* David Herman (ob1@yifan.net) [030131 08:54]: -> ->Be forwarned that although I had great results others have reported ->dificulties. I started with a Fresh Full install of SuSE8.1 and was ->willing to leave my computer running for a couple of days while the ->packages were downloaded (aparantly ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse serves ->its files through a straw). I allowed apt to do a full upgrade of my ->system although there are ways to have it do less, thus saving download ->time Actually, gwdg.de use to be quite fast until more and more people started using apt. It's a question of supply and demand. I've heard that more apt repositories should be coming online soon...but who knows. -- Ben Rosenberg ---===---===---===--- mailto:ben@whack.org Tell me what you believe.. I'll tell you what you should see.