Pardon my density, but when OpenPBS 2.3 from the rpms provided on the beta
disks is installed on 8.2Beta9, and you attempt to activate it by
'chkconfig pbs_server on', the error
insserv: Service pbsserv has to be enabled for service pbsserv
insserv: exiting now!
/sbin/insserv failed, exit code 1
is coughed up.
The services have been added to /etc/services
pbs 15001/tcp # pbs server (pbs_server)
pbs_mom 15002/tcp # mom to/from server
pbs_resmom 15003/tcp # mom resource management requests
pbs_resmom 15003/udp # mom resource management requests
pbs_sched 15004/tcp # scheduler
pbsserv 15005/tcp
This is different from our previous hand-PBS installation on AIX 4.2 and
NPACI-ROCKS (which makes no mention of configs beyond the standard stock
ones from the manul). Any suggestions, as it's probably something simple
and SuSE related that I missed.
Thank you in advance.
Frederick P. Arnold, Jr.
NUIT, Northwestern U.