Dear friends of the docs,
Earlier tonight we met to celebrate the achieving of the first
milestone, which consisted in promoting the first 4 sections of the
docs' table of contents
( to
the 'decent beta version' rank.
I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all our relentless
- syds-git (microos)
- badarotti (readme and introduction)
- apinter (installer)
- daviddyess (proof reading)
- Ethanol6 (proof reading)
- camckay6 (GPU drivers)
- Idesmi (proof reading)
- surprized (GPU drivers)
- Loquacity (proof reading)
- gonyere (proof reading)
- buxel (proof reading)
I'd also would like to extend my gratitude to Sasi for helping us with
the future website theme, and last but not least, to Attila for being an
incredibly reliable and resilient partner in crime since the beginning
of this project.
Now we don't forget that there's still a lot to accomplish to meet the
next deadline (around May), which consists in the 'spinal cord' of the
docs -- sections 7-10 included on Yast, zypper, snapper, and package
management, for which there is material aplenty, albeit scattered over
our platforms and more importantly, not very attuned to the needs of
Tumbleweed users.
As you can infer from the list of contributors above, we still need to
balance our ratio of excellent proof readers with excellent tech
writers. That'll be the topic of my email to the mailing lists next
week, where I'll be heading to try to get more contributors.
Thanks again and have a beautiful week-end,