I found this article in an ACM magazine. Written by Steve Souders,
author of YSlow and a book named "High Performance Web Sites" which you
may have seen already in the book store if you are into these matters.
The article text is similar to the explanations that YSlow links to --
but it might be newer than that Yahoo page. He works at Google now, and
the article is from 2008.
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Hello Friends,
berfore the Update i have made submitrequests to build.o.o and i=20
recieved the Mail through the contrib Mailinglists.
But if i now made an Request, i recieve the Mail:
Hi, this is the mlmmj program managing the mailinglist
You have tried to post from this email address:
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the list.
In my Side it shows, that the Integration in OBS is not finished.=20
Have you an Goal, when you are finished?
Sincereley Yours
Sascha Manns
openSUSE Build Service
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