During the last two days, there was a mass addition of linked package from
devel:languages:python to the science project.
I think it is quite bad this was neither discussed nor announced here.
I also think this is plain wrong:
1. d:l:p is not meant as a base project for other projects, but as a devel
2. in case it was meant to fill in some missing packages for Leap 15,
d:l:p:backports would have been a better choice
3. The packages from d:l:p often require a python > 3.6, so many won't build
on Leap anyway
4. For Tumbleweed, linking and rebuilding the packages from d:l:p is rather
pointless and wasteful - we get more rebuilds, and longer rebuilds
Stefan Brüns / Bergstraße 21 / 52062 Aachen
phone: +49 241 53809034 mobile: +49 151 50412019