(BL) - Before Linux Every one who has replied is quite correct in my experience in that the suggestions lead towards very new components. The best thought I have read was to think about purchasing a Dell unit that can be shipped in a Linux Distro. This has not always been the case and If you were thinking about purchasing a desktop I would exercise great caution. 2 years ago, in an effort to minimise costs, I ordered 4 New Desktops. 4 x Dimension 4700 which all ran Windows XP SP2 without issue until 1 of the units required a format and reinstall. After loading XP, the network card driver was absent and the video had issues maintaining a resolution greater than 800x600 and I called Dell. I was told to I would have to load various drivers from the utils CD or get the drivers from the Internet. Without the NIC being identified and if I had lost the Utils CD I would have been stuffed If I was a home user with only 1 PC.
From the CD the following drivers needed to be loaded in this order.
1 x Chipset driver 1 x Video driver 1 x Audio Driver 1 x NIC driver Dell DO NOT publish their driver specific drivers to MS so there are never any drivers obtained from MS online update unlike just about every other major brand. The dell website is huge, carrying with it every driver that is required and invariable they are NOT signed by MS. You can see chat I mean by looking at http://support.ap.dell.com/support/downloads/driverslist.aspx?c=au&l=en&s=ge... This is all done to cut costs. I suppose the most important issue I have gained when any other business asks my opinion is to check the dell website for the driver support which may either delight you or put you off. Scott Ciro Iriarte wrote:
2007/8/1, Ciro Iriarte <cyruspy@gmail.com>:
Hi, I'm running Opensuse 10.2 on a Dell Inspiron 6400, just some notes:
- Intel 945GM Graphic Card: Works fine, but couldn't make the S-Video output work. - Ricoh Memory Card reader: It's detected but didn't use it yet. - Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG: Works out of the box -- At the office works flawlessly with WPA with high and light load (D-Link AP) -- At home I have many troubles with a Linksys WRT54GX4 AP and WPA, it drops the connection when there's high load (many "TKIP: ICV error detected" messages with light load too). A windows laptop with the same card works fine only after updating to the last driver, maybe with the latest module for linux it works better. - Modem (don't know the make/model): Works with linuxant (comercial driver) - Firewire: Didn't try it yet
One more note, i can suspend it, but it just resumes when it wants to, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't....