I hope this is the correct forum for this question; I'm open to
suggestions for something more appropriate.
I'm using zypper 1.13.28 (zypper-1.13.28-20.2.x86_64) under SLES 12.3.
I'm invoking zypper as such:
zypper -v -v --userdata "$zyp_tid" --no-remote remove -D -y
--details --no-clean-deps $uninstall_rpms
For some reason, zypper is going out of it's way to grab additional
packages. I don't want it so do so, but I don't know how to prevent
Here's an example run; I've altered the names of the packages, as
this is our proprietary code.
Note that it correctly lists the packages in the lines written as
'Selecting ...', but if you review the final list:
The following 15 packages are going to be REMOVED
It grabbed two more:
# zypper -v -v --no-remote remove -D -y --details --no-clean-deps foo-agents foo-chroot foo-chroot1 foo-httpd foo-ipm foo-kerberos_bar foo-libs_bar foo-oracle_bar foo-osc foo-radius_bar foo-tomcat_bar foo-ui foo_bar
Verbosity: 2
Remote repositories disabled.
Entering non-interactive mode.
Non-option program arguments: 'foo-agents' 'foo-chroot'
'foo-chroot1' 'foo-httpd' 'foo-ipm' 'foo-kerberos_bar'
'foo-libs_bar' 'foo-oracle_bar' 'foo-osc' 'foo-radius_bar'
'foo-tomcat_bar' 'foo-ui' 'foo_bar'
Initializing Target
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Force resolution: Yes
Selecting 'foo-osc-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-oracle_bar-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-chroot-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-httpd-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-tomcat_bar-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-ui-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-ipm-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-kerberos_bar-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-libs_bar-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo_bar-6.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-agents-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-chroot1-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Selecting 'foo-radius_bar-16.4-99.x86_64' for removal.
Resolving package dependencies...
Force resolution: Yes
The following 15 packages are going to be REMOVED:
foo-agents 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-chroot 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-chroot1 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-httpd 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-ipm 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-iptables 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-kerberos_bar 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-libs_bar 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-oracle_bar 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-osc 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-radius_bar 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-restage 6.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-tomcat_bar 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo-ui 16.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
foo_bar 6.4-99 x86_64 Company, Inc.
15 packages to remove.
After the operation, 353.0 MiB will be freed.
Continue? [y/n/...? shows all options] (y): y
committing (dry run)
CommitResult (total 15, done 0, error 0, skipped 15, updateMessages 0)
Brian Reichert <reichert(a)numachi.com>
BSD admin/developer at large
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