so today I wanted to build a package on our internal OBS instance
However the package did not get build with the following error message in the screen session:
fetching new buildcode 2341ea263f19533b57f2d86970ef43d6, mine was d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
got job, run build...
2022-08-01 11:26:58: building 'opsipxeconfd' for project 'home:uibmz:opsi:4.2:development' repository 'Debian_10' arch 'x86_64'
fetching sources, packages, building...
VM_ROOT: /srv/obs/build//root_4/root, VM_SWAP: /srv/obs/build//root_4/swap
Resizing /srv/obs/build//root_4/root (4096M)
dd: failed to open '/srv/obs/build//root_4/root': Is a directory
2022-08-01 11:27:01: finished 'opsipxeconfd' for project 'home:uibmz:opsi:4.2:development' repository 'Debian_10' arch 'x86_64'
build failed, marked as bad build host...
sent, all done...
Restarting the obsworker service didn't work.
What can I do to unmark the hosts as bad build hosts and make then build properly again?
opsi - Open PC-Server-Integration
das Open Source Client-Management-System von uib gmbh
Mathias Radtke
eMail: m.radtke(a)uib.de
Tel. +49 6131 / 27561-0
Fax +49 6131 / 27561-22
uib gmbh
Bonifaziusplatz 1B
55118 Mainz
Geschäftsführer: Erol Ülükmen
Handelsregister: Amtsgericht Mainz HRB 6942