the next heroes meeting will be on Thursday (2022-12-01) at 19:00 UTC /
20:00 CET in https://meet.opensuse.org/heroes
So far, the meeting ticket https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/119869
lists the usual tickets. Feel free to add your topics - or just bring
them up in the meeting.
Christian Boltz
Das ist halt der Unterschied: Unix ist ein Betriebssystem mit Tradition,
die anderen sind einfach von sich aus unlogisch. [Anselm Lingnau]
here are the minutes of today's meeting:
LCP: done some test migrations for forums: worked better than expected
bmwiedemann: download.o.o staging issues: we create a nice merged TW
tree in /srv/ftp but everyone rsyncs from /srv/ftp-stage with only the
new TW -> users getting 404 errors - maybe from files just deleted in the
-> /srv/ftp has a merged tree including slightly older packages
(deletion is delayed). Consider to direct mirrors to mirror that instead
of ftp-stage.
leap updates OTOH are not staged at all and cause spikes on
downloadcontent caches
Per reports on IRC that the steaks are ready
providing https certificates for *.infra.o.o was broken, fixed yesterday.
Note that it requires re-registering with crtmgr to get a new
certificate. (Fixed on all hosts known to use a *.infra.o.o cert.)
some internal DNS zones left in FreeIPA look unused, disabled now
identification VM might have had working ipsilon theming support ;
something in salt: apache alias ui, alias theme https://
sso.opensuse.org.conf https://gitlab.infra.opensuse.org/infra/salt/-/
backup of old identification.i.o.o image is on backup.i.o.o:/backup/raw
if needed
code.o.o shows lots of debug output on "git push" - needs investigation
code.o.o testhighstate shows differences (for example in the nginx config)
- needs review and updating in salt
Christian Boltz
Bitte sende kein "postconf -n", so wie alles es tun.
Das macht es nur unnötig einfach zu helfen.
[Patrick Ben Koetter in postfixbuch-users]
the next heroes meeting will be on Thursday, 2022-11-03 at 19:00 UTC /
20:00 CET in https://meet.opensuse.org/heroes
Note that Europe switched to CET, therefore the UTC time changed to
19:00 UTC.
As usual, feel free to add topics to the meeting ticket
or just bring them up in the meeting.
Christian Boltz
Man kann ohne Übertreibung sagen, dass die einstmals große Verbreitung
des Flash Player in umgekehrt proportionalem Verhältnis zur Reputation
der Software unter Security-Gesichtspunkten stand.