Dear XFCE Community,
As you are certainly aware, our openSUSE Tumbleweed Rescue CD features
an XFCE Desktop for people to do basic recovery work.
While analyzing the content of the disk, I stumbled across the fact
that the legacy 'gnome-icon-theme' is being installed (and wastes a lot
of space :P). Further digging revealed that the 'openSUSE-xfce-icon-
theme' inherits missing icons from the gnome-icone-theme.
I was wondering if you have strong feelings for this inheritance, or if
you'd see it as an option to fall back to the more modern 'Adwaita'
icon theme (which is the replacement theme of GNOME)
If so: could anybody please prepare the needed to change the
index.theme to no longer reference 'gnome' and also adjust the .spec
file to no longer require gnome-icon-theme?
The more 'stuff' like this we can shave off the disc, the more actual
'useful' stuff I can add; g-i-t for example accounts for ~ 10MB (does
not sound like a lot - but considering that the CD is 'only' 670MB, it
is substantial already).
Thanks for your help