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A collection of maintenance updates was released for Slowroll.
Released 36 packages:
* eza
* jsch-agent-proxy
* kicad-doc
* kicad-footprints
* kicad-packages3D
* kicad-symbols
* kicad-templates
* libmodbus
* libxlsxwriter
* libxslt
* mate-branding-openSUSE
* python-Bottleneck
* python-SoundFile
* python-XlsxWriter
* python-autodocsumm
* python-calmjs.parse
* python-cbor2
* python-consolekit
* python-cryptography-vectors
* python-django-rest-knox
* python-eventlet
* python-findpython
* python-gevent
* python-jupyter-client
* python-kiwisolver
* python-pytest
* python-pytest-mypy
* python-s3transfer
* python-waitress
* rke
* rng-tools
* scons
* sshuttle
* sslscan
* wicked
* yast2-auth-client