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Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 21:38:47 +0200 (CEST)
From: J. V. Sarioglou <j-sarioglou(a)versanet.de>
To: Marco Skambraks <marco(a)suse.de>
Subject: LC-Variables
Hi list!
I am a newbie to this list...
I am having trouble getting the cursor routing of my vario40 display (native
mode) under sbl 2.2 suse 9.1 PRO selfbacked 2.6.7 kernel to work... Marco
Skambraks indicated to me that the problem lies within my LC-Variable setting
enabling UTF-8 console enconding in /etc/sysconfig/language and ./console.
However even if I set the values as Marco told me (see attached files) a
mistirious force within the depths of the System keeps resetting the
LC-variables to the values captured in the locale.txt also attached.
Has any one any idea what that force might be?
Thanks in advance
Bye J. Sarioglou