Hi all,
FreeDiams 0.7.0~beta1 was rejected by ftpmaster@debian due to another license issue (some .svg pixmaps). After a discussion with Andreas Tille, we need to redefine the source package && the debian packages.
Here is a short explanation of modifications to be done:
* Common parts
- Libs are common and are not specific. All libs (built with FreeMedForms EMR) can be included in a freemedforms-libs package. Install them in /usr/lib/freemedforms-common/ and manage rpath of plugs, libs && apps.
- Pixmaps are fully common and can be installed in /usr/share/freemedforms-theme.
- The default free datapacks (datapacks/appinstalled/*) are common and can be installed in /usr/share/freemedforms-free-datapacks.
* Specific parts
- Translations are not common (some differences only) install in /usr/share/appname.
- Docs are not sharable install in /usr/doc/appname (or something like that).
What I'm suggesting is to set the freemedforms source package as the master one. This source package will include all freemedforms project apps, libs and resources.
We can create the following common packages:
- freemedforms-libs (all libs && *-dev)
- freemedforms-freedatapacks (metapackage that include: freemedforms-freedrugs and some other datapacks that are not actually created)
- freemedforms-theme (fully common)
And specific packags:
- freemedforms-emr
- freemedforms-freediams
- freemedforms-freeicd
- freemedforms-freeaccount
If anyone wants to help us with this, let us know.
Eric Maeker, MD (Fr)
http://www.freemedforms.com : Suite logicielle médicale open source
http://asso.freemedforms.com : Association 1901 des utilisateurs de la suite FreeMedForms
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMed : Debian Med est une distribution Debian orientée médecine
http://www.ericmaeker.fr : site personnel--
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