On Friday 31 January 2003 07:45 am, Allen Seelye wrote: -----------snip----------
I'm not sure if this method will apply to SuSE 8.1 or not. I'm running 7.3 and it has worked well for me. I noticed, from kde3.0 on, that trying to install kde manually using rpm -Uvh... would always come back with dependancy errors if I didn't install them in the correct order. I found it easier to just fire up YaST(1), point it to the folder where my rpms are stored, select everything in the folder and let YaST install them. If it needs another package it goes through the list to see if it's there before spitting out an error message.
Unfortunately SuSE apparently found this functionality to be unnescissary in 8.0/8.1. No amount of user griping (on this list) has been able to change their position
Its the one thing I really miss being able to do. It finally forced me to learn how to use apt4suse.
see ya -- dh Don't shop at GoogleGear.com!
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Hmmm...bummer. Is apt any good? I've been considering upgrading to 8.1 but haven't come up with a good enough reason yet. But I suppose that's a topic for a different list. -Allen ---------------------------- Aseelye@blackfoot.net ICQ# 8286205 http://www.geocities.com/alleninmt - Problems? There are no problems. If there were problems, they would be your fault. If, hypothetically speaking, there were a problem and it wasn't your fault, we couldn't help you with it. That's not a supported configuration.

On Friday 31 January 2003 08:42 am, Allen Seelye wrote:
On Friday 31 January 2003 07:45 am, Allen Seelye wrote: -----------snip----------
Hmmm...bummer. Is apt any good? I've been considering upgrading to 8.1 but haven't come up with a good enough reason yet. But I suppose that's a topic for a different list. -Allen
Well It certainly didn't replace yast's missing functionality, but It was alot easier to set up than I thought it would be. I just read the faq and tips on the website and most of my questions were answered. Be forwarned that although I had great results others have reported dificulties. I started with a Fresh Full install of SuSE8.1 and was willing to leave my computer running for a couple of days while the packages were downloaded (aparantly ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse serves its files through a straw). I allowed apt to do a full upgrade of my system although there are ways to have it do less, thus saving download time Good luck -- dh Don't shop at GoogleGear.com!

* David Herman (ob1@yifan.net) [030131 08:54]: -> ->Be forwarned that although I had great results others have reported ->dificulties. I started with a Fresh Full install of SuSE8.1 and was ->willing to leave my computer running for a couple of days while the ->packages were downloaded (aparantly ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse serves ->its files through a straw). I allowed apt to do a full upgrade of my ->system although there are ways to have it do less, thus saving download ->time Actually, gwdg.de use to be quite fast until more and more people started using apt. It's a question of supply and demand. I've heard that more apt repositories should be coming online soon...but who knows. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org Tell me what you believe.. I'll tell you what you should see.

Op vrijdag 31 januari 2003 19:05, schreef Ben Rosenberg:
Actually, gwdg.de use to be quite fast until more and more people started using apt. It's a question of supply and demand. I've heard that more apt repositories should be coming online soon...but who knows.
Me ;) It's there. And it provides apt repositories for SuSE-7.1 and up! But... it provides the base and update components only. Perhaps the ftpadmin can be asked to have the kde components added to the respective repositories. Starting point is: ftp://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/Linux/MIRROR.suse/ and of course: http://linux01.gwdg.de/apt4rpm -- Richard Bos Without a home the journey is endless
participants (4)
Allen Seelye
Ben Rosenberg
David Herman
Richard Bos