I think the GNOME patterns need to be rebuilt.
Primarily :
- more than once I heard users complain that after installation the desktop is overloaded with games and third-party applications
- when you try to remove unnecessary applications by deleting patterns, there is some confusion with them. So the GNOME patterns is also a Wayland patterns, e.g.
What I suggest:
- make the following patterns:
* base GNOME with everything you need to run the environment itself without GNOME Core, but with a browser (for Internet access), an update viewer and package source code (which, as I understand it, is mandatory in openSUSE)
* GNOME Core - respectively, all applications from the GNOME core, taken from here: https://apps.gnome.org/en/, except for Logs (because there is YaST), Photo (because there is eog), Web browser (because there is Firefox) and Video (VLC can be supplied instead). That's all and the GNOME base will be as a GNOME system role.
* leave the rest as is, fixing them if the patterns above catch applications from the rest
- remove the Wayland patterns by spliting it with the GNOME Base (or leave as is, but add it to Basic GNOME and rename it to gnome_wayland pattern)
I think to reduce the GNOME base just as much, because GNOME Core can change its composition (except for settings and the file manager, their changes are quite rare so far) and a separate package for such changes will be easier to maintain in the future.