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- 1 participants
- 33 discussions

[Fate 303493] zypper: add separate messages for Required and Recomended packages
by 28 Feb '08
by 28 Feb '08
28 Feb '08
Feature changed by: gp
Feature #303493, revision 3
Title: zypper: add separate messages for Required and Recomended
+ openSUSE-11.0: Evaluation
+ Priority
+ Requester: Important
SLES-11: Evaluation
Requester: Important
Requested by: crrodriguez(a)
Partner organization:
currenly when you install a package with zypper, you just get the
packages that are going to be installed, regardless if the are required
or Reccommended,.. will be nice if the messages can be arranged to be
more explict about what the package manager is doing.
"The following NEW [required|reccomended] package is going to be
installed: foo"
also an informative message about Suggested packages should be shown
"The following package(s) is(are) suggested but are not going to be
installed foo bar "
unless user pass --install-suggested or use a boolean configuration
directive on zypp.conf or something, suggested packages should not be
installed by default ..currently it seems to be completely ignored and
does nothing.
SUSE Feature Tool:

[Fate 303493] zypper: add separate messages for Required and Recomended packages
by 28 Feb '08
by 28 Feb '08
28 Feb '08
Feature changed by: aj
Feature #303493, revision 2
- Title: zypper: add separate messages for Required and Reccommended
+ Title: zypper: add separate messages for Required and Recomended
- SLES-11: New
+ SLES-11: Evaluation
Requester: Important
Requested by: crrodriguez(a)
Partner organization:
currenly when you install a package with zypper, you just get the
packages that are going to be installed, regardless if the are required
or Reccommended,.. will be nice if the messages can be arranged to be
more explict about what the package manager is doing.
"The following NEW [required|reccomended] package is going to be
installed: foo"
also an informative message about Suggested packages should be shown
- "The following package(s) is(are) suggsted but are not going to be
+ "The following package(s) is(are) suggested but are not going to be
installed foo bar "
unless user pass --install-suggested or use a boolean configuration
directive on zypp.conf or something, suggested packages should not be
installed by default ..currently it seems to be completely ignored and
does nothing.
SUSE Feature Tool:

[Fate 303493] zypper: add separate messages for Required and Reccommended packages
by 28 Feb '08
by 28 Feb '08
28 Feb '08
Feature added by: crrodriguez
Feature #303493, revision 1
Title: zypper: add separate messages for Required and Reccommended packages
SLES-11: New
Requester: Important
Requested by: crrodriguez(a)
Partner organization:
currenly when you install a package with zypper, you just get the packages that are going to be installed, regardless if the are required or Reccommended,.. will be nice if the messages can be arranged to be more explict about what the package manager is doing.
"The following NEW [required|reccomended] package is going to be installed: foo"
also an informative message about Suggested packages should be shown
"The following package(s) is(are) suggsted but are not going to be installed foo bar "
unless user pass --install-suggested or use a boolean configuration directive on zypp.conf or something, suggested packages should not be installed by default ..currently it seems to be completely ignored and does nothing.
SUSE Feature Tool:
Feature changed by: locilka
Feature #302957, revision 29
Title: Combined "where am I" page
- openSUSE-11.0: Candidate
+ openSUSE-11.0: Done
Requester: Mandatory
Projectmanager: Important
SLED-11: New
Requester: Mandatory
- SLES-11: New
+ SLES-11: Done
Requester: Mandatory
Requested by: coolo(a)
Partner organization:
Our (openSUSE) statistics show that most of our users are not native
english speakers. So I'm blindly assuming they do not have a english
keyboard either and do not live in an english speaking timezone.
So I want the first page to be not just the language in a blue box, but
to have _one_ installation page with language, timezone and keyboard
These selections should depend on each other, so depending on where I
click first the others change.
To have a good looking addon, I picture the timezone selection as
picture and not as fullscreen list boxes.
#1: coolo(a) (2007-11-09 11:48:30)
An additional note, feature #302955 is related (split translations out
of installation system).
#2: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 13:27:05)
Isn't it easier for users who do not speak English to have the first
dialog really as simple as possible (since they cannot read it)? Having
just one selection box leads them straight where they need to get; I
guess that most of them use mouse for installation, so keyboard is not
an issue either...
Also, we already have a support in isolinux to select language; then
the first dialog is skipped.
#3: coolo(a) (2007-11-09 14:13:14)
If isolinux provides a language, then the page is not worse than the
timezone page is now. Just that it also allows to change the language
after the fact.
If users do not grasp english _at all_, they will have a hard time
booting the installation off the CD. So I would blindly assume that
users have no problem with selecting Deutsch, русский or čeština when
presented with a list even if they do not understand the exact context.
And when next to that list is even a graphical presentation of the
world, most will be able to select the part of the world they live in.
#4: evamaria.fuchs(a) (2007-11-09 16:00:35)
I think for the secondary target market of opensuse (first time user,
home user)an installer wizard that consists of a series of screens
would be convenient.
Basically it's preferable that language-, time-zone- and keyboard-
selection depend on each other so that modifying one will effect the
others. But - as I prefer a picture (e.g. a rotating globe) for time-
zone selection - sticking them together in one screen would clutter the
whole thing up.
#5: coolo(a) (2007-11-15 13:01:50)
after some discussions with Eva, I want to reexpress my request:
I want the language selection to be on one page together with license
and a welcome text and the timezone dialog to be graphical and a
proposed keyboard layout associated to the language from the first
The license text doesn't have to be visible in full beauty. I talked
with the lawyer and what I got was: it's ok if the license can be read,
it doesn't have to optimized for scrolling.
I'll work on a mockup. The challenge is that we might need a slightly
different work flow for ncurses, but I think popups are ok for it. So
you can write UI code, that either fills a special widget or opens a
#6: coolo(a) (2007-11-18 13:53:57) (reply to #5)
Danger Mouse! I'm very far from a capable mockup designer.
But here is my show:
#7: coolo(a) (2007-11-18 13:54:45) (reply to #6)
Ciaran, just to verify: is this way to present the license ok?
#9: cfarrell(a) (2007-11-19 08:51:13) (reply to #7)
Provided that we maintain the status quo with regard to not proceeding
with the installation until the user actually accepts the license.
#8: coolo(a) (2007-11-18 14:39:45) (reply to #6)
mocking up the timezone page, I leave to the interested reader.
For reference: this is how unbuntu's installer looks like:…
I would make the map a little smaller and do not show a region and not
the name of the timezone again, but rather have the value of the
combobox fill in what we have now as Europe/Berlin.
Because I want a "Keyboard: English" with a little test field in there.
But that is to be discussed. The main goal is to have a graphical
selection instead of these fullscreen list boxes.
#10: michl(a) (2007-11-19 13:28:22)
Mockup looks good. And the whole thing should simplify and shorten the
installation process.
#11: jsrain(a) (2007-11-19 16:57:23)
The timezone dialog looks good to me, however, we should not present
the other one in the current form. Even if we have a different dialog
for NCurses, we still must take care of Qt with the resolution of
With the current font size, the text itself will not fit into the
screen if it is 800x600. Also consider the license - if one wants to
read it, he wants to read a reasonable part of the license without
scrolling - and not to scroll every 3rd line.
IMO this suggestion puts the usability a huge step back
#12: coolo(a) (2007-11-19 18:23:04) (reply to #11)
damn, fate crashed on my comment ;(
Again: I'm not a good designer
But as a matter of fact: we do not design the default screen estate for
reading the license, but of course a better design can add a popup to
read the full text in full screen.
#14: locilka(a) (2007-11-29 13:10:32)
Additional step to help user understand where he is and what he can do
there is to remove a [Show Release Notes] button and place that button
to a Welcome Dialog only. The button doesn't need to occupy
installation wizard screen all the time, it often rather confuses
Frankly, this wasn't my idea but I found it useful :) ;)
#15: jsuchome(a) (2007-12-20 16:19:25)
Proposal of timezone dialog with a map:
BTW, it may not have a sense to offer keyboard configuration together with
timezone. Keyboard layout is currently decided according to selected
language, so it may better fit together with language. But the language
dialog could get eventually too crowded.
#16: coolo(a) (2007-12-22 14:05:24)
new screenshot for the first page (I tried ycp):
Some icons and some more text would help the design I'd think.
#17: coolo(a) (2008-01-08 12:40:13) is Martin's counter proposal.
This one needs icons to differ the combo boxes though, but I believe a
keyboard and an UN flag should make this obvious enough.
#18: locilka(a) (2008-01-10 15:24:31) (reply to #17)
BTW: This complex dialog will not be part of yast2-country (or similar)
but directly yast2-installation because it contains more than just
defining the language and keyboard settings. License handling needs to
be reworked.
#19: jsuchome(a) (2008-01-23 09:37:39) (reply to #18)
Well, OK than. I expect you will ask for creating some API of Language
(and maybe Keyboard) module, because current one probably is not
sufficient. The API should be used instead writing whole stuff again
separately, so we don't have the language handling on more places.
#20: locilka(a) (2008-01-28 11:22:59) (reply to #19)
Yes, Language API would probably help a lot.
Please, propose, what you could create considering the default state at…
For instance, generating the combo boxes for language and keyboard
selections might be moved to the API (I saw some functions in the
current API though).
The current implementation has been done in a hurry before the alpha
deadline, it needs to be polished. Feel free to change it directly,
it's open source.
#21: jsuchome(a) (2008-01-28 11:32:01) (reply to #20)
I agree, currently the API for generating the widget contents is
needed, maybe that's all. I have to check it.
#22: locilka(a) (2008-02-01 04:09:18)
New "where am I page" with Language, Keyboard, and License will be in
11.0 Alpha2.
+ #23: locilka(a) (2008-02-27 11:10:18) (reply to #22)
+ Done in openSUSE 11.0 Alpha2 (and later).
+ There were some bugfixes and internal changes though...
SUSE Feature Tool:

26 Feb '08
Feature changed by: locilka
Feature #302955, revision 47
Title: Split translations out of installation system
openSUSE-11.0: Done
Requester: Mandatory
Projectmanager: Mandatory
Requested by: coolo(a)
Partner organization:
The translations of yast are the biggest part of the installation
These should not be part of the image, but should be pulled in from the
product media as the user selects them.
#1: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 13:18:17)
Duncan, we will need a Linuxrc support for this. Can Steffen look into
this feature? What comes to my mind is:
Linuxrc needs to download and mount the language image for the language
which user selected in bootloader menu (or English as fallback)
Linuxrc needs to provide a support (eg. a script) which YaST can call
when Language changes and downloads and "mounts" the new translation
It is questionable whether it should be YaST or Linuxrc who makes
checks if the asked image is already downloaded, IMO it should be
#2: snwint(a) (2007-11-09 14:08:01) (reply to #1)
I don't see linuxrc involved at all. YaST can just donwload he required
files. Doesn't look that tricky to me.
#3: jsuchome(a) (2007-11-09 14:29:36) (reply to #2)
Maybe, but I do not know how. Lukas, don't we have some API in yast2-
installation for that (copying target package from media to inst-sys,
if I understand it correctly)?
#4: snwint(a) (2007-11-09 14:32:40) (reply to #3)
We've had exactly that discussion when we talked about loading the
licenses. I think now is a good time to fix yast. I really don't see
why other programs have to download various files for yast when yast
could as well do it itself. And when this means doing the repo init
earlier, then, well, do it earlier.
#5: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 15:02:22) (reply to #4)
YaST can only fetch data from instlalation sources. Inst-sys can come
from completly different location than installation sources do. YaST
has no information where to get these images from. YaST would have to
reimplement getting data from all kind of locations on its own (it
cannot use libzypp, since at the location, there needn't be any valid
That's why I'd like to reuse functionality which Linuxrc already has.
#7: coolo(a) (2007-11-16 11:42:17) (reply to #5)
Duncan, is it feasible to make the download functionality of libzypp
seperate from valid sources.
E.g. RepoManager::download(theurl_I_got_from_linuxrc,
#10: dmacvicar(a) (2008-01-22 18:35:02) (reply to #7)
Yes, MediaSetAccess or even MediaAccess can be used to get a file
directly from an Url.
The design is layered, MediaAccess sits on top of MediaManager(curl,
iso, etc), MediaSetAccess on top, adding multiple media and media
changing support, and RepoProvideFile on top, using the repos urls and
trying different mirrors.
There is also Fetcher which also sits on top of MediaSetAccess which
provide queues and using already downloaded files.
I think it is already used in YaST, YaST does transfer the content file
from media independently from ZYpp.
#6: locilka(a) (2007-11-09 16:54:01) (reply to #3)
As already written by snwint, there is no way how to download anything
from sources before they are initialized. So: no, there is no
Installation API for that.
As there can be an installation-(zypp)-source and a different inst-sys,
Installation could either initialize the source as soon as possible but
it still wouldn't know where to download inst-sys extensions. On the
other hand, Linuxrc doesn't know which translations will be needed. So
maybe inst-sys could provide some functionality (API) for downloading
these extensions and merging them (downloaddir + adddir), YaST could
then use that API. Just an idea...
#8: michl(a) (2007-11-29 12:46:53)
We should come down to tier1 languages here.
#11: locilka(a) (2008-01-28 19:06:03) (reply to #9)
According the forwarded mails, the Installation framework should call
from /etc/install.inf
(and combine them with a file/localization location to
/lbin/wget -v $url_to_download_file_from $path_to_save_file_to
mkdir /mounts/localization
mount -o loop $path_to_save_file_to /mounts/localization
adddir /mounts/localization /
Where (dir) and under which names will be the localization files
(language images) stored?
#12: locilka(a) (2008-01-29 10:39:24) (reply to #11)
Snwint: does /lbin/wget check signatures of that file or does inst-sys
provide some functionality I could use to check them?
#14: snwint(a) (2008-01-29 11:06:11) (reply to #12)
No it doesn't check them. But their SHA1sum will appear in /content.
#13: snwint(a) (2008-01-29 11:03:05) (reply to #11)
The language images are named root.XXX where XXX is XXX in yast2-trans-
#15: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 07:25:10) (reply to #13)
Stano's idea: For a better user experience, let's have all translations
for the first dialog available from the very beggining (it's actually ). In other words, installation textdomain should be
still in the inst-sys-base, other text-domains in squashfs images.
Download the language squashfs inst-sys extension after clicking on
[Next] in the first dialog. That would make it visually faster.
#16: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 07:58:54) (reply to #15)
Ah, I've found that having in the base inst-sys is
currently the only way to avoid translation errors.
YaST uses gettext for translating messages. The very first dialog using
a gettext functions (e.g., initializing installation) is called even
before the translation file is downloaded. In this case, gettext
wouldn't find any translation. It would return untranslated message and
also remember that there was no translation file available. After the
installation adds the translation file, gettext would ignore it (This
is known behavior since OES2 its Add-On integration into SLES10 SP1
#19: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 11:59:10) (reply to #16)
Problem solved. According to snwint, the initial root.$LANG file is
downloaded by Linuxrc, long time before YaST does anything.
#17: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 08:06:35) (reply to #13)
Where do we expect the root.$LANG files? On the installation repository
or in the inst-sys? Consider this situation:
RepoURL: nfs://
InstsysURL: nfs://
I assume that for de_DE URL nfs://
device=eth0&aaa=bbb should be used but is that correct? Why not nfs:
//<arch>/root.de_DE?device=eth0 ?
#18: snwint(a) (2008-02-04 14:22:41) (reply to #17)
The files are taken from miracle because they should somehow match the
other instsys files.
#20: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:00:39) (reply to #13)
Is there any possibility to list these (root.XX, root.xx_XX, ...)
files? Because I haven't found any both systematic and valid solution.
#21: snwint(a) (2008-02-04 18:07:19) (reply to #20)
No idea; I'm using yast2-trans-allpacks when I build the instsys.
#22: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:16:54) (reply to #21)
This shows the list of $somehow supported translations ls -1
/usr/lib/YaST2/trans | sed 's/\.status//' however it is not ideal.
#23: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:27:27) (reply to #22)
A simple solution would be to introduce a new entry into the content
file, e.g., SUPPLANGS . This variable would contain (space-separated)
list of supported languages in YaST (all ${LANG}s for all root.$LANG
files). Rudi, could you, please, add it?
#24: snwint(a) (2008-02-05 10:07:12) (reply to #23)
All are already in content as they are sha1-summed.
#25: locilka(a) (2008-02-05 04:34:37) (reply to #24)
But their SHA1 is still not checked by the installation (YaST) when
downloaded. It's in my TODO.
#26: snwint(a) (2008-02-05 10:49:20) (reply to #25)
Maybe. But it basically is the list you asked for in comment 23. Or
#27: locilka(a) (2008-02-05 05:29:03) (reply to #26)
It basically is the list I asked for for, but it doesn't contain the
informative value that defines: hey! these languages are supported, use
these files (...). For instance file, root.fonts , should be also
signed and partly matches the pattern but fonts is not a language. And
there might be several files later... So, I don't think this would
#28: locilka(a) (2008-02-07 16:32:53) (reply to #25)
I've found that SHA1 sum for checking the downloaded files cannot be
computed :(
Snwint: It seems that sha1sum is not part of the inst-sys. Linuxrc
seems to check the SHA1 itself (sha1.c). What should I use? What would
be the best solution? Integrate sha1sum into the inst-sys?
#29: snwint(a) (2008-02-07 18:08:27) (reply to #28)
Sure. I'll add it.
#35: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 13:50:00) (reply to #23)
What is the reason for SUPPLANGS when we already have LINGUAS?
#36: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 14:12:17) (reply to #35)
Because LINGUAS were in use already. And they currently DO NOT reflect
the status of *all supported languages*. Anyway, the SUPPLANGS tag
hasn't been added and installation uses a fallback that checks all
trans-stats and takes the list of supported languages from there (which
works well).
* check if selected language has support on media (F301238)
* show a warning when not
define void check_languages_support (string selected_language) {
string linguas = (string) SCR::Read (.content.LINGUAS);
if (linguas == nil) {
y2warning ("No LINGUAS tag defined in content file");
y2milestone ("content LINGUAS %1", linguas);
list <string> all_linguas = splitstring (linguas, " ");
string language_short = splitstring (selected_language, "_")
if (!contains (all_linguas, selected_language) && !contains
(all_linguas, language_short)) {
y2milestone ("Language %1 is not fully supported",
// popup message
Popup::Message (_("Only minimal support for the selected
language is included on the media.
Add the Language Add-On CD as an additional repository to get better
for this language."));
#37: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 14:23:46) (reply to #36)
I can read the code and I know that LINGUAS is used. Still, I think the
meaning of SUPPLANGS is the same. Or it should be if it currently is
#38: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 14:36:09) (reply to #37)
I'm afraid that it is not correct. According to the soruce code,
LINGUAS contain list of languages that are fully supported and if user
selects language, that is NOT listed in LINGUAS he/she/it is warned. On
the other hand SUPPLANGS (as it was requested) should have contained
list of all languages supported in YaST (in other words: list of
languages in a separate squashfs images that can be used as a plugin to
the installation). That's why we can't reuse LINGUAS if we use them for
this check.
But, of course, as far as I know, using the LINGUAS should be replaced
with getting the information from trans-stats files: less than XY%
means -> language not fully supported. (Stano?)
#39: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 14:52:12) (reply to #38)
Well, if we want to know list of all languages supported in YaST, we do
not need other variable in content file, we know this from YaST
already: these are the languages offered in the language selection.
And checking for insufficient languages support (now done against
LINGUAS) and insufficient translation treshold (trans-stats) is a
different thing: certain language could be only on Add-On (=not in
LINGUAS), but it could be 100% translated and vice versa.
#40: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 15:04:28) (reply to #39)
Please, try to solve reasonable ammount of features and bugs at once.
This feature is about translation split (out of the installation
system). If some languages are additionally supported by some Add-On
product, installation will not be able to add them on-the-fly (yast
translations for inst-sys). Language Add-On might contain some
additional packages but that's all. It will not have any effect on the
inst-sys. If this is all about not using SUPPLANGS, please, change the
client that tries to read it, to use the Language (or whatever) module.
SUPPLANGS in not (and probably will not be) added. Installation
currently uses trans-stats to find out all languages supported by the
inst-sys. It can be changed to use Language module directly (if it
provides the very same information). That's a little implementation
#41: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 15:12:26) (reply to #40)
I was not trying to solve anything, I asked why is it needed. Based on
your information I concluded that it is not.
I only wrote about Add-Ons to describe the distincition with LINGUAS
and trans-stats usage (= answer to as far as I know, using the LINGUAS
should be replaced with getting the information from trans-stats
files... )
#30: locilka(a) (2008-02-08 13:36:08)
For jsuchome/country (possibly-buggy behavior reported by jsuchome):
If user selects another language in the 'installation overview' (former
'proposal'), language selection needs to call this:
if (Stage::initial()) {
WFM::call ("integrate_translation_extension",
You should call it before Language::Set (language) is called.
This is used only in inst-sys /Stage::initial()/, client
integrate_translation_extension has been added to yast2-installation-
#31: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-08 13:52:32) (reply to #30)
Actually, I would like to have this call (+all the checks when it is
necessary of course) inside Language::Set call, so that no code that
wants to change the language needs to care about this.
#32: locilka(a) (2008-02-08 14:12:56) (reply to #31)
Hmm, that sounds reasonable...
We had better move the client from installation to country then...
#42: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-26 12:44:14) (reply to #30)
I moved the functionality of "integrate_translation_extension" into
Language::Set. Available in yast2-country-2.16.11 .
I hope this is all for this feature, see you in bugzilla.
+ #43: locilka(a) (2008-02-26 14:11:33) (reply to #42)
+ We've agreed on moving the functionality to module Language because of
+ the transparency for all usage. It's easier to call Language::Set()
+ which handles all the needed stuff than calling some ycp script with a
+ parameter. It's less error-prone and also faster.
+ Anyway, the package is yast2-country-data (not yast2-country (typo) -
+ that would bring another circle of dependencies again). I've already
+ adjusted the installation spec file.
SUSE Feature Tool:

26 Feb '08
Feature changed by: jsuchome
Feature #302955, revision 46
Title: Split translations out of installation system
- openSUSE-11.0: Candidate
+ openSUSE-11.0: Done
Requester: Mandatory
Projectmanager: Mandatory
Requested by: coolo(a)
Partner organization:
The translations of yast are the biggest part of the installation
These should not be part of the image, but should be pulled in from the
product media as the user selects them.
#1: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 13:18:17)
Duncan, we will need a Linuxrc support for this. Can Steffen look into
this feature? What comes to my mind is:
Linuxrc needs to download and mount the language image for the language
which user selected in bootloader menu (or English as fallback)
Linuxrc needs to provide a support (eg. a script) which YaST can call
when Language changes and downloads and "mounts" the new translation
It is questionable whether it should be YaST or Linuxrc who makes
checks if the asked image is already downloaded, IMO it should be
#2: snwint(a) (2007-11-09 14:08:01) (reply to #1)
I don't see linuxrc involved at all. YaST can just donwload he required
files. Doesn't look that tricky to me.
#3: jsuchome(a) (2007-11-09 14:29:36) (reply to #2)
Maybe, but I do not know how. Lukas, don't we have some API in yast2-
installation for that (copying target package from media to inst-sys,
if I understand it correctly)?
#4: snwint(a) (2007-11-09 14:32:40) (reply to #3)
We've had exactly that discussion when we talked about loading the
licenses. I think now is a good time to fix yast. I really don't see
why other programs have to download various files for yast when yast
could as well do it itself. And when this means doing the repo init
earlier, then, well, do it earlier.
#5: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 15:02:22) (reply to #4)
YaST can only fetch data from instlalation sources. Inst-sys can come
from completly different location than installation sources do. YaST
has no information where to get these images from. YaST would have to
reimplement getting data from all kind of locations on its own (it
cannot use libzypp, since at the location, there needn't be any valid
That's why I'd like to reuse functionality which Linuxrc already has.
#7: coolo(a) (2007-11-16 11:42:17) (reply to #5)
Duncan, is it feasible to make the download functionality of libzypp
seperate from valid sources.
E.g. RepoManager::download(theurl_I_got_from_linuxrc,
#10: dmacvicar(a) (2008-01-22 18:35:02) (reply to #7)
Yes, MediaSetAccess or even MediaAccess can be used to get a file
directly from an Url.
The design is layered, MediaAccess sits on top of MediaManager(curl,
iso, etc), MediaSetAccess on top, adding multiple media and media
changing support, and RepoProvideFile on top, using the repos urls and
trying different mirrors.
There is also Fetcher which also sits on top of MediaSetAccess which
provide queues and using already downloaded files.
I think it is already used in YaST, YaST does transfer the content file
from media independently from ZYpp.
#6: locilka(a) (2007-11-09 16:54:01) (reply to #3)
As already written by snwint, there is no way how to download anything
from sources before they are initialized. So: no, there is no
Installation API for that.
As there can be an installation-(zypp)-source and a different inst-sys,
Installation could either initialize the source as soon as possible but
it still wouldn't know where to download inst-sys extensions. On the
other hand, Linuxrc doesn't know which translations will be needed. So
maybe inst-sys could provide some functionality (API) for downloading
these extensions and merging them (downloaddir + adddir), YaST could
then use that API. Just an idea...
#8: michl(a) (2007-11-29 12:46:53)
We should come down to tier1 languages here.
#11: locilka(a) (2008-01-28 19:06:03) (reply to #9)
According the forwarded mails, the Installation framework should call
from /etc/install.inf
(and combine them with a file/localization location to
/lbin/wget -v $url_to_download_file_from $path_to_save_file_to
mkdir /mounts/localization
mount -o loop $path_to_save_file_to /mounts/localization
adddir /mounts/localization /
Where (dir) and under which names will be the localization files
(language images) stored?
#12: locilka(a) (2008-01-29 10:39:24) (reply to #11)
Snwint: does /lbin/wget check signatures of that file or does inst-sys
provide some functionality I could use to check them?
#14: snwint(a) (2008-01-29 11:06:11) (reply to #12)
No it doesn't check them. But their SHA1sum will appear in /content.
#13: snwint(a) (2008-01-29 11:03:05) (reply to #11)
The language images are named root.XXX where XXX is XXX in yast2-trans-
#15: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 07:25:10) (reply to #13)
Stano's idea: For a better user experience, let's have all translations
for the first dialog available from the very beggining (it's actually ). In other words, installation textdomain should be
still in the inst-sys-base, other text-domains in squashfs images.
Download the language squashfs inst-sys extension after clicking on
[Next] in the first dialog. That would make it visually faster.
#16: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 07:58:54) (reply to #15)
Ah, I've found that having in the base inst-sys is
currently the only way to avoid translation errors.
YaST uses gettext for translating messages. The very first dialog using
a gettext functions (e.g., initializing installation) is called even
before the translation file is downloaded. In this case, gettext
wouldn't find any translation. It would return untranslated message and
also remember that there was no translation file available. After the
installation adds the translation file, gettext would ignore it (This
is known behavior since OES2 its Add-On integration into SLES10 SP1
#19: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 11:59:10) (reply to #16)
Problem solved. According to snwint, the initial root.$LANG file is
downloaded by Linuxrc, long time before YaST does anything.
#17: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 08:06:35) (reply to #13)
Where do we expect the root.$LANG files? On the installation repository
or in the inst-sys? Consider this situation:
RepoURL: nfs://
InstsysURL: nfs://
I assume that for de_DE URL nfs://
device=eth0&aaa=bbb should be used but is that correct? Why not nfs:
//<arch>/root.de_DE?device=eth0 ?
#18: snwint(a) (2008-02-04 14:22:41) (reply to #17)
The files are taken from miracle because they should somehow match the
other instsys files.
#20: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:00:39) (reply to #13)
Is there any possibility to list these (root.XX, root.xx_XX, ...)
files? Because I haven't found any both systematic and valid solution.
#21: snwint(a) (2008-02-04 18:07:19) (reply to #20)
No idea; I'm using yast2-trans-allpacks when I build the instsys.
#22: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:16:54) (reply to #21)
This shows the list of $somehow supported translations ls -1
/usr/lib/YaST2/trans | sed 's/\.status//' however it is not ideal.
#23: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:27:27) (reply to #22)
A simple solution would be to introduce a new entry into the content
file, e.g., SUPPLANGS . This variable would contain (space-separated)
list of supported languages in YaST (all ${LANG}s for all root.$LANG
files). Rudi, could you, please, add it?
#24: snwint(a) (2008-02-05 10:07:12) (reply to #23)
All are already in content as they are sha1-summed.
#25: locilka(a) (2008-02-05 04:34:37) (reply to #24)
But their SHA1 is still not checked by the installation (YaST) when
downloaded. It's in my TODO.
#26: snwint(a) (2008-02-05 10:49:20) (reply to #25)
Maybe. But it basically is the list you asked for in comment 23. Or
#27: locilka(a) (2008-02-05 05:29:03) (reply to #26)
It basically is the list I asked for for, but it doesn't contain the
informative value that defines: hey! these languages are supported, use
these files (...). For instance file, root.fonts , should be also
signed and partly matches the pattern but fonts is not a language. And
there might be several files later... So, I don't think this would
#28: locilka(a) (2008-02-07 16:32:53) (reply to #25)
I've found that SHA1 sum for checking the downloaded files cannot be
computed :(
Snwint: It seems that sha1sum is not part of the inst-sys. Linuxrc
seems to check the SHA1 itself (sha1.c). What should I use? What would
be the best solution? Integrate sha1sum into the inst-sys?
#29: snwint(a) (2008-02-07 18:08:27) (reply to #28)
Sure. I'll add it.
#35: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 13:50:00) (reply to #23)
What is the reason for SUPPLANGS when we already have LINGUAS?
#36: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 14:12:17) (reply to #35)
Because LINGUAS were in use already. And they currently DO NOT reflect
the status of *all supported languages*. Anyway, the SUPPLANGS tag
hasn't been added and installation uses a fallback that checks all
trans-stats and takes the list of supported languages from there (which
works well).
* check if selected language has support on media (F301238)
* show a warning when not
define void check_languages_support (string selected_language) {
string linguas = (string) SCR::Read (.content.LINGUAS);
if (linguas == nil) {
y2warning ("No LINGUAS tag defined in content file");
y2milestone ("content LINGUAS %1", linguas);
list <string> all_linguas = splitstring (linguas, " ");
string language_short = splitstring (selected_language, "_")
if (!contains (all_linguas, selected_language) && !contains
(all_linguas, language_short)) {
y2milestone ("Language %1 is not fully supported",
// popup message
Popup::Message (_("Only minimal support for the selected
language is included on the media.
Add the Language Add-On CD as an additional repository to get better
for this language."));
#37: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 14:23:46) (reply to #36)
I can read the code and I know that LINGUAS is used. Still, I think the
meaning of SUPPLANGS is the same. Or it should be if it currently is
#38: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 14:36:09) (reply to #37)
I'm afraid that it is not correct. According to the soruce code,
LINGUAS contain list of languages that are fully supported and if user
selects language, that is NOT listed in LINGUAS he/she/it is warned. On
the other hand SUPPLANGS (as it was requested) should have contained
list of all languages supported in YaST (in other words: list of
languages in a separate squashfs images that can be used as a plugin to
the installation). That's why we can't reuse LINGUAS if we use them for
this check.
But, of course, as far as I know, using the LINGUAS should be replaced
with getting the information from trans-stats files: less than XY%
means -> language not fully supported. (Stano?)
#39: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 14:52:12) (reply to #38)
Well, if we want to know list of all languages supported in YaST, we do
not need other variable in content file, we know this from YaST
already: these are the languages offered in the language selection.
And checking for insufficient languages support (now done against
LINGUAS) and insufficient translation treshold (trans-stats) is a
different thing: certain language could be only on Add-On (=not in
LINGUAS), but it could be 100% translated and vice versa.
#40: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 15:04:28) (reply to #39)
Please, try to solve reasonable ammount of features and bugs at once.
This feature is about translation split (out of the installation
system). If some languages are additionally supported by some Add-On
product, installation will not be able to add them on-the-fly (yast
translations for inst-sys). Language Add-On might contain some
additional packages but that's all. It will not have any effect on the
inst-sys. If this is all about not using SUPPLANGS, please, change the
client that tries to read it, to use the Language (or whatever) module.
SUPPLANGS in not (and probably will not be) added. Installation
currently uses trans-stats to find out all languages supported by the
inst-sys. It can be changed to use Language module directly (if it
provides the very same information). That's a little implementation
#41: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 15:12:26) (reply to #40)
I was not trying to solve anything, I asked why is it needed. Based on
your information I concluded that it is not.
I only wrote about Add-Ons to describe the distincition with LINGUAS
and trans-stats usage (= answer to as far as I know, using the LINGUAS
should be replaced with getting the information from trans-stats
files... )
#30: locilka(a) (2008-02-08 13:36:08)
For jsuchome/country (possibly-buggy behavior reported by jsuchome):
If user selects another language in the 'installation overview' (former
'proposal'), language selection needs to call this:
if (Stage::initial()) {
WFM::call ("integrate_translation_extension",
You should call it before Language::Set (language) is called.
This is used only in inst-sys /Stage::initial()/, client
integrate_translation_extension has been added to yast2-installation-
#31: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-08 13:52:32) (reply to #30)
Actually, I would like to have this call (+all the checks when it is
necessary of course) inside Language::Set call, so that no code that
wants to change the language needs to care about this.
#32: locilka(a) (2008-02-08 14:12:56) (reply to #31)
Hmm, that sounds reasonable...
We had better move the client from installation to country then...
+ #42: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-26 12:44:14) (reply to #30)
+ I moved the functionality of "integrate_translation_extension" into
+ Language::Set. Available in yast2-country-2.16.11 .
+ I hope this is all for this feature, see you in bugzilla.
SUSE Feature Tool:

19 Feb '08
Feature changed by: jkupec
Feature #302924, revision 6
Title: use the raw meta-data cache to save downloads
- openSUSE-11.0: Evaluation
+ openSUSE-11.0: Done
Requester: Desirable
Projectmanager: Mandatory
- SLED-11: New
+ SLED-11: Done
Requester: Desirable
- SLES-11: New
+ SLES-11: Done
Requester: Desirable
Requested by: jkupec(a)
Partner organization:
At least for http, zypp shouldn't download a file which already is
(unchanged) in its meta-data cache again. This will most probably need
to make the media back-end aware of the raw cache. Also, this feature
can be implemented keeping the rpm file caching in mind (FATE
FATE #302159
#1: visnov(a) (2007-11-06 10:02:49)
Crucial functionality to further improve the stack.
#2: dmacvicar(a) (2007-12-10 16:44:18)
This can be fixed if we use Fetcher on commit and set the right cache
#3: crrodriguez(a) (2007-12-14 12:52:15)
Critical enhacement, will make zypp lots of faster and more importantly
friendly with the mirror infraestructure.
+ #4: jkupec(a) (2008-02-19 15:54:32)
+ Done by Duncan using Fetcher.
SUSE Feature Tool:

18 Feb '08
Feature changed by: jsuchome
Feature #302955, revision 45
Title: Split translations out of installation system
openSUSE-11.0: Candidate
Requester: Mandatory
Projectmanager: Mandatory
Requested by: coolo(a)
Partner organization:
The translations of yast are the biggest part of the installation
These should not be part of the image, but should be pulled in from the
product media as the user selects them.
#1: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 13:18:17)
Duncan, we will need a Linuxrc support for this. Can Steffen look into
this feature? What comes to my mind is:
Linuxrc needs to download and mount the language image for the language
which user selected in bootloader menu (or English as fallback)
Linuxrc needs to provide a support (eg. a script) which YaST can call
when Language changes and downloads and "mounts" the new translation
It is questionable whether it should be YaST or Linuxrc who makes
checks if the asked image is already downloaded, IMO it should be
#2: snwint(a) (2007-11-09 14:08:01) (reply to #1)
I don't see linuxrc involved at all. YaST can just donwload he required
files. Doesn't look that tricky to me.
#3: jsuchome(a) (2007-11-09 14:29:36) (reply to #2)
Maybe, but I do not know how. Lukas, don't we have some API in yast2-
installation for that (copying target package from media to inst-sys,
if I understand it correctly)?
#4: snwint(a) (2007-11-09 14:32:40) (reply to #3)
We've had exactly that discussion when we talked about loading the
licenses. I think now is a good time to fix yast. I really don't see
why other programs have to download various files for yast when yast
could as well do it itself. And when this means doing the repo init
earlier, then, well, do it earlier.
#5: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 15:02:22) (reply to #4)
YaST can only fetch data from instlalation sources. Inst-sys can come
from completly different location than installation sources do. YaST
has no information where to get these images from. YaST would have to
reimplement getting data from all kind of locations on its own (it
cannot use libzypp, since at the location, there needn't be any valid
That's why I'd like to reuse functionality which Linuxrc already has.
#7: coolo(a) (2007-11-16 11:42:17) (reply to #5)
Duncan, is it feasible to make the download functionality of libzypp
seperate from valid sources.
E.g. RepoManager::download(theurl_I_got_from_linuxrc,
#10: dmacvicar(a) (2008-01-22 18:35:02) (reply to #7)
Yes, MediaSetAccess or even MediaAccess can be used to get a file
directly from an Url.
The design is layered, MediaAccess sits on top of MediaManager(curl,
iso, etc), MediaSetAccess on top, adding multiple media and media
changing support, and RepoProvideFile on top, using the repos urls and
trying different mirrors.
There is also Fetcher which also sits on top of MediaSetAccess which
provide queues and using already downloaded files.
I think it is already used in YaST, YaST does transfer the content file
from media independently from ZYpp.
#6: locilka(a) (2007-11-09 16:54:01) (reply to #3)
As already written by snwint, there is no way how to download anything
from sources before they are initialized. So: no, there is no
Installation API for that.
As there can be an installation-(zypp)-source and a different inst-sys,
Installation could either initialize the source as soon as possible but
it still wouldn't know where to download inst-sys extensions. On the
other hand, Linuxrc doesn't know which translations will be needed. So
maybe inst-sys could provide some functionality (API) for downloading
these extensions and merging them (downloaddir + adddir), YaST could
then use that API. Just an idea...
#8: michl(a) (2007-11-29 12:46:53)
We should come down to tier1 languages here.
#11: locilka(a) (2008-01-28 19:06:03) (reply to #9)
According the forwarded mails, the Installation framework should call
from /etc/install.inf
(and combine them with a file/localization location to
/lbin/wget -v $url_to_download_file_from $path_to_save_file_to
mkdir /mounts/localization
mount -o loop $path_to_save_file_to /mounts/localization
adddir /mounts/localization /
Where (dir) and under which names will be the localization files
(language images) stored?
#12: locilka(a) (2008-01-29 10:39:24) (reply to #11)
Snwint: does /lbin/wget check signatures of that file or does inst-sys
provide some functionality I could use to check them?
#14: snwint(a) (2008-01-29 11:06:11) (reply to #12)
No it doesn't check them. But their SHA1sum will appear in /content.
#13: snwint(a) (2008-01-29 11:03:05) (reply to #11)
The language images are named root.XXX where XXX is XXX in yast2-trans-
#15: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 07:25:10) (reply to #13)
Stano's idea: For a better user experience, let's have all translations
for the first dialog available from the very beggining (it's actually ). In other words, installation textdomain should be
still in the inst-sys-base, other text-domains in squashfs images.
Download the language squashfs inst-sys extension after clicking on
[Next] in the first dialog. That would make it visually faster.
#16: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 07:58:54) (reply to #15)
Ah, I've found that having in the base inst-sys is
currently the only way to avoid translation errors.
YaST uses gettext for translating messages. The very first dialog using
a gettext functions (e.g., initializing installation) is called even
before the translation file is downloaded. In this case, gettext
wouldn't find any translation. It would return untranslated message and
also remember that there was no translation file available. After the
installation adds the translation file, gettext would ignore it (This
is known behavior since OES2 its Add-On integration into SLES10 SP1
#19: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 11:59:10) (reply to #16)
Problem solved. According to snwint, the initial root.$LANG file is
downloaded by Linuxrc, long time before YaST does anything.
#17: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 08:06:35) (reply to #13)
Where do we expect the root.$LANG files? On the installation repository
or in the inst-sys? Consider this situation:
RepoURL: nfs://
InstsysURL: nfs://
I assume that for de_DE URL nfs://
device=eth0&aaa=bbb should be used but is that correct? Why not nfs:
//<arch>/root.de_DE?device=eth0 ?
#18: snwint(a) (2008-02-04 14:22:41) (reply to #17)
The files are taken from miracle because they should somehow match the
other instsys files.
#20: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:00:39) (reply to #13)
Is there any possibility to list these (root.XX, root.xx_XX, ...)
files? Because I haven't found any both systematic and valid solution.
#21: snwint(a) (2008-02-04 18:07:19) (reply to #20)
No idea; I'm using yast2-trans-allpacks when I build the instsys.
#22: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:16:54) (reply to #21)
This shows the list of $somehow supported translations ls -1
/usr/lib/YaST2/trans | sed 's/\.status//' however it is not ideal.
#23: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:27:27) (reply to #22)
A simple solution would be to introduce a new entry into the content
file, e.g., SUPPLANGS . This variable would contain (space-separated)
list of supported languages in YaST (all ${LANG}s for all root.$LANG
files). Rudi, could you, please, add it?
#24: snwint(a) (2008-02-05 10:07:12) (reply to #23)
All are already in content as they are sha1-summed.
#25: locilka(a) (2008-02-05 04:34:37) (reply to #24)
But their SHA1 is still not checked by the installation (YaST) when
downloaded. It's in my TODO.
#26: snwint(a) (2008-02-05 10:49:20) (reply to #25)
Maybe. But it basically is the list you asked for in comment 23. Or
#27: locilka(a) (2008-02-05 05:29:03) (reply to #26)
It basically is the list I asked for for, but it doesn't contain the
informative value that defines: hey! these languages are supported, use
these files (...). For instance file, root.fonts , should be also
signed and partly matches the pattern but fonts is not a language. And
there might be several files later... So, I don't think this would
#28: locilka(a) (2008-02-07 16:32:53) (reply to #25)
I've found that SHA1 sum for checking the downloaded files cannot be
computed :(
Snwint: It seems that sha1sum is not part of the inst-sys. Linuxrc
seems to check the SHA1 itself (sha1.c). What should I use? What would
be the best solution? Integrate sha1sum into the inst-sys?
#29: snwint(a) (2008-02-07 18:08:27) (reply to #28)
Sure. I'll add it.
#35: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 13:50:00) (reply to #23)
What is the reason for SUPPLANGS when we already have LINGUAS?
#36: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 14:12:17) (reply to #35)
Because LINGUAS were in use already. And they currently DO NOT reflect
the status of *all supported languages*. Anyway, the SUPPLANGS tag
hasn't been added and installation uses a fallback that checks all
trans-stats and takes the list of supported languages from there (which
works well).
* check if selected language has support on media (F301238)
* show a warning when not
define void check_languages_support (string selected_language) {
string linguas = (string) SCR::Read (.content.LINGUAS);
if (linguas == nil) {
y2warning ("No LINGUAS tag defined in content file");
y2milestone ("content LINGUAS %1", linguas);
list <string> all_linguas = splitstring (linguas, " ");
string language_short = splitstring (selected_language, "_")
if (!contains (all_linguas, selected_language) && !contains
(all_linguas, language_short)) {
y2milestone ("Language %1 is not fully supported",
// popup message
Popup::Message (_("Only minimal support for the selected
language is included on the media.
Add the Language Add-On CD as an additional repository to get better
for this language."));
#37: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 14:23:46) (reply to #36)
I can read the code and I know that LINGUAS is used. Still, I think the
meaning of SUPPLANGS is the same. Or it should be if it currently is
#38: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 14:36:09) (reply to #37)
I'm afraid that it is not correct. According to the soruce code,
LINGUAS contain list of languages that are fully supported and if user
selects language, that is NOT listed in LINGUAS he/she/it is warned. On
the other hand SUPPLANGS (as it was requested) should have contained
list of all languages supported in YaST (in other words: list of
languages in a separate squashfs images that can be used as a plugin to
the installation). That's why we can't reuse LINGUAS if we use them for
this check.
But, of course, as far as I know, using the LINGUAS should be replaced
with getting the information from trans-stats files: less than XY%
means -> language not fully supported. (Stano?)
#39: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 14:52:12) (reply to #38)
Well, if we want to know list of all languages supported in YaST, we do
not need other variable in content file, we know this from YaST
already: these are the languages offered in the language selection.
And checking for insufficient languages support (now done against
LINGUAS) and insufficient translation treshold (trans-stats) is a
different thing: certain language could be only on Add-On (=not in
LINGUAS), but it could be 100% translated and vice versa.
#40: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 15:04:28) (reply to #39)
Please, try to solve reasonable ammount of features and bugs at once.
This feature is about translation split (out of the installation
system). If some languages are additionally supported by some Add-On
product, installation will not be able to add them on-the-fly (yast
translations for inst-sys). Language Add-On might contain some
additional packages but that's all. It will not have any effect on the
inst-sys. If this is all about not using SUPPLANGS, please, change the
client that tries to read it, to use the Language (or whatever) module.
SUPPLANGS in not (and probably will not be) added. Installation
currently uses trans-stats to find out all languages supported by the
inst-sys. It can be changed to use Language module directly (if it
provides the very same information). That's a little implementation
+ #41: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 15:12:26) (reply to #40)
+ Sure.
+ I was not trying to solve anything, I asked why is it needed. Based on
+ your information I concluded that it is not.
+ I only wrote about Add-Ons to describe the distincition with LINGUAS
+ and trans-stats usage (= answer to as far as I know, using the LINGUAS
+ should be replaced with getting the information from trans-stats
+ files... )
#30: locilka(a) (2008-02-08 13:36:08)
For jsuchome/country (possibly-buggy behavior reported by jsuchome):
If user selects another language in the 'installation overview' (former
'proposal'), language selection needs to call this:
if (Stage::initial()) {
WFM::call ("integrate_translation_extension",
You should call it before Language::Set (language) is called.
This is used only in inst-sys /Stage::initial()/, client
integrate_translation_extension has been added to yast2-installation-
#31: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-08 13:52:32) (reply to #30)
Actually, I would like to have this call (+all the checks when it is
necessary of course) inside Language::Set call, so that no code that
wants to change the language needs to care about this.
#32: locilka(a) (2008-02-08 14:12:56) (reply to #31)
Hmm, that sounds reasonable...
We had better move the client from installation to country then...
SUSE Feature Tool:

18 Feb '08
Feature changed by: locilka
Feature #302955, revision 44
Title: Split translations out of installation system
openSUSE-11.0: Candidate
Requester: Mandatory
Projectmanager: Mandatory
Requested by: coolo(a)
Partner organization:
The translations of yast are the biggest part of the installation
These should not be part of the image, but should be pulled in from the
product media as the user selects them.
#1: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 13:18:17)
Duncan, we will need a Linuxrc support for this. Can Steffen look into
this feature? What comes to my mind is:
Linuxrc needs to download and mount the language image for the language
which user selected in bootloader menu (or English as fallback)
Linuxrc needs to provide a support (eg. a script) which YaST can call
when Language changes and downloads and "mounts" the new translation
It is questionable whether it should be YaST or Linuxrc who makes
checks if the asked image is already downloaded, IMO it should be
#2: snwint(a) (2007-11-09 14:08:01) (reply to #1)
I don't see linuxrc involved at all. YaST can just donwload he required
files. Doesn't look that tricky to me.
#3: jsuchome(a) (2007-11-09 14:29:36) (reply to #2)
Maybe, but I do not know how. Lukas, don't we have some API in yast2-
installation for that (copying target package from media to inst-sys,
if I understand it correctly)?
#4: snwint(a) (2007-11-09 14:32:40) (reply to #3)
We've had exactly that discussion when we talked about loading the
licenses. I think now is a good time to fix yast. I really don't see
why other programs have to download various files for yast when yast
could as well do it itself. And when this means doing the repo init
earlier, then, well, do it earlier.
#5: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 15:02:22) (reply to #4)
YaST can only fetch data from instlalation sources. Inst-sys can come
from completly different location than installation sources do. YaST
has no information where to get these images from. YaST would have to
reimplement getting data from all kind of locations on its own (it
cannot use libzypp, since at the location, there needn't be any valid
That's why I'd like to reuse functionality which Linuxrc already has.
#7: coolo(a) (2007-11-16 11:42:17) (reply to #5)
Duncan, is it feasible to make the download functionality of libzypp
seperate from valid sources.
E.g. RepoManager::download(theurl_I_got_from_linuxrc,
#10: dmacvicar(a) (2008-01-22 18:35:02) (reply to #7)
Yes, MediaSetAccess or even MediaAccess can be used to get a file
directly from an Url.
The design is layered, MediaAccess sits on top of MediaManager(curl,
iso, etc), MediaSetAccess on top, adding multiple media and media
changing support, and RepoProvideFile on top, using the repos urls and
trying different mirrors.
There is also Fetcher which also sits on top of MediaSetAccess which
provide queues and using already downloaded files.
I think it is already used in YaST, YaST does transfer the content file
from media independently from ZYpp.
#6: locilka(a) (2007-11-09 16:54:01) (reply to #3)
As already written by snwint, there is no way how to download anything
from sources before they are initialized. So: no, there is no
Installation API for that.
As there can be an installation-(zypp)-source and a different inst-sys,
Installation could either initialize the source as soon as possible but
it still wouldn't know where to download inst-sys extensions. On the
other hand, Linuxrc doesn't know which translations will be needed. So
maybe inst-sys could provide some functionality (API) for downloading
these extensions and merging them (downloaddir + adddir), YaST could
then use that API. Just an idea...
#8: michl(a) (2007-11-29 12:46:53)
We should come down to tier1 languages here.
#11: locilka(a) (2008-01-28 19:06:03) (reply to #9)
According the forwarded mails, the Installation framework should call
from /etc/install.inf
(and combine them with a file/localization location to
/lbin/wget -v $url_to_download_file_from $path_to_save_file_to
mkdir /mounts/localization
mount -o loop $path_to_save_file_to /mounts/localization
adddir /mounts/localization /
Where (dir) and under which names will be the localization files
(language images) stored?
#12: locilka(a) (2008-01-29 10:39:24) (reply to #11)
Snwint: does /lbin/wget check signatures of that file or does inst-sys
provide some functionality I could use to check them?
#14: snwint(a) (2008-01-29 11:06:11) (reply to #12)
No it doesn't check them. But their SHA1sum will appear in /content.
#13: snwint(a) (2008-01-29 11:03:05) (reply to #11)
The language images are named root.XXX where XXX is XXX in yast2-trans-
#15: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 07:25:10) (reply to #13)
Stano's idea: For a better user experience, let's have all translations
for the first dialog available from the very beggining (it's actually ). In other words, installation textdomain should be
still in the inst-sys-base, other text-domains in squashfs images.
Download the language squashfs inst-sys extension after clicking on
[Next] in the first dialog. That would make it visually faster.
#16: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 07:58:54) (reply to #15)
Ah, I've found that having in the base inst-sys is
currently the only way to avoid translation errors.
YaST uses gettext for translating messages. The very first dialog using
a gettext functions (e.g., initializing installation) is called even
before the translation file is downloaded. In this case, gettext
wouldn't find any translation. It would return untranslated message and
also remember that there was no translation file available. After the
installation adds the translation file, gettext would ignore it (This
is known behavior since OES2 its Add-On integration into SLES10 SP1
#19: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 11:59:10) (reply to #16)
Problem solved. According to snwint, the initial root.$LANG file is
downloaded by Linuxrc, long time before YaST does anything.
#17: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 08:06:35) (reply to #13)
Where do we expect the root.$LANG files? On the installation repository
or in the inst-sys? Consider this situation:
RepoURL: nfs://
InstsysURL: nfs://
I assume that for de_DE URL nfs://
device=eth0&aaa=bbb should be used but is that correct? Why not nfs:
//<arch>/root.de_DE?device=eth0 ?
#18: snwint(a) (2008-02-04 14:22:41) (reply to #17)
The files are taken from miracle because they should somehow match the
other instsys files.
#20: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:00:39) (reply to #13)
Is there any possibility to list these (root.XX, root.xx_XX, ...)
files? Because I haven't found any both systematic and valid solution.
#21: snwint(a) (2008-02-04 18:07:19) (reply to #20)
No idea; I'm using yast2-trans-allpacks when I build the instsys.
#22: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:16:54) (reply to #21)
This shows the list of $somehow supported translations ls -1
/usr/lib/YaST2/trans | sed 's/\.status//' however it is not ideal.
#23: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:27:27) (reply to #22)
A simple solution would be to introduce a new entry into the content
file, e.g., SUPPLANGS . This variable would contain (space-separated)
list of supported languages in YaST (all ${LANG}s for all root.$LANG
files). Rudi, could you, please, add it?
#24: snwint(a) (2008-02-05 10:07:12) (reply to #23)
All are already in content as they are sha1-summed.
#25: locilka(a) (2008-02-05 04:34:37) (reply to #24)
But their SHA1 is still not checked by the installation (YaST) when
downloaded. It's in my TODO.
#26: snwint(a) (2008-02-05 10:49:20) (reply to #25)
Maybe. But it basically is the list you asked for in comment 23. Or
#27: locilka(a) (2008-02-05 05:29:03) (reply to #26)
It basically is the list I asked for for, but it doesn't contain the
informative value that defines: hey! these languages are supported, use
these files (...). For instance file, root.fonts , should be also
signed and partly matches the pattern but fonts is not a language. And
there might be several files later... So, I don't think this would
#28: locilka(a) (2008-02-07 16:32:53) (reply to #25)
I've found that SHA1 sum for checking the downloaded files cannot be
computed :(
Snwint: It seems that sha1sum is not part of the inst-sys. Linuxrc
seems to check the SHA1 itself (sha1.c). What should I use? What would
be the best solution? Integrate sha1sum into the inst-sys?
#29: snwint(a) (2008-02-07 18:08:27) (reply to #28)
Sure. I'll add it.
#35: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 13:50:00) (reply to #23)
What is the reason for SUPPLANGS when we already have LINGUAS?
#36: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 14:12:17) (reply to #35)
Because LINGUAS were in use already. And they currently DO NOT reflect
the status of *all supported languages*. Anyway, the SUPPLANGS tag
hasn't been added and installation uses a fallback that checks all
trans-stats and takes the list of supported languages from there (which
works well).
* check if selected language has support on media (F301238)
* show a warning when not
define void check_languages_support (string selected_language) {
string linguas = (string) SCR::Read (.content.LINGUAS);
if (linguas == nil) {
y2warning ("No LINGUAS tag defined in content file");
y2milestone ("content LINGUAS %1", linguas);
list <string> all_linguas = splitstring (linguas, " ");
string language_short = splitstring (selected_language, "_")
if (!contains (all_linguas, selected_language) && !contains
(all_linguas, language_short)) {
y2milestone ("Language %1 is not fully supported",
// popup message
Popup::Message (_("Only minimal support for the selected
language is included on the media.
Add the Language Add-On CD as an additional repository to get better
for this language."));
#37: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 14:23:46) (reply to #36)
I can read the code and I know that LINGUAS is used. Still, I think the
meaning of SUPPLANGS is the same. Or it should be if it currently is
#38: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 14:36:09) (reply to #37)
I'm afraid that it is not correct. According to the soruce code,
LINGUAS contain list of languages that are fully supported and if user
selects language, that is NOT listed in LINGUAS he/she/it is warned. On
the other hand SUPPLANGS (as it was requested) should have contained
list of all languages supported in YaST (in other words: list of
languages in a separate squashfs images that can be used as a plugin to
the installation). That's why we can't reuse LINGUAS if we use them for
this check.
But, of course, as far as I know, using the LINGUAS should be replaced
with getting the information from trans-stats files: less than XY%
means -> language not fully supported. (Stano?)
#39: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 14:52:12) (reply to #38)
Well, if we want to know list of all languages supported in YaST, we do
not need other variable in content file, we know this from YaST
already: these are the languages offered in the language selection.
And checking for insufficient languages support (now done against
LINGUAS) and insufficient translation treshold (trans-stats) is a
different thing: certain language could be only on Add-On (=not in
LINGUAS), but it could be 100% translated and vice versa.
+ #40: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 15:04:28) (reply to #39)
+ Please, try to solve reasonable ammount of features and bugs at once.
+ This feature is about translation split (out of the installation
+ system). If some languages are additionally supported by some Add-On
+ product, installation will not be able to add them on-the-fly (yast
+ translations for inst-sys). Language Add-On might contain some
+ additional packages but that's all. It will not have any effect on the
+ inst-sys. If this is all about not using SUPPLANGS, please, change the
+ client that tries to read it, to use the Language (or whatever) module.
+ SUPPLANGS in not (and probably will not be) added. Installation
+ currently uses trans-stats to find out all languages supported by the
+ inst-sys. It can be changed to use Language module directly (if it
+ provides the very same information). That's a little implementation
+ detail.
#30: locilka(a) (2008-02-08 13:36:08)
For jsuchome/country (possibly-buggy behavior reported by jsuchome):
If user selects another language in the 'installation overview' (former
'proposal'), language selection needs to call this:
if (Stage::initial()) {
WFM::call ("integrate_translation_extension",
You should call it before Language::Set (language) is called.
This is used only in inst-sys /Stage::initial()/, client
integrate_translation_extension has been added to yast2-installation-
#31: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-08 13:52:32) (reply to #30)
Actually, I would like to have this call (+all the checks when it is
necessary of course) inside Language::Set call, so that no code that
wants to change the language needs to care about this.
#32: locilka(a) (2008-02-08 14:12:56) (reply to #31)
Hmm, that sounds reasonable...
We had better move the client from installation to country then...
SUSE Feature Tool:

18 Feb '08
Feature changed by: jsuchome
Feature #302955, revision 43
Title: Split translations out of installation system
openSUSE-11.0: Candidate
Requester: Mandatory
Projectmanager: Mandatory
Requested by: coolo(a)
Partner organization:
The translations of yast are the biggest part of the installation
These should not be part of the image, but should be pulled in from the
product media as the user selects them.
#1: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 13:18:17)
Duncan, we will need a Linuxrc support for this. Can Steffen look into
this feature? What comes to my mind is:
Linuxrc needs to download and mount the language image for the language
which user selected in bootloader menu (or English as fallback)
Linuxrc needs to provide a support (eg. a script) which YaST can call
when Language changes and downloads and "mounts" the new translation
It is questionable whether it should be YaST or Linuxrc who makes
checks if the asked image is already downloaded, IMO it should be
#2: snwint(a) (2007-11-09 14:08:01) (reply to #1)
I don't see linuxrc involved at all. YaST can just donwload he required
files. Doesn't look that tricky to me.
#3: jsuchome(a) (2007-11-09 14:29:36) (reply to #2)
Maybe, but I do not know how. Lukas, don't we have some API in yast2-
installation for that (copying target package from media to inst-sys,
if I understand it correctly)?
#4: snwint(a) (2007-11-09 14:32:40) (reply to #3)
We've had exactly that discussion when we talked about loading the
licenses. I think now is a good time to fix yast. I really don't see
why other programs have to download various files for yast when yast
could as well do it itself. And when this means doing the repo init
earlier, then, well, do it earlier.
#5: jsrain(a) (2007-11-09 15:02:22) (reply to #4)
YaST can only fetch data from instlalation sources. Inst-sys can come
from completly different location than installation sources do. YaST
has no information where to get these images from. YaST would have to
reimplement getting data from all kind of locations on its own (it
cannot use libzypp, since at the location, there needn't be any valid
That's why I'd like to reuse functionality which Linuxrc already has.
#7: coolo(a) (2007-11-16 11:42:17) (reply to #5)
Duncan, is it feasible to make the download functionality of libzypp
seperate from valid sources.
E.g. RepoManager::download(theurl_I_got_from_linuxrc,
#10: dmacvicar(a) (2008-01-22 18:35:02) (reply to #7)
Yes, MediaSetAccess or even MediaAccess can be used to get a file
directly from an Url.
The design is layered, MediaAccess sits on top of MediaManager(curl,
iso, etc), MediaSetAccess on top, adding multiple media and media
changing support, and RepoProvideFile on top, using the repos urls and
trying different mirrors.
There is also Fetcher which also sits on top of MediaSetAccess which
provide queues and using already downloaded files.
I think it is already used in YaST, YaST does transfer the content file
from media independently from ZYpp.
#6: locilka(a) (2007-11-09 16:54:01) (reply to #3)
As already written by snwint, there is no way how to download anything
from sources before they are initialized. So: no, there is no
Installation API for that.
As there can be an installation-(zypp)-source and a different inst-sys,
Installation could either initialize the source as soon as possible but
it still wouldn't know where to download inst-sys extensions. On the
other hand, Linuxrc doesn't know which translations will be needed. So
maybe inst-sys could provide some functionality (API) for downloading
these extensions and merging them (downloaddir + adddir), YaST could
then use that API. Just an idea...
#8: michl(a) (2007-11-29 12:46:53)
We should come down to tier1 languages here.
#11: locilka(a) (2008-01-28 19:06:03) (reply to #9)
According the forwarded mails, the Installation framework should call
from /etc/install.inf
(and combine them with a file/localization location to
/lbin/wget -v $url_to_download_file_from $path_to_save_file_to
mkdir /mounts/localization
mount -o loop $path_to_save_file_to /mounts/localization
adddir /mounts/localization /
Where (dir) and under which names will be the localization files
(language images) stored?
#12: locilka(a) (2008-01-29 10:39:24) (reply to #11)
Snwint: does /lbin/wget check signatures of that file or does inst-sys
provide some functionality I could use to check them?
#14: snwint(a) (2008-01-29 11:06:11) (reply to #12)
No it doesn't check them. But their SHA1sum will appear in /content.
#13: snwint(a) (2008-01-29 11:03:05) (reply to #11)
The language images are named root.XXX where XXX is XXX in yast2-trans-
#15: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 07:25:10) (reply to #13)
Stano's idea: For a better user experience, let's have all translations
for the first dialog available from the very beggining (it's actually ). In other words, installation textdomain should be
still in the inst-sys-base, other text-domains in squashfs images.
Download the language squashfs inst-sys extension after clicking on
[Next] in the first dialog. That would make it visually faster.
#16: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 07:58:54) (reply to #15)
Ah, I've found that having in the base inst-sys is
currently the only way to avoid translation errors.
YaST uses gettext for translating messages. The very first dialog using
a gettext functions (e.g., initializing installation) is called even
before the translation file is downloaded. In this case, gettext
wouldn't find any translation. It would return untranslated message and
also remember that there was no translation file available. After the
installation adds the translation file, gettext would ignore it (This
is known behavior since OES2 its Add-On integration into SLES10 SP1
#19: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 11:59:10) (reply to #16)
Problem solved. According to snwint, the initial root.$LANG file is
downloaded by Linuxrc, long time before YaST does anything.
#17: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 08:06:35) (reply to #13)
Where do we expect the root.$LANG files? On the installation repository
or in the inst-sys? Consider this situation:
RepoURL: nfs://
InstsysURL: nfs://
I assume that for de_DE URL nfs://
device=eth0&aaa=bbb should be used but is that correct? Why not nfs:
//<arch>/root.de_DE?device=eth0 ?
#18: snwint(a) (2008-02-04 14:22:41) (reply to #17)
The files are taken from miracle because they should somehow match the
other instsys files.
#20: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:00:39) (reply to #13)
Is there any possibility to list these (root.XX, root.xx_XX, ...)
files? Because I haven't found any both systematic and valid solution.
#21: snwint(a) (2008-02-04 18:07:19) (reply to #20)
No idea; I'm using yast2-trans-allpacks when I build the instsys.
#22: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:16:54) (reply to #21)
This shows the list of $somehow supported translations ls -1
/usr/lib/YaST2/trans | sed 's/\.status//' however it is not ideal.
#23: locilka(a) (2008-02-04 12:27:27) (reply to #22)
A simple solution would be to introduce a new entry into the content
file, e.g., SUPPLANGS . This variable would contain (space-separated)
list of supported languages in YaST (all ${LANG}s for all root.$LANG
files). Rudi, could you, please, add it?
#24: snwint(a) (2008-02-05 10:07:12) (reply to #23)
All are already in content as they are sha1-summed.
#25: locilka(a) (2008-02-05 04:34:37) (reply to #24)
But their SHA1 is still not checked by the installation (YaST) when
downloaded. It's in my TODO.
#26: snwint(a) (2008-02-05 10:49:20) (reply to #25)
Maybe. But it basically is the list you asked for in comment 23. Or
#27: locilka(a) (2008-02-05 05:29:03) (reply to #26)
It basically is the list I asked for for, but it doesn't contain the
informative value that defines: hey! these languages are supported, use
these files (...). For instance file, root.fonts , should be also
signed and partly matches the pattern but fonts is not a language. And
there might be several files later... So, I don't think this would
#28: locilka(a) (2008-02-07 16:32:53) (reply to #25)
I've found that SHA1 sum for checking the downloaded files cannot be
computed :(
Snwint: It seems that sha1sum is not part of the inst-sys. Linuxrc
seems to check the SHA1 itself (sha1.c). What should I use? What would
be the best solution? Integrate sha1sum into the inst-sys?
#29: snwint(a) (2008-02-07 18:08:27) (reply to #28)
Sure. I'll add it.
#35: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 13:50:00) (reply to #23)
What is the reason for SUPPLANGS when we already have LINGUAS?
#36: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 14:12:17) (reply to #35)
Because LINGUAS were in use already. And they currently DO NOT reflect
the status of *all supported languages*. Anyway, the SUPPLANGS tag
hasn't been added and installation uses a fallback that checks all
trans-stats and takes the list of supported languages from there (which
works well).
* check if selected language has support on media (F301238)
* show a warning when not
define void check_languages_support (string selected_language) {
string linguas = (string) SCR::Read (.content.LINGUAS);
if (linguas == nil) {
y2warning ("No LINGUAS tag defined in content file");
y2milestone ("content LINGUAS %1", linguas);
list <string> all_linguas = splitstring (linguas, " ");
string language_short = splitstring (selected_language, "_")
if (!contains (all_linguas, selected_language) && !contains
(all_linguas, language_short)) {
y2milestone ("Language %1 is not fully supported",
// popup message
Popup::Message (_("Only minimal support for the selected
language is included on the media.
Add the Language Add-On CD as an additional repository to get better
for this language."));
#37: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 14:23:46) (reply to #36)
I can read the code and I know that LINGUAS is used. Still, I think the
meaning of SUPPLANGS is the same. Or it should be if it currently is
#38: locilka(a) (2008-02-18 14:36:09) (reply to #37)
I'm afraid that it is not correct. According to the soruce code,
LINGUAS contain list of languages that are fully supported and if user
selects language, that is NOT listed in LINGUAS he/she/it is warned. On
the other hand SUPPLANGS (as it was requested) should have contained
list of all languages supported in YaST (in other words: list of
languages in a separate squashfs images that can be used as a plugin to
the installation). That's why we can't reuse LINGUAS if we use them for
this check.
But, of course, as far as I know, using the LINGUAS should be replaced
with getting the information from trans-stats files: less than XY%
means -> language not fully supported. (Stano?)
+ #39: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-18 14:52:12) (reply to #38)
+ Well, if we want to know list of all languages supported in YaST, we do
+ not need other variable in content file, we know this from YaST
+ already: these are the languages offered in the language selection.
+ And checking for insufficient languages support (now done against
+ LINGUAS) and insufficient translation treshold (trans-stats) is a
+ different thing: certain language could be only on Add-On (=not in
+ LINGUAS), but it could be 100% translated and vice versa.
#30: locilka(a) (2008-02-08 13:36:08)
For jsuchome/country (possibly-buggy behavior reported by jsuchome):
If user selects another language in the 'installation overview' (former
'proposal'), language selection needs to call this:
if (Stage::initial()) {
WFM::call ("integrate_translation_extension",
You should call it before Language::Set (language) is called.
This is used only in inst-sys /Stage::initial()/, client
integrate_translation_extension has been added to yast2-installation-
#31: jsuchome(a) (2008-02-08 13:52:32) (reply to #30)
Actually, I would like to have this call (+all the checks when it is
necessary of course) inside Language::Set call, so that no code that
wants to change the language needs to care about this.
#32: locilka(a) (2008-02-08 14:12:56) (reply to #31)
Hmm, that sounds reasonable...
We had better move the client from installation to country then...
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