtkPopoverMenu: Fix focus cycling
+ GtkTextView:
- Improve word selection
- Fix block cursors on empty lines
+ GdkToplevel: Support the gnome-shell titlebar gesture protocol
+ GdkDropTarget: Allow creating drop targets in ui files
+ gsk:
- Handle partial color fonts correctly
- Use harfbuzz for color font information
- Avoid pango for glyph cache rendering
- Shrink shadow extents
+ Settings: Change the default for gtk-split-cursor to FALSE
+ Demos:
- Small improvements to widget-factory
- gtk-demo: Improve the hypertext demo
- gtk-dem: Improve the clipboard demo
+ X11: Set WM_CLASS on toplevels
+ Wayland: Support wl_seat v7
+ Updated translations.
==== gwenview5 ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: gwenview5-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== hwdata ====
Version update (0.350 -> 0.351)
- Update to version 0.351 (bsc#1190091):
+ Updated pci, usb and vendor ids.
==== incidenceeditor ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: incidenceeditor-lang libKF5IncidenceEditor5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Fix build due to -Werror=undef
==== irqbalance ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: irqbalance-ui
- Update to version
* fix unsigned integer subtraction sign overflow
- Make git hash in version better visable .git+<githash>
==== juk ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: juk-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== k3b ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: k3b-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kaccounts-integration ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kaccounts-integration-lang libkaccounts2
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kaccounts-providers ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kaccounts-providers-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kactivitymanagerd ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: kactivitymanagerd-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== kaddressbook ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kaddressbook-doc kaddressbook-lang libKPimAddressbookImportExport5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kalarmcal ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: akonadi-plugin-kalarmcal kalarmcal-lang libKF5AlarmCalendar5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kalgebra ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kalgebra-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kamera ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kamera-lang kio_kamera
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kanagram ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kanagram-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kapptemplate ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kapptemplate-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kate ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kate-lang kate-plugins
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* semantic highlighter: Use a timer to reduce amount of requests being sent
==== katomic ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: katomic-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kblackbox ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kblackbox-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kblocks ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kblocks-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kbounce ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kbounce-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kbreakout ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kbreakout-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kbruch ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kbruch-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kcachegrind ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kcachegrind-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kcalc ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kcalc-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kcalutils ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kcalutils-lang libKF5CalendarUtils5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kcharselect ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kcharselect-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kcm_sddm ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: kcm_sddm-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== kcolorchooser ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kcolorchooser-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kcron ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kcron-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kde-cli-tools5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: kde-cli-tools5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== kde-gtk-config5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: kde-gtk-config5-gtk3
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.22.4:
* Don't apply window_decorations.css to non-Breeze themes.
* Make sure to actually commit GSettings changes
- Drop patches, now upstream:
* 0001-Make-sure-to-actually-commit-GSettings-changes.patch
==== kde-print-manager ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kde-print-manager-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Fix plugin name in .desktop file (kde#426834)
==== kdeconnect-kde ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kdeconnect-kde-lang kdeconnect-kde-zsh-completion
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kdeedu-data ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kdenetwork-filesharing ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kdenetwork-filesharing-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kdepim-addons ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kdepim-addons-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Re-add servicetype for pimeventsplugin (kde#440449)
* Fix autotest
* Allow to cancel action
==== kdepim-runtime ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kdepim-runtime-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* It seems that code was not build before adding to MR
==== kdf ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kdf-lang kwikdisk
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kdialog ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kdialog-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kdiamond ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kdiamond-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kernel-firmware ====
Version update (20210812 -> 20210901)
Subpackages: kernel-firmware-all kernel-firmware-amdgpu kernel-firmware-ath10k kernel-firmware-ath11k kernel-firmware-atheros kernel-firmware-bluetooth kernel-firmware-bnx2 kernel-firmware-brcm kernel-firmware-chelsio kernel-firmware-dpaa2 kernel-firmware-i915 kernel-firmware-intel kernel-firmware-iwlwifi kernel-firmware-liquidio kernel-firmware-marvell kernel-firmware-media kernel-firmware-mediatek kernel-firmware-mellanox kernel-firmware-mwifiex kernel-firmware-network kernel-firmware-nfp kernel-firmware-nvidia kernel-firmware-platform kernel-firmware-prestera kernel-firmware-qcom kernel-firmware-qlogic kernel-firmware-radeon kernel-firmware-realtek kernel-firmware-serial kernel-firmware-sound kernel-firmware-ti kernel-firmware-ueagle kernel-firmware-usb-network ucode-amd
- Update to version 20210901 (git commit 6f5aada830d6):
* linux-firmware: update frimware for mediatek bluetooth chip (MT7921)
* rtl_bt: Update RTL8852A BT USB firmware to 0xD9A9_1D69
* rtl_bt: Update RTL8822C BT UART firmware to 0x05A9_1A4A
* rtl_bt: Update RTL8822C BT USB firmware to 0x09A9_1A4A
* Mellanox: Add new mlxsw_spectrum firmware xx.2008.3326
* iwlwifi: add FW for new So/Gf device type
* rtl_bt: Update RTL8852A BT USB firmware to 0xD9A9_127B
* rtl_nic: update firmware of RTL8153C
* ice: update package file to
- Update aliases
==== kernel-source ====
Version update (5.13.13 -> 5.14.0)
Subpackages: kernel-default kernel-docs
- Update to 5.14 final
- refresh configs
- commit d419f63
- config: update and enable armv6hl
New config option values copied from arvm7hl.
- commit 7224850
- config: update and enable armv7hl
New config option values copied from arm64 except:
- PCI_IXP4XX=n (does not allow module build)
- commit 2df785b
==== kgamma5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: kgamma5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== kgeography ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kgeography-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kget ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kget-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kgoldrunner ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kgoldrunner-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== khangman ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: khangman-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== khelpcenter5 ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: khelpcenter5-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== khotkeys5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: khotkeys5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
- Disable lto for ppc64 builds.
==== khtml ====
Subpackages: libKF5KHtml5 libKF5KHtml5-lang
- Disable lto for ppc64 builds.
==== kidentitymanagement ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kidentitymanagement-lang libKF5IdentityManagement5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kig ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kig-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Fix the kig build after kwindowsystem changes
==== kimap ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kimap-lang libKF5IMAP5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kinfocenter5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: kinfocenter5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== kio ====
Subpackages: kio-core kio-lang
- Disable lto for ppc64 builds.
==== kio-extras5 ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kio-extras5-lang libkioarchive5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kio_audiocd ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kio_audiocd-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kipi-plugins ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kipi-plugins-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kiriki ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kiriki-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kiten ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders kiten-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kitinerary ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKPimItinerary5 libKPimItinerary5-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Add Airdo confirmation mail extractor script
* Extract SNCF Ouigo confirmation emails (kde#441361)
* Extract Ryanair PDF boarding passes
* Actually add the MAV extractor
* Add basic MAV (Hungarian state railway) domestic ticket extractor
* Add an alternative way of decoding RCT2 reservation data
* Reproduce whitespaces a bit more correctly when layouting U_TLAY text
* Let RCT2 type detection ignore whitespaces and support Hungarian IRTs
* Add a watchdog timer to interrupt long running extractor scripts
* Add Regionado pkpass extractor script
==== kjumpingcube ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kjumpingcube-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kldap ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kldap-lang libKF5Ldap5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kleopatra ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kleopatra-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== klines ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: klines-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Remove double content rating
==== kmag ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kmag-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kmahjongg ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kmahjongg-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kmail ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kmail-application-icons kmail-lang ktnef
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Assign parentWidget before creating plugin.
==== kmail-account-wizard ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kmail-account-wizard-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Ensure created resources/agents reconfigure with up-to-date stored config
==== kmailtransport ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kmailtransport-lang libKF5MailTransport5 libKF5MailTransportAkonadi5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Fix creation of invalid negative transport ids by cast uint32 -> int
==== kmbox ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kmenuedit5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: kmenuedit5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== kmime ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kmime-lang libKF5Mime5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kmines ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kmines-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kmousetool ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kmousetool-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kmouth ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kmouth-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kmplot ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kmplot-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== knavalbattle ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: knavalbattle-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== knetwalk ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: knetwalk-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Remove double content rating
==== knotes ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: knotes-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kolf ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kolf-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kollision ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kollision-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kolourpaint ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kolourpaint-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Use the QImageReader::read variant that gives you an image even if it thinks it failed (kde#441554)
==== kompare ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kompare-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== konquest ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: konquest-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== konsole ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: konsole-part konsole-part-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Only emit empty() in SessionFinished() when in TabbedNavigation mode (kde#441206)
* When closing a session, don't close the whole window if there are splits
* Fix MainWindow size when there is no saved size
* Fix KXmlGUI toolbars; and Konsole MainWindow size (kde#430036)
* Fix crash when setting blur effect (kde#439871)
* Prevent window "flashing" when closing the last session (kde#432077)
- Drop upstream patches:
* 0001-Fix-KXmlGUI-toolbars-and-konsole-MainWindow-size.patch
* 0001-Fix-MainWindow-size-when-there-is-no-saved-size.patch
==== kontact ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kontact-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kontactinterface ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kontactinterface-lang libKF5KontactInterface5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== konversation ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: konversation-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kopete ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kopete-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== korganizer ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: korganizer-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Consistent conventional member names
==== kpat ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kpat-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kpimtextedit ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kpimtextedit-lang libKF5PimTextEdit5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Fix autotest
==== kpkpass ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKPimPkPass5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kqtquickcharts ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== krdc ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: krdc-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kreversi ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kreversi-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== krfb ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: krfb-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kruler ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kruler-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kscreen5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: kscreen5-lang kscreen5-plasmoid
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== kscreenlocker ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== kshisen ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kshisen-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== ksirk ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: ksirk-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== ksmtp ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: ksmtp-lang libKPimSMTP5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kspaceduel ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kspaceduel-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== ksquares ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: ksquares-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== ksshaskpass5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: ksshaskpass5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== ksudoku ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: ksudoku-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== ksystemlog ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: ksystemlog-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== ksystemstats5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: ksystemstats5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.22.4:
* Fix handling of IPV6 addresses (kde#436296)
==== kteatime ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kteatime-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== ktimer ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: ktimer-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== ktnef ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: ktnef-lang libKF5Tnef5
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== ktouch ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: ktouch-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kturtle ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kturtle-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kubrick ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kubrick-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kwalletmanager5 ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kwalletmanager5-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kwayland-integration ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== kwayland-server ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== kwin5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: kwin5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.22.4:
* fix drag and drop raise with Xwayland windows (kde#440534)
* platforms/drm: check wl_eglstream buffers before attaching (kde#440852)
* platforms/drm: fix gpu removal
* kcm/kwindecoration: Fix window thumbnail sizes
* platforms/drm: consider KWIN_DRM_DEVICES for hotplugged gpus
* platforms/drm: fix crashing debug operator
* Copy shape region to Deleted (kde#440001,kde#438458,kde#435378)
* Avoid discarding previous pixmap (kde#439689)
- Drop patches, now upstream:
* 0001-platforms-drm-check-wl_eglstream-buffers-before-atta.patch
==== kwordquiz ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kwordquiz-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== kwrited5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== layer-shell-qt ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== libXaw3d ====
- Drop --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static)
- Trim old rpm macros/constructs
==== libaom ====
Version update (3.1.1 -> 3.1.2)
- security update
- added patches
fix CVE-2021-30475 [bsc#1189497], Buffer overflow in aom_dsp/noise_model.c
+ libaom-CVE-2021-30475.patch
- Update to version 3.1.2:
* Update AUTHORS,CHANGELOG,CMakeLists.txt for v3.1.2
* Avoid chroma resampling for 420mpeg2 input
* Check array has two elements before using index 1
* Fix DecodeScalabilityTest failure in realtime only
* Store temporal_id and spatial_id of decoded frame
* exports.cmake: use APPLE and WIN32 and use def for mingw-w64
==== libcamera ====
- Add patch to work around what seems to be a bug in gcc 11 with
constexpr being treated as "non const" only in ppc64/ppc64le:
* fix-ppc64.patch
==== libcryptui ====
Subpackages: libcryptui-data libcryptui-lang libcryptui0 seahorse-daemon
- Add GnuPG 2.3.x to the list of supported GnuPG versions.
==== libdaemon ====
- Drop --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static).
- Modernize rpm macro constructs.
==== libepoxy ====
Version update (1.5.8 -> 1.5.9)
- Update to version 1.5.9:
+ Allow to be used when GLX_LIB is missing.
==== libgravatar ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Gravatar5 libgravatar-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkcddb ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Cddb5 libkcddb-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkcompactdisc ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5CompactDisc5 libkcompactdisc-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkdcraw ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkdecoration2 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2-5-lang libkdecorations2private8
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== libkdegames ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libkdegames-lang libkf5kdegames6
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkdepim ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Libkdepim5 libkdepim-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkeduvocdocument ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKEduVocDocument5 libkeduvocdocument-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkexiv2 ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkgapi ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKPimGAPICalendar5 libKPimGAPIContacts5 libKPimGAPICore5 libKPimGAPITasks5 libkgapi-lang sasl2-kdexoauth2
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkipi ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Kipi32_0_0 libkipi-data
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkleo ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Libkleo5 libkleo-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkmahjongg ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5KMahjongglib5 libkmahjongg-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libkomparediff2 ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libkomparediff2-5 libkomparediff2-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libksane ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Sane5 libksane-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* try every possible resolution value for preview (kde#440932)
==== libkscreen2 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: libKF5Screen7 libkscreen2-plugin
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== libksieve ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libksieve-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* SieveEditorHelpHtmlWidgetTest: handle 0x0-sized window failing expectations
* SieveDateSpinBox: fix result of code() for weekdays
==== libksysguard5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: ksysguardsystemstats-data libKSysGuardSystemStats1 libksysguard5-imports libksysguard5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== libktorrent ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5Torrent6 libktorrent-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== libqt5-qtbase ====
Version update (5.15.2+kde200 -> 5.15.2+kde222)
Subpackages: libQt5Concurrent5 libQt5Core5 libQt5DBus5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Network5 libQt5OpenGL5 libQt5PrintSupport5 libQt5Sql5 libQt5Sql5-mysql libQt5Sql5-sqlite libQt5Test5 libQt5Widgets5 libQt5Xml5 libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk3
- Update to version 5.15.2+kde222:
* Revert "QString::lastIndexOf: fix off-by-one for zero length matches"
* MySQL: treat the MYSQL_FIELD as read-only
* Remove checks for glibc < 2 from qplatformdefs.h files
* linux-clang/qplatformdefs: fix building with musl libc
* Refix for avoiding huge number of tiny dashes
* Improve fix for avoiding huge number of tiny dashes
* Avoid processing-intensive painting of high number of tiny dashes
* xcb: add a timeout control when reading INCR property
* Remove another usage of mysql_get_client_version()
* MySQL: remove the version number checks in favor of actual functionality
* QLibraryInfo: Add MSVC 2022
* doCrypt() - check the error codes
* Restore C++11 compatibility of QSharedPointer code
* opengl: fix a typo in QOpenGLPaintDevice::dotsPerMeterY()
* Fix rvalue overload of qobject_pointer_cast for GCC 9.3
* QVarLengthArray: fix aliasing error in insert(it, n, v)
* Fix memory leak of QOffscreenScreen in QOffscreenIntegration
* Fix tst_moc for C++17
* Add missing limits include
* xcb: Avoid use-after-free in QXcbConnection::initializeScreens()
* xcb: Remove need for QXCBScreen to resolve QXcbGlIntegration
* Update shared-mime-info to the 2.1 release, adjust implementation
==== libqt5-qtlocation ====
Subpackages: libQt5Location5 libQt5Positioning5 libQt5PositioningQuick5
- Recommend installation of geoclue2. The plugin needs the
GeoClue2 DBus service file.
==== libvirt ====
Version update (7.6.0 -> 7.7.0)
Subpackages: libvirt-client libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-driver-interface libvirt-daemon-driver-libxl libvirt-daemon-driver-lxc libvirt-daemon-driver-network libvirt-daemon-driver-nodedev libvirt-daemon-driver-nwfilter libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu libvirt-daemon-driver-secret libvirt-daemon-driver-storage libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-disk libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-iscsi-direct libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-logical libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-mpath libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-rbd libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-scsi libvirt-daemon-lxc libvirt-daemon-qemu libvirt-daemon-xen libvirt-libs
- Update to libvirt 7.7.0
- jsc#SLE-18446
- Many incremental improvements and bug fixes, see
==== libyui ====
Version update (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
- Fixed using an uninitialized variable, in some situations
the patch category could be missing in the Qt UI (bsc#1174390)
- 4.2.16
==== libyui-ncurses ====
Version update (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
- Fixed using an uninitialized variable, in some situations
the patch category could be missing in the Qt UI (bsc#1174390)
- 4.2.16
==== libyui-ncurses-pkg ====
Version update (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
- Fixed using an uninitialized variable, in some situations
the patch category could be missing in the Qt UI (bsc#1174390)
- 4.2.16
==== libyui-qt ====
Version update (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
- Fixed using an uninitialized variable, in some situations
the patch category could be missing in the Qt UI (bsc#1174390)
- 4.2.16
==== libyui-qt-graph ====
Version update (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
- Fixed using an uninitialized variable, in some situations
the patch category could be missing in the Qt UI (bsc#1174390)
- 4.2.16
==== libyui-qt-pkg ====
Version update (4.2.15 -> 4.2.16)
- Fixed using an uninitialized variable, in some situations
the patch category could be missing in the Qt UI (bsc#1174390)
- 4.2.16
==== lokalize ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: lokalize-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== lskat ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: lskat-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== mailcommon ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5MailCommon5 mailcommon-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Fix CryptoUtils::assembleMessage() to not add bogus text/plain content-type
* Fix FilterActionEncryptTest, workaround now expired key in test data
* filter tests: adapt to kmime enforcing explicit Content-Type
* FavoriteProxyTest: adapt test for dropping option on favourites
==== mailimporter ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5MailImporter5 libKF5MailImporterAkonadi5 mailimporter-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== mariadb-connector-c ====
Version update (3.1.13 -> 3.2.3)
- Update to 3.2.3:
* release notes and changelog:
- Refresh private_library.patch
==== mbox-importer ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: mbox-importer-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== mcelog ====
Version update (177 -> 178)
- Update to version 178:
* mcelog: Fix typo/thinko in yellow cache change
==== messagelib ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: messagelib-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Fix build with the CI now using the standard Akonadi test controls
* Adapt MessageFactoryTest::test_multipartAlternative to new replyAsHtml flag
* AutocryptHeadersJob: ensure reproducable order of Autocrypt-Gossip headers
* Fix MainTextJobTest::testHtmlWithImages
* MessageFactoryNG: also replace ${} wrapper from MDN templates
* Fix false positive for url ""
* Fix autotest
==== milou5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: milou5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== mobipocket ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== numactl ====
Version update ( ->
Subpackages: libnuma1
- Update to version
* Fix system call numbers on s390x
* numactl.c: fixed debug verify for --preferred option
* numactl.c: Fixed description for the usage of numactl
==== okular ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: okular-lang okular-spectre
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Stamps: Fix final showing the expired stamp (kde#441134)
* textpage: Don't use the page bounding rect as initial text rect
* CI: silence clazy warning now that there's a new clazy version
==== oxygen5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== parley ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: parley-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Fix several memory leaks
* Fix assert with Qt debug build in QWidget destructor
* Provide sanitizer build option
==== php7 ====
Version update (7.4.22 -> 7.4.23)
Subpackages: php7-cli php7-ctype php7-dom php7-gd php7-gettext php7-iconv php7-json php7-mbstring php7-mysql php7-openssl php7-pdo php7-sqlite php7-tokenizer php7-xmlreader php7-xmlwriter
- updated to 7.4.23: This is a security release which also contains
several bug fixes. See
==== pim-data-exporter ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: pim-data-exporter-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Fix export tests by adding a dummy exportdatatype.xml file again
* Allow to save/restore confirmbeforedeletingrc
==== pim-sieve-editor ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: pim-sieve-editor-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== pimcommon ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: libKF5PimCommon5 libKF5PimCommonAkonadi5 pimcommon-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* Ensure created resources reconfigure with up-to-date stored config
==== plasma-browser-integration ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: plasma-browser-integration-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== plasma-nm5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: plasma-nm5-lang plasma-nm5-openconnect plasma-nm5-openvpn plasma-nm5-pptp plasma-nm5-vpnc
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== plasma5-addons ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-addons-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== plasma5-desktop ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-desktop-emojier plasma5-desktop-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.22.4:
* [emojier] Set KLocalizedContext
* [emojier] Register QAbstractItemModel to QML
* [containments/desktop] Stop hardcoding applet handle tooltip position (kde#425636)
* [containments/panel] Fix panel applet configuration with touch (kde#439918)
* [desktoppackage/alternatives] Don't overflow with long text (kde#439098)
* [applets/taskmanager] Don't make pinned app tooltips interactive (kde#439094)
* [containments/desktop] Fix applet overlay icon size with touch interaction
* Use the correct panel prefixes from the theme
==== plasma5-disks ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-disks-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== plasma5-integration ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-integration-plugin plasma5-integration-plugin-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== plasma5-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE
- Update to 5.22.5
==== plasma5-pa ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-pa-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== plasma5-systemmonitor ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-systemmonitor-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.22.4:
* Fix page export (kde#440551)
==== plasma5-thunderbolt ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: plasma5-thunderbolt-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== plasma5-workspace ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: gmenudbusmenuproxy plasma5-session plasma5-session-wayland plasma5-workspace-lang plasma5-workspace-libs xembedsniproxy
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.22.4:
* [kcms/icons] Fix i18n usage
* [kcms/icons] Clip ListView in popup
* [applets/digitalclock] Let long timezones list scroll (kde#439147)
* [applets/digital-clock] Fix header in RTL mode (kde#438083)
==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: polkit-kde-agent-5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== postfix ====
Subpackages: postfix-doc
- postfix to include "submissions" service
Adapt patch
==== powerdevil5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: powerdevil5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== python-Jinja2 ====
- Babel is not required
==== python-Twisted ====
- Remove h2 < 4.0 and priority < 2.0 version restriction. (boo#1190036)
* remove-dependency-version-upper-bounds.patch
==== python-click ====
- Add runtime dependency on importlib-metadata on Python 3.6
==== python-greenlet ====
- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
==== python-libvirt-python ====
Version update (7.6.0 -> 7.7.0)
- Update to 7.7.0
- Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 7.7.0
- jsc#SLE-18446
==== qemu ====
Version update (6.0.0 -> 6.1.0)
Subpackages: qemu-arm qemu-audio-spice qemu-block-curl qemu-block-dmg qemu-block-gluster qemu-block-iscsi qemu-block-nfs qemu-block-rbd qemu-block-ssh qemu-chardev-baum qemu-chardev-spice qemu-guest-agent qemu-hw-display-qxl qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu qemu-hw-display-virtio-gpu-pci qemu-hw-display-virtio-vga qemu-hw-usb-redirect qemu-hw-usb-smartcard qemu-ipxe qemu-ksm qemu-kvm qemu-lang qemu-microvm qemu-ppc qemu-s390x qemu-seabios qemu-sgabios qemu-skiboot qemu-tools qemu-ui-curses qemu-ui-gtk qemu-ui-opengl qemu-ui-spice-app qemu-ui-spice-core qemu-vgabios qemu-vhost-user-gpu qemu-x86
- Update to v6.1: see
For a full list of formely deprecated features that are removed,
For a list of new deprecated features, consult:
Some noteworthy changes:
* Removed moxie CPU.
* Removed lm32 CPU.
* Removed unicore32 CPU.
* Removed 'info cpustats'.
* Added Aspeed machines: rainier-bmc, quanta-q7l1-bmc.
* Added npcm7xx machine: quanta-gbs-bmc.
* Model for Aspeed's Hash and Crypto Engine.
* SVE2 is now emulated, including bfloat16 support
FEAT_MTE3 are now emulated.
* Improved hot-unplug failures on PowerPC pseries machine.
* Implemented some POWER10 instructions in TCG.
* Added shakti_c RISC-V machine.
* Improved documentation for RISC-V machines.
* CPU models for gen16 have been added for s390x.
* New CPU model versions added with XSAVES enabled:
Skylake-Client-v4, Skylake-Server-v5, Cascadelake-Server-v5,
Cooperlake-v2, Icelake-Client-v3, Icelake-Server-v5, Denverton-v3,
Snowridge-v3, Dhyana-v2
* Added ACPI based PCI hotplug support to Q35 machine. Enabled and
used by default since pc-q35-6.1 machine type.
* Added support for the pca9546 and pca9548 I2C muxes.
* Added support for PMBus and several PMBus devices.
* Crypto subsystem:
The preferred crypto backend driver now gnutls, with libgcrypt as the
second choice, and nettle as third choice, with ordering driven mostly
by performance of the ciphers.
* Misc doc improvements.
* Patches removed:
==== re2 ====
Version update (20210801 -> 20210901)
- Update to 2021-09-01:
* Permit Unicode characters beyond ASCII in capture names
==== ruby2.7 ====
Subpackages: libruby2_7-2_7
- use modern make_* macros
==== rubygem-packaging_rake_tasks ====
Version update (1.5.0 -> 1.5.1)
- "rake osc:build" - added a workaround for broken
rpmlint/checkbashisms test in Factory to fix stuck builds
- 1.5.1
==== schily ====
Subpackages: cdda2wav cdrecord libcdrdeflt1_0 libdeflt1_0 libedc_ecc1_0 libedc_ecc_dec1_0 libfile1_0 libfind4_0 libparanoia1_0 librmt1_0 librscg1_0 libscg1_0 libscgcmd1_0 libschily2_0 mkisofs readcd spax star
- Update to release 2021.09.01
* smake: The man page now better describes pattern macro
- Drop schily-stksz.diff (resolved upstream)
==== serd ====
- Disabled doc build and test for Leap build
==== signon-kwallet-extension ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== skanlite ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: skanlite-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* fix image saving when preview is not shown (kde#440970)
==== spectacle ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: spectacle-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- Changes since 21.08.0:
* ExportManager: delay copy to clipboard (kde#421974)
* Wayland: when screens have same dpr use NativeSize (kde#440226)
* Don't show an error message when user cancels screenshot in progress on Wayland
==== step ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: step-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== strace ====
Version update (5.13 -> 5.14)
- Update to strace 5.14
* Improvements
* Implemented decoding of memfd_secret and quotactl_fd syscalls,
introduced in Linux 5.14.
* Enhanced prctl syscall decoding.
* Enhanced decoding of IFLA_* netlink attributes.
* Enhanced decoding of MDBA_ROUTER_PATTR_* mdb router port netlink attributes.
* Updated lists of BPF_*, IORING_*, MADV_*, MOUNT_ATTR_*, SCTP_*,
and UFFD_* constants.
* Updated lists of ioctl commands from Linux 5.14.
==== suse-module-tools ====
Version update (16.0.8+1 -> 16.0.9)
- Update to version 16.0.9:
* weak_modules2: fix "warning: %post(kernel-...) scriptlet failed,
exit status 1" message from rpm (boo#1189881)
* weak-modules2: add logging at verbose level 2
* weak-modules2: control logging with environment variables
* regenerate-initrd-posttrans: friendly notice if dracut not found
==== sweeper ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: sweeper-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== systemd ====
Version update (248.6 -> 249.4)
Subpackages: libsystemd0 libsystemd0-32bit libudev-devel libudev1 libudev1-32bit systemd-32bit systemd-container systemd-doc systemd-lang systemd-logger systemd-sysvinit udev
- Configure split-usr=true only when %usrmerged is not defined
- Import commit 40bda18e346ff45132ccd6f8f8e96de78dcf3470 (merge of v249.4)
For a complete list of changes, visit:…
- Rework the test (sub)package:
- it's been renamed into 'systemd-testsuite'
- it includes the extended tests too
- the relevant commits have been backported to SUSE/v249 so no SUSE
specific patch is needed to run the extended tests (see below)
- the deps needed by the extended tests have been added
- Import commit 7f23815a706cf2b2df3eac2eb2f8220736b8f427
ad216581b6 test: if haveged is part of initrd it needs to be installed in the image too
088fbb71d0 test: adapt install_pam() for openSUSE
4d631c1f0c Revert "test: adapt TEST-13-NSPAWN-SMOKE for SUSE"
ef956eb8a2 test: on openSUSE the static linked version of busybox is named "busybox-static"
6f7ce633b0 TEST-13-*: in busybox container sleep(1) takes a delay in seconds only
278baaa3ec test: don't try to find BUILD_DIR when NO_BUILD is set
3bba2f876a test: add support for NO_BUILD=1 on openSUSE
d77cbc1b64 test: make busybox TEST-13-only dependency
- Upgrade to v249.2 (commit c0bb2fcbc26f6aacde574656159504f263916719)
See for
- Rebased 0002-rc-local-fix-ordering-startup-for-etc-init.d-boot.lo.patch
==== systemsettings5 ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: systemsettings5-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== tigervnc ====
Subpackages: libXvnc1 xorg-x11-Xvnc xorg-x11-Xvnc-module
- Remove --with-pic which has no effect with --disable-static.
- Remove old specfile constructs.
- Drop %if..%endif guards around %package; these do not affect
the build result.
- Combine %service_* calls to reduce generated boilerplate.
==== umbrello ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: umbrello-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== usbutils ====
Version update (013 -> 014)
- Update to version 0.14 (jira#SLE-19451):
* Add Tx+Rx lanes to tree mode
* lsusb(8): mention the udev's hardware database
* lsusb: Fix typo in string output for iAdditionalInfoURL
* lsusb-t: Add lower bound checks in read_sysfs_file_string
* lsusb: remove unused RETRIES constant
* lsusb: don't complain on EAGAIN
* sysfs: add copyright notice taken from name.*
* LICENSES: add symlink to handle "or-later" issue for GPL-2.0
* LICENSES: put spdx headers on the license files
* rename "GPL-2.0+" to "GPL-2.0-or-later"
* LICENSE: rename GPL-3.0.txt -> GPL-3.0-only.txt
* add copyright information
* usbhid-dump: add copyright and SPDX info
* SPDX header cleanups from GPL-2.0 -> GPL-2.0-only
* usbutils.spdx: update with output of latest reuse tool
* lsusb: Fix spelling of bEndpointAddress in UVC
* lsusb: Decode endpoint addresses in UVC
* lsusb.c: fix leak in dump_printer_device
* usb-devices: do not use `local` in a POSIX shell script
* desc-defs.c: fix possible out-of-bound read
* Fix typos in
* Fix locating endpoint when it's a directory rather than a symlink
* Fix formatting of interface descriptors to match /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices
* Fix formatting of endpoint direction to match /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices
* Fix formatting of endpoint type to match /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices
* Fix formatting of max endpoint packet size to match /sys/kernel/debug/usb/devices
* lsusb: Fix buffer size copy/paste error
==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde ====
Version update (5.22.4 -> 5.22.5)
Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-kde-lang
- Update to 5.22.5
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.22.4
==== xrdb ====
Version update (1.2.0 -> 1.2.1)
- Update to version 1.2.1
* bugfix release
==== yakuake ====
Version update (21.08.0 -> 21.08.1)
Subpackages: yakuake-lang
- Update to 21.08.1
* New bugfix release
* For more details please see:
- No code change since 21.08.0
==== yast2-add-on ====
Version update (4.4.1 -> 4.4.2)
- Auto client does not crash when trying to import from an
empty add-on section (bsc#1189154).
- 4.4.2
==== yast2-trans ====
Version update (84.87.20210822.664756784b -> 84.87.20210828.fbeca8288d)
Subpackages: yast2-trans-af yast2-trans-ar yast2-trans-bg yast2-trans-bn yast2-trans-bs yast2-trans-ca yast2-trans-cs yast2-trans-cy yast2-trans-da yast2-trans-de yast2-trans-el yast2-trans-en_GB yast2-trans-es yast2-trans-et yast2-trans-fa yast2-trans-fi yast2-trans-fr yast2-trans-gl yast2-trans-gu yast2-trans-hi yast2-trans-hr yast2-trans-hu yast2-trans-id yast2-trans-it yast2-trans-ja yast2-trans-jv yast2-trans-ka yast2-trans-km yast2-trans-ko yast2-trans-lo yast2-trans-lt yast2-trans-mk yast2-trans-mr yast2-trans-nb yast2-trans-nl yast2-trans-pa yast2-trans-pl yast2-trans-pt yast2-trans-pt_BR yast2-trans-ro yast2-trans-ru yast2-trans-si yast2-trans-sk yast2-trans-sl yast2-trans-sr yast2-trans-sv yast2-trans-ta yast2-trans-th yast2-trans-tr yast2-trans-uk yast2-trans-vi yast2-trans-wa yast2-trans-xh yast2-trans-zh_CN yast2-trans-zh_TW yast2-trans-zu
- Update to version 84.87.20210828.fbeca8288d:
* Translated using Weblate (Finnish)
* New POT for text domain 'installation'.
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
* Translated using Weblate (Czech)
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
* Translated using Weblate (Japanese)
* New POT for text domain 'add-on'.
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Slovak)
* Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
* Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
* Translated using Weblate (Catalan)
* Interpolation fixes
* Interpolation fixes
* New POT for text domain 'packager'.
* New POT for text domain 'online-update'.
[View Less]
Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading:…
Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug
on For more information on filing bugs please
[View More]openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports
Packages changed:
dav1d (0.9.1 -> 0.9.2)
geoclue2 (2.5.6 -> 2.5.7)
libzypp (17.28.2 -> 17.28.3)
mozilla-nss (3.68 -> 3.69.1)
plymouth (0.9.5+git20201026+53c83cc -> 0.9.5~git20210406.e554475)
supermin (5.2.0 -> 5.2.1)
zypper (1.14.48 -> 1.14.49)
=== Details ===
==== dav1d ====
Version update (0.9.1 -> 0.9.2)
- Update to version 0.9.2
* x86: SSE4 optimizations of inverse transforms for 10bit for
all sizes
* x86: mc.resize optimizations with AVX2/SSSE3 for 10/12b
* x86: SSSE3 optimizations for cdef_filter in 10/12b and
mc_w_mask_422/444 in 8b
* ARM NEON optimizations for FilmGrain Gen_grain functions
* Optimizations for splat_mv in SSE2/AVX2 and NEON
* x86: SGR improvements for SSSE3 CPUs
* x86: AVX2 optimizations for cfl_ac
==== geoclue2 ====
Version update (2.5.6 -> 2.5.7)
Subpackages: system-user-srvGeoClue typelib-1_0-Geoclue-2_0
- Update to version 2.5.7:
+ A bug fix release, mainly fixing a bunch of memory leaks.
- Add geoclue2-revert-2-faulty.patch: Revert two broken commits.
==== libzypp ====
Version update (17.28.2 -> 17.28.3)
- CMake/spec: Add option to force SINGLE_RPMTRANS as default for
zypper (fixes #340)
- Make sure singleTrans is zypper-only for now.
- Do not double check signatures and keys (bsc#1190059)
- version 17.28.3 (22)
==== mozilla-nss ====
Version update (3.68 -> 3.69.1)
Subpackages: libfreebl3 libfreebl3-hmac libsoftokn3 libsoftokn3-hmac mozilla-nss-certs mozilla-nss-tools
- Update to NSS 3.69.1
* bmo#1722613 (Backout) - Disable DTLS 1.0 and 1.1 by default
* bmo#1720226 (Backout) - integrity checks in key4.db not happening
on private components with AES_CBC
NSS 3.69
* bmo#1722613 - Disable DTLS 1.0 and 1.1 by default (backed out again)
* bmo#1720226 - integrity checks in key4.db not happening on private
components with AES_CBC (backed out again)
* bmo#1720235 - SSL handling of signature algorithms ignores
environmental invalid algorithms.
* bmo#1721476 - sqlite 3.34 changed it's open semantics, causing
nss failures.
(removed obsolete nss-btrfs-sqlite.patch)
* bmo#1720230 - Gtest update changed the gtest reports, losing gtest
details in reports.
* bmo#1720228 - NSS incorrectly accepting 1536 bit DH primes in FIPS mode
* bmo#1720232 - SQLite calls could timeout in starvation situations.
* bmo#1720225 - Coverity/cpp scanner errors found in nss 3.67
* bmo#1709817 - Import the NSS documentation from MDN in nss/doc.
* bmo#1720227 - NSS using a tempdir to measure sql performance not active
- add nss-fips-stricter-dh.patch
- updated existing patches with latest SLE
==== plymouth ====
Version update (0.9.5+git20201026+53c83cc -> 0.9.5~git20210406.e554475)
Subpackages: libply-boot-client5 libply-splash-core5 libply-splash-graphics5 libply5 plymouth-dracut plymouth-lang plymouth-plugin-label plymouth-plugin-two-step plymouth-scripts plymouth-theme-bgrt plymouth-theme-spinner
- Add plymouth-keep-KillMode-none.patch: Keep the plymouth-start.service
KillMode=none. The new mothod of "mixed" KillMode could not work
with current edition of systemd and will block system boot
(bsc#1177082 bsc#1184087 boo#1182145).
- Update plymouth-dracut-path.patch: Make it could apply to prior
update edition.
- Update to version 0.9.5~git20210406.e554475:
* systemd: Add plymouth-switch-root-initramfs.service to switch back to initramfs on shutdown
* main: Add a plymouthd-fd-escrow helper
* main: Dump debug log to plymouth-shutdown-debug.log on shutdown/reboot
* main: Cleanly quit on SIGTERM
* main: Only mark plymouthd as unkillable when running from the initrd
* ply-device-manager: Don't deactivate renderers from ply_device_manager_free ()
* details: Clear newly added text-display before replaying log messages
* text/tribar: Fix ply_boot_splash_hide () not clearing the terminal
* ply-text-display: Fix bottom pixels of fbcon not getting cleared
* ply-text-display: Only skip clearing the screen when tracing to a terminal
* main: Redirect stdio/stderr to null when tracing to a file
* ply-logger: Add a ply_is_tracing_to_terminal () helper
* main: Retain splash on on_show_splash() and on_hide_splash()
* ply-device-manager: Fix bad assertion
* two-step: Links against if LNS
* The use of AM_GNU_GETTEXT_VERSION in instructs autopoint to copy po/ from the exact gettext version. It is fine if the version of gettext installed on the system has the same minor version number with the requested version, but it fails if you have a newer version of gettext because of the mismatch between autoconf macros and
* ply-device-manager: Speed up DRM-connector probing
* ply-device-manager: add a verify_add_or_change() helper
* ply-device-manager: push udev_device_get_devnode call up into on_udev_event
* two-step: Fix unused variable compiler warning
* scripts: Remove
* two-step: Only create background_bgrt_fallback_image if use_firmware_background is set
* two-step: Always load the BGRT fallback image
* Fix BGRT fallback rendering
* systemd: switch to KillMode=mixed
* Use fallback image if BGRT is not supported
* client: Don't wait forever for a ping reply
* Revert "Don't wait forever for a ping reply."
* Don't wait forever for a ping reply.
* boot-server: Handle client disconnecting while trigger pending
* boot-server: Ref count the connections
* drm: Honor modes selected by the user through video= kernel cmdline argument
* use resolution of higher res monitor for window size
* Initialize the translations on start if they are available
* Use the correct key name for title and subtitle
* autogoo: use /proc/self/fd/0 instead of /dev/stdin
* configure: bump to 0.9.6
* Apply suggestion to .gitlab-ci.yml
* ci: Add a `distcheck` step
* Add CI pipeline for Plymouth
* configure: quiet a warning
* po: drop intltool usage
* docs: fix man page cross-reference
* Rename 'percent_done' to 'fraction_done'
* main: Don't bail out of load_settings if "Theme" is missing
* main: fix mode changing before splash is shown
* main: switch log file when switching mode
* two-step: Center message text within labels if labels are centered
* drm: Do not unnecessarily get output info twice
* ply-device-manager: Only consume one udev event at a time
* two-step: Do not jump to end-animation on halt/reboot if it is disabled
* Add RemainAfterExit=yes to plymouth's systemd service files
* two-step: Add UseEndAnimation setting
* script: add Image.Crop(x, y, width, height)
* ply-throbber: Do not redraw when we need to stop throbbing on free
* ply-keymap-icon: Do not draw on free
* ply-capslock-icon: Do not draw on free
* script: add missing unref() for system update func
* themes: Drop UseFirmwareBackground=true from spinner/bgrt firmware-upgrade settings
* Fix SetSystemUpdateFunction
* event-loop: Remove ply_trace calls around the disconnect handler
* event-loop: Fix debug-log "failed to delete fd # from epoll watch list" spam
* terminal-session: Drop unnecessary grantpt() call.
* build-goo: Remove vestigial remnants of old GDM integration code.
* main: Add state variable splash_is_becoming_idle
* configure: Update bug report URL.
* drm: Remove reset_scan_out_buffer_if_needed() prototype declaration
* drm: Remove unnecessary next_node helper variable
* two-step: Remove unnecessary next_node helper variable
* Allow running plymouth-populate-initrd in a cross-compiler environment
* throbgress: Remove the throbgress plugin
* drm: Remove explicit set_scan_out_buffer() from activate()
* drm: Mark buffer as clean in ply_renderer_head_new()
* two-step: Fix wrong horizontal position of bgrt logo on left-side-up LCD panels
* two-step: Change keyboard-indicator positioning to fixed offset below dialog
* themes: spinner/bgrt: Modify password dialog to match gnome 3.34 changes
* two-step: Remove workaround for upside-down panels
* drm: Keep hw-rotation on devices with upside down LCD panels
* drm: Add get_primary_plane_rotation() helper function
* Do not hardcode /run path to pid file
* scripts: Add a logrotate file for /var/log/boot.log
* drm: Install our fb after drawing to it
* drm: Delay installing our framebuffer until the first draw
* configure: Make runtimedir configurable
* ply-pixel-buffer: Fix bottom edge rendering of scaled buffers
* themes: Add images for keyboard indicator support to spinner and spinfinity
* two-step: Add Keyboard layout indicator support
* capslock-icon: Draw the icon on show
* libply-splash-graphics: Add new keymap-icon control
* scripts: Add script
* renderer: Add ply_renderer_get_keymap function
* terminal: add ply_terminal_get_keymap function
* key-file: Add support for non ini style config files
* x11-render-plugin: Use GTK 3.22's method to get screen size to avoid deprecate warning in compile.
* space-flares: Fix compiler warning
* ply-utils: Drop unused ply_string_has_prefix helper
* main: Use ply_kernel_command_line_get_key_value where appropriate
* ply-utils: Add ply_kernel_command_line_get_key_value helper
* two-step: Merge show_password_prompt and show_prompt into 1 function
* twp-step: Remove superflous is_hidden / is_stopped checks from on_draw
* two-step: Cleanup stop_animation function
* two-step: Group progress_animaton init together with creation
* themes: Move spinifity from the throbgress splash to the two-step splash
* two-step: Add new UseAnimation setting
* two-step: Make progress-bar location and size configurable
* two-step: Fix progress-bar not hiding when it should
* two-step: Fix progress-bar not updating on normal boot
* two-step: Fold ply_progress_animation_hide call into view_start_end_animation
* two-step: Add a capslock indicator
* two-step: Use new ply_key_file_get_* helpers to read theme file
* libply: Add ply_key_file_get_long() function
* libply: Add ply_key_file_get_double() function
* libply: Add ply_key_file_get_raw_value() helper
* libply-splash-graphics: Add new capslock-icon control
* ply-renderer: Add ply_renderer_get_capslock_state function
* terminal: add ply_terminal_get_capslock_state function
* label: Properly deal with pixel-buffers with non-upright device_rotation
* ply-device-manager: De-activate and close renderer on device hot unplug
* script: Add image tile support.
* plymouthd.defaults: Bump default DeviceTimeout to 8 seconds
* Update tr.po
* two-step: bgrt: Add workaround for desktops which do not use the golden ratio
* Revert "Merge branch 'avoid_shutdown_failure_v2' into 'master'"
* ply-utils: Drop ply_fd_can_take_data and ply_fd_may_block function Since it is from a bygone time which is no longer in use.
* ply-utils: Get rid of unused old code, drop function ply_get_max_open_fds, ply_close_open_fds, ply_close_all_fds.
* scripts: update file plymouth.spec to integrate recent fixes.
* ply-systemd-units: Drop attach-session in systemd-units to avoid the failure of unmounting separate /var during poweroff.
* two-step: Deal with buggy firmware which does not pre-rotate the bgrt image
* Revert "Merge branch 'bugfix' into 'master'"
* ply-utils: Drop ply_fd_can_take_data and ply_fd_may_block function Since it is from a bygone time which is no longer in use.
* configure: bump so name
* ply terminal session: Drop function ply_terminal_session_execute and ply_terminal_session_open_console, Since this is a feature from a bygone time which is no longer in use without ply_terminal_session_run.
* ply terminal session: Drop ply_terminal_session_run, this is a feature from a bygone time which is no longer in use
* Regenerate plymouth.pot
* two-step: Add support for firmware-splashes with rotation status bits set
* Unify all code's vi format control. Update several file's vi format control line to make it easy to maintain.
* ply-text-display.c: Correct vi format line make vi can directly edit this file without errors and make it use 8 space tabs etc.
* Add a new firmware-upgrade mode for use by fwupd
* drm: Fix tiled mode detection
* main.c: Deprecate gdm transition signal
* themes: Update spinner and bgrt background settings
* ply-pixel-buffer: Fix right and bottom edge rendering of scaled buffers
* Add support for translating the user visible strings in some themes
* Prefix Title and Subtitle theme config keywords with an underscore
* Add new reboot and system-upgrade modes
* main: Remove private ply_mode_t
* two-step: Make ProgressBarShowPercentComplete a per mode setting
* plymouthd.defaults: Change default ShowDelay to 0
* ply-boot-splash: Do not add ply_boot_splash_update_progress timeout multiple times
* logging: Minor log-message fixes
* logging: Improve logging format
* themes: Update spinner and bgrt theme offline updates mode
* two-step: Add a per mode setting to suppress messages
* two-step: Add progress-bar support
* two-step: Add MessageBelowAnimation option
* two-step: Add support for specifying a title and sub-title in the theme file
* two-step: Add per mode settings
* two-step: Drop background_is_bgrt view_t member
* ply-progress-bar: Allow caller to specify the widgets width and height
* ply-progress-bar: Allow choosing fore- and back-ground color
* ply-progress-bar: Redraw on percentage update
* ply-label: Make sure get_width_of_control / get_height_of_control return correct values
* boot-server: fix type confusion when allocating connection object
* ply-device-manager: Handle change events for monitor hotplugging
* ply-device-manager: Consume all events in one go
* drm: Stop limiting preferred-mode picking to UEFI systems
* drm: Reset mode on display-port connected outputs with a bad link-status
* drm: Implement handle_change_event
* drm: Ensure heads are mapped before flushing them
* drm: Allow calling create_heads_for_active_connectors multiple times
* drm: Allow calling ply_renderer_head_add_connector with existing connector_id
* drm: Limit backend->resources lifetime to within query_device
* drm: Store and keep all the outputs in the backend
* drm: Add get_output_info helper function
* drm: Stop storing a pointer to drmModeConnector in ply_output_t
* drm: Stop keeing a drmModeConnector instance around
* drm: Refactor ply_renderer_head_add_connector and ply_renderer_head_new
* ply-renderer: Add ply_renderer_handle_change_event function
* ply-array: Add ply_array_contains_uint32_element function
* themes: Update spinner and bgrt diskcrypt dialog
* themes: spinner: Add watermark alignment settings
* themes: bgrt: Remove duplicate images
* plymouth-populate-initrd: Don't assume the ImageDir is the theme-dir
* two-step: Make clearing the dialog-background when using the firmware background optional
* two-step: Add support for non center alignment of the (diskcrypt) dialog
* two-step: Make the box image surrounding the unlock dialog optional
* two-step: Rename UseBGRT to UseFirmwareBackground
* libply: Add ply_key_file_get_bool function
* two-step: Use plymouth_strtod
* libply: Add ply_strtod helper
* ply-keyboard: Fix compiler warning
* device-manager: free keyboards when deactivating a renderer
* keyboard: add helper to get the keyboard's renderer, if applicable
* drm: Pick a controller for unconfigured connectors
* drm: Drop crtcs for clones for which we've picked different modes
* drm: More connector enumeration refactoring
* drm: Store tiled and rotation in ply_output_t
* drm: Refactor create_heads_for_active_connectors
* drm: Directly store the mode instead of the mode_index
* drm: Drop unused encoder_id
* two-step: Do not rotate bgrt background image for upside-down panels
* themes: Add new BGRT theme, using the firmware boot splash as background
* two-step: bgrt: Deal with quirky firmwares
* two-step: Add ACPI BGRT extension support
* two-step: Speed up background-tile drawing on HiDPI screens
* two-step: Use a pixel-buffer instead of an image for the view's background
* ply-pixel-display: Add ply_pixel_display_get_device_scale() function
* ply-pixel-buffer: Add ply_pixel_buffer_rotate_upright helper
* ply-pixel-buffer: Add ply_pixel_buffer_get/set_device_rotation helpers
* ply-pixel-buffer: Fix marking buffers as opaque when doing a solid fill
* ply-pixel-buffer: Fix fill_with_buffer fastpath when device_scale != 1
* drm: Implement ply_renderer_get_panel_properties
* ply-renderer: Add ply_renderer_get_panel_properties function
* ply-image: Add support for loading BMPs
* ply-image: Do not assume all files are PNGs
* two-step: Fix crash asking for password with multiple heads
* spinner theme: update
* two-step: Fix animation not starting on later added heads
* ply-device-manager: Fix race causing undesired creation of non-gfx devs
* logger: Add a separator between different boot logs
* systemd-units: Also add "ConditionVirtualization=!container" in
* configure: bump to 0.9.5
* drm: Use preferred mode for outputs instead of current mode
* drm: Refactor ply_renderer_connector_get_rotation
* drm: Reset LUT/gamma table before the first drmModeSetCrtc call
* libply: Move kernel commandline parsing functions to libply/ply-utils
* throbber: Don't skip last frame when waiting for end.
* boot-server: free the argument and triggers
* script: fix various memory leaks
* key-file: ply_key_file_get_value returns duplicated memory, don't leak
* event-loop: fix leak in error path
* boot-splash: fix memory leak in error path
* populate-initrd: drop unused local variable
* device-manager: don't watch for udev events when deactivated
* main: ensure tty is closed on deactivate
==== supermin ====
Version update (5.2.0 -> 5.2.1)
- s390x may have a kernel named /boot/image
- Update to 5.2.1 bug fix release. Include post 5.2.1 upstream fix.
==== virt-bootstrap ====
- apparently 'powerpc64' is now a thing (bsc#1127769)
==== zypper ====
Version update (1.14.48 -> 1.14.49)
Subpackages: zypper-log zypper-needs-restarting
- Avoid calling 'su' to detect a too restrictive sudo user umask
- Fix typo in German translation (fixes #395)
- BuildRequires: libzypp-devel >= 17.28.3.
- version 1.14.49
[View Less]
All meeting minutes can be found here:
Meeting is hosted here
## Participants
guillaumeg, AdaLovelace, dleuenberger, bittin, ddemaio, lkocman,
rbrown, Adrian, deneb_alpha, Max, Marcus
## Leap
Not much of updates I was on vacation since Friday.
TPM Evaluation for Leap features is still in progress (for features
approved by PM) still in progress
Next steps with multimedia (survey?)…
[View More]
Contacted packman
15.3 Quarterly update setup is still in TODO
## openSUSE Tumbleweed
* rpmlint 2.1 has been merged and is now armed and dangerous
* systemd 249 back in progress: one bug identified, maintainer is busy
fixing it (test bug)
* Thoughts about enabling python310-FOO and disabling python36-FOO
packages are forming
* glibc 2.34 is work in progress, build failures are slowly diminishing
## Richard (Kubic/TW MicroOS)
k8s versions 1.22.1 is on the way, new coredns/etcd all integrated but
having a very strange issue with kubelet not starting
container-selinux with integrated k3s support from upstream is in
factory, now looking at smoothly integrating tools for k3s-with-selinux
without third party RPMs
Working on adding k3s-install to Kubic, a curated version of the
Rancher k3s installation script that negates the need to curl random
shell scripts from the internet.
experimented with crun by default (instead of runc) - was promising,
but cruns dep tree doesn't exist on s390x or ppc64le so it seems we'll
be sticking with runc on those architectures at least.
## Max
* skippkg-finder is merged to release-tools, and has been deployed on
* Updating Leap:15.4/Backports:SLE-15-SP4 package from various updates
* GNOME update from SLE15 SP4 resulting several package build
fails/unresolvables in Backports, looking into these issues, some needs
a rpmlint-backports tweaking, some needs to update more package to SLE
* Started working on a simple package updater for Backports project
* Somewhat…
is missing, switch to Tumbleweed's release-notes.rpm for the time being
in Leap's medium, otherwise the shortcut setup in installer will be
changed then broke openQA testing
lkocman: I'll check on this with docs team, also for 15.4
gnome update fallback
<bittin>: GNOME 40 is in Stable and GNOME 41 is in Beta at the moment
## Guillaume - Arm
* Rolling again, no blocker.
Leap 15.3:
* Armv7:
- is released and will not be frozen to handle updates out of
the regular update channel.
- We need to make it accessible from get-o-o.
WSL: Stalled: WIP to have WSL on aarch64 on
todo: lkocman to write a blog post how
We have a WSL feature for 15 SP4 to have all SUSE/openSUSE images
installed from outside of the store "adopt the new behavior". Therefore
we wouldn't have to build the WSL-DistroLauncher image any more.
## Sarah - s390x
* openQA host rebel has got a corrupted file system since last weekend.
Therefore, no tests possible this week.
* bi-weekly training sessions tor topics as mainframes,
containerization, packaging:…
* Last training about containerization with OBS.
openSUSE will take part of the Grace Hopper Celebration Open Source Day
## Doug
* Started contacting stakeholders about software.o.o. proposal
* Membership process on code.o.o. needs some clarity
* No answer yet on retaining members info from connect.
* Connect.o.o had effect on TSP
* was made a while back but it is down
(has a nginx standard page on it now)
* Taking care of some invoices
* oVSC21 T-Shirts are arriving soon. Everyone who ordered should have a
tracking number
* Asia Summit Invoice received. Processing payment
* Defibrillator is ordered.
* GSoC complete
* Regular Meetings
* Two meeting options a week:
Meeting 1: Meeting will be on Tuesdays at 11:00 UTC
Meeting 2: Meeting will be on Thursdays at 18:00 UTC
## Dirk
Not available - Vacation
## Gerald
Not available
## Wolfgang (Package Hub), Scott Bahling
Scott: Did we make decission on moving the packages to subpackges?
lkocman: The agreement was to move all forked SLE packages there.
Scott: I'll detail these in SLE 15 PRD.
Max: discussion with Wolfgang about bug related to missing debuginfo
rpms for kde packages from backports. Wolfgang already took issue to
the maintenance team. Debuginfo was not enabled in the project, we'll
rebuild the kde packages in maintenance project, so users will get
debuginfo packages from the update channel.
Max: Wolfgang enabled debuginfo in Backports:SLE-15-SP4
Marcus: if you have the package list for me then I can just do an empty
rebuild and re-release packages from update project.
Max: I'll ask wolfgang to prepare the list.
A proposal to move all SLE forks to subpackages module/prouduct This
would then fix our problem with submit requests not being forwarded to
the correct origin.
GAP was removed completly from openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP4 (and
therefore from Leap 15.4)
Looking into migration scenarious from Leap to SLE that SUSE might
support - Covers also migration from
Leap X.Y to SLE X.Y
## Maintenance team (Marina or Marcus)
Marcus: as requested from Backports team, I did set up incident for
supplying missing debuginfo packages. It's 1.3 GB of rpms not including
debuginfos. It will be much smaller download with delta.
Marcus: the -Current iso link seems to have different checksum. Was
there any recent respin?
Lkocman: not to my knowledge.
Self update for installer:
The yast installer only supports one update repo for updates. We can
either push updates from IBS or OBS.
We have to decide whether to support yast or skelcd. I'm not sure if we
can have merged repo.
Adrian: you can release it via openSUSE:Leap:15.3. This would be a
lkocman: Light touch on the topic to display status of SLES updates to
community. We can try to find the way to export the data.
Marcus: Generally could be possible, but we need to explicitly avoid
exposing embargoed security issues to the outside. Also review IP/NDA
updates where the schedule is not public.
Lubos still needs to talk to Stephan B. I received links to an existing project that simon lees seem to use for tracking
important updates for openSUSE.
Marcus: is there any update on the Leap 15.3 respins. lkocman:
Unfortunatelly no, it's currently blocked on me.
## Adrian - CtLG or openSUSE Step
No update
[View Less]
Please note that this mail was generated by a script.
The described changes are computed based on the x86_64 DVD.
The full online repo contains too many changes to be listed here.
Please check the known defects of this snapshot before upgrading:…
Please do not reply to this email to report issues, rather file a bug
on For more information on filing bugs please
[View More]openSUSE:Submitting_bug_reports
Packages changed:
iproute2 (5.13 -> 5.14)
permissions (1550_20210518 -> 1550_20210901)
=== Details ===
==== elfutils ====
Subpackages: elfutils-lang libasm1 libdw1 libelf1
- Add tests-Allow-an-extra-pthread_kill-frame-in-backtrace.patch
in order to fix boo#1189083.
==== elfutils-debuginfod ====
- Add tests-Allow-an-extra-pthread_kill-frame-in-backtrace.patch
in order to fix boo#1189083.
==== graphviz ====
Subpackages: graphviz-plugins-core libgraphviz6
- Changelog Update for SLES:
The following patch has been backported to SLES and is therefore
missing from the Factory changelog:
* graphivz-malformed_input.patch (boo#1132091)
==== graphviz-addons ====
Subpackages: graphviz-gd graphviz-gnome
- Changelog Update for SLES:
The following patch has been backported to SLES and is therefore
missing from the Factory changelog:
* graphivz-malformed_input.patch (boo#1132091)
==== iproute2 ====
Version update (5.13 -> 5.14)
- Update to release 5.14
* ip: Add nodst option to macvlan type source
* iplink: add support for parent device
* iplink: support for WWAN devices
* bridge: reorder cmd line arg parsing to let "-c" be detected
as "color" option
==== permissions ====
Version update (1550_20210518 -> 1550_20210901)
Subpackages: chkstat permissions-config
- Update to version 20210901:
* libksysguard5: Updated path for ksgrd_network_helper
* kdesu: Updated path for kdesud
* sbin_dirs cleanup: these binaries have already been moved to /usr/sbin
* mariadb: revert auth_pam_tool to /usr/lib{,64} again
* cleanup: revert virtualbox back to plain /usr/lib
* cleanup: remove deprecated /etc/ssh/sshd_config
* hawk_invoke is not part of newer hawk2 packages anymore
* cleanup: texlive-filesystem: public now resides in libexec
* cleanup: authbind: helper now resides in libexec
* cleanup: polkit: the agent now also resides in libexec
* libexec cleanup: 'inn' news binaries now reside in libexec
[View Less]
Hi guys,
could someone please define a bugowner for graphics/blender?
factory-maintainers, if nothing else?
Right now its impossible to file a big against the package from wihin
OBS - there is no "report a bug" link.
Mathias Homann
irc: [lemmy] on freenode and ircnet
obs: lemmy04
gpg key fingerprint: 8029 2240 F4DD 7776 E7D2 C042 6B8E 029E 13F2 C102
Dear openSUSE factory maintainers,
I already created a comment on OBS in the Archiving:unzip package ( which I guess is
the base for factory:unzip.
But ... I'm writing here again because I can't even begin to imagine how
many systems this bug has hit. How many installations were broken by this.
How many deployment pipelines (like in our case) or manual app
installations (like in our case) were broken again and again by this unzip
[View More]Summary for the bug: When you extract a zip archive where the files do not
have explicit permissions set, around one in 10,000 files gets
(reproducibly) converted into a symlink! The former content of the file
then gets converted into the link target. This bug is fixed in the
debian/ubuntu version of unzip so my guess is that it's fixed by one of the
missing CVE patches.
Usually I wouldn't be this alarmist but the basic and standard unzip
program reproducibly and consistently breaking files on *all* Tumbleweed as
well *all* Leap installations is pretty important I guess.
kind regards,
Kira Backes
[View Less]
since a few days the package openafs does not build anymore because
of the following error:
[ 710s] openafs-kmp-default.x86_64: E: kmp-missing-supplements (Badness: 10000)
[ 710s] Make sure your 'BuildRequires:' include 'kernel-syms' and 'modutils' for
[ 710s] proper dependencies to be inserted in the resulting binary RPM.
However, the specfile contains
BuildRequires: %{kernel_module_package_buildreqs}
the macro expands to "modutils kernel-syms kmod-compat"
This was working …
[View More]for years until recently.
I tried adding this BuildRequires to the preamble, but no to avail.
What do I miss here ?
Many thanks,
[View Less]