Re: Leap 15.3 some apps take 30 seconds to load on some machines and not on others.
Hi, Am Sonntag, 26. Dezember 2021, 20:34:32 CET schrieb Larry Len Rainey:
I have done that - any resize triggers that behavior - even making it bigger.
Even tried using Ubuntu image to resize - even tried the cli parted.
Which sounds more like it's a race condition, which somehow manifests itself more often after doing a resize... A candidate for that are hostname changes, which weren't ruled out yet FWICT. Based on the straces it's not visible to me what it's waiting for. It's really strange that it opens a second connection to the session DBus in the main thread, while the gdbus thread is already alive... That it affects VLC and VirtualBox as well rules out any GTK/-plugin issues at least. Cheers, Fabian
On 12/26/21 12:58, Larry Finger wrote:
On 12/25/21 16:33, Larry Len Rainey wrote:
Something new that I have discovered playing with 2 nvme xmas presents.
Fresh install 15.3 with MATE desktop - UEFI with 500mb boot/efi (fat16), 32gb swap the remainder a single ext4 / . Everything works fine after installing packman and doing a zypper up.
If I use gparted from the live 15.3 usb to shrink the partition to allow Windows 11 install, the same apps have the 30 second delay as reported earlier.
Leafpad, VLC , and Oracle VM Virtualbox manager all have a 30 second delay - have not tried any other apps as they are things I use every day.
What is the cause for the delay? It is the same as if I used fsarchiver, or backup and restore with my tar backup scripts.
The sum -r of every boot bin etc sbin usr and var (except logs) are identical.
Is there some hidden thing written in a predefined sector that they are looking for that got moved.
What happens if you shrink the partition in the installer before installation?
participants (2)
Fabian Vogt
Larry Len Rainey