sorry for abusing this list for XSLT questions, but well, some people
here (hello Thomas!) are too good in this area ;-)
I have two small issues with my patch2mail (update notification) script:
It includes two lines at the end of the output which I'd like to
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Daten des Repositorys laden...Installierte Pakete lesen...
The first one is obviously the XML "header", the second one is composed
from two <message type="info">...</message> lines.
The current XSLT file is attached - you can feed it with
zypper --xmlout -t patch | xsltproc patch2mail.xsl -
if you want to test it.
What do I have to change to remove the above lines?
(Note: Only messages with type "info" should be hidden.)
Christian Boltz
Werbung lügt, Corporate Design sagt die Wahrheit. Naja,
alle _guten_ Komponenten der Wahrheit. :-) [Ratti]