hi, Many thanks again. Als you said, I can't move around the screen but I should read the contets of the screen. Are there some parameters that I can pass on the prompt of instalaton to force detect of the display? For now I only start the installation and setting the display braille in mode 2(handytech), nothing else. Thanks in advance and sorry. :-) Yours Sincerely Sauro Cesaretti ----- Original Message ----- From: "Christian Schoepplein" <schoeppi@suse.de> To: <suse-blinux@suse.com> Sent: Monday, May 23, 2005 11:19 AM Subject: Re: [suse-blinux] Info about suse 9.2
On Mo, Mai 23, 2005 at 11:06:54 +0200, Sauro Cesaretti wrote:
I tried to work with handytech, but when the installation program recognize the display, I read only strange character on the display and I can't move the position of the display with keys as usual.
The problem is, that the installation programm thinks a braille device from Handy Tech is connected..., because the protocoll of Handy Tech is in use. So all data for Handy Tech devices are loaded, keymap e.g., and that results in the different keymapping on your display :-(.
With the protocolls from Baum no recognition is possible..., so there is no chance to get the right keymaps for your braille display working during installation, sorry.
Surely handytech is only the mode that work, but I don't understand the problem.
As written above, the keys are maped different to the normal mapping for your device. But you should not see strange characters. Isn't it really possible to move arround the screen?
I hope threre is a solution for this problem.
The only solution I can sugest is to install the system with sighted help :-(. Or give AutoYaST a try. With AutoYaST you can do a automated installation, even without a braille display.
-- Gruss / Regards, Christian Schoepplein <schoeppi@suse.de>
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