Dmitry thank you, this is what I meant. Until the two repos do not become disjoint it is difficult to have them safely both of them in community repos. Education in principle targets K12 level... so I see little reason for some packages to be developed in it.. maxima is one that comes in my mind. I do not understand why the linking for some of the packages... (gromacs,gsl,R) unfortunately in order to clarify this we have to speak with the education team and with the oss team to get science as a devel repo for packages with limited, but scientific, use. My opinion is Science and Education should be disjoint repos... with no deps in between them but both shall depend on oss repo... and not on specific devel: Packages of scientific interest shall have their devel in science. on obs there is an interesting collection of scientific packages... I have tried from time to time to submit them to science but maintaining them can be a challenge for me... maybe we shall try the owners to submit them to science and become maintainer of them in science repo rather than keeping them in their home one repo that comes is my mind is: https://build.opensuse.org/project/show?project=home%3Ascorot Alin Alin On Wednesday 26 Sep 2012 13:01:30 Dmitry Roshchin wrote:
24 сентября 2012 20:31:45 Alin M Elena написал(а):
I will try to compile a list with duplicates within Education... if I get time..
LabPlot Education: linked to science, but exists package LabPlot-Handbook (version 1.6.0, main package version 2.0svn)
R-base Education: linked to openSUSE:Factory science: linked to devel:languages:R:base
avogadro Education: devel for openSUSE:Factory science: no link, changes for SLE build
chrpath Education: linked to openSUSE:Factory science: linked to devel:tools
fdupes Education: linked to openSUSE:Factory science: linked to openSUSE:Factory
flexdock duplicate
gnucap Education: devel for openSUSE:Factory science: no link
gromacs Education: linked to openSUSE:Factory science: devel for openSUSE:Factory
gsl Education: linked to openSUSE:Factory science: linked to openSUSE:Factory
gtkglarea2 science: linked to Education
gtkglext ? gtkglextmm ?
hdf5 Education: linked to devel:libraries:c_c++ science: linked to devel:libraries:c_c++
jcip-annotations Education: linked to Java:packages science: linked to Java:packages
jeuclid-core duplicate (only for scilab?)
jgoodies-forms duplicate (only for scilab?)
jgoodies-looks duplicate (only for scilab?)
jgraphx duplicate (only for scilab?)
jhdf5 duplicate (only for scilab?)
jimi duplicate
jlatexmath duplicate (only for scilab?)
jogl Education: linked to science (only for scilab?)
jrosetta duplicate (only for scilab?)
laf-plugin duplicate
libeigen3-devel Education: linked to devel:libraries:c_c++ science: linked to devel:libraries:c_c++
libsvm science: linked to Education, but updates spec and added patch
maxima Education: devel for openSUSE:Factory science: linked to Education
muparser Education: linked to science science: devel for openSUSE:Factory
qtiplot duplicate, new version in science
qwt Education: linked to KDE:Distro:Factory science: no link
qwtplot3d Education: linked to science (comment: "only needed for SciDAVis which is now in science", so it's possible to delete from Education?)
skinlf duplicate
suitesparse Education: linked to devel:libraries:c_c++ science: linked to devel:libraries:c_c++
wxMaxima Education: devel package for openSUSE:Factory science: no link
xmlgraphics-common duplicate (only for scilab?)
If package marked as "only for scilab?" and it's true, we need to remove it from Education -- Without Questions there are no Answers!
Alin Marin ELENA Advanced Molecular Simulation Research Laboratory School of Physics, University College Dublin ---- Ardionsamblú Móilíneach Saotharlann Taighde Scoil na Fisice, An Coláiste Ollscoile, Baile Átha Cliath ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://alin.elenaworld.net ______________________________________________________________________ -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-project+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, email: opensuse-project+owner@opensuse.org