Hi Sauro! sorry for the late answer. On Mon, May 23, 2005 at 05:17:12PM +0200, Sauro Cesaretti wrote:
When I have installed suse linux I must install brltty or have I had the support already installed?
If you have installed SUSE with sighted help, you can install the screenreader from SUSE called sbl. Just type as root: yast -i sbl
If the support is alread installed how can I use it?
The main file of sbl is /etc/suse-blinux.conf There you have to specify your braille device and the port where it is connected. For example: brlname=vario40 brlport=/dev/ttyS0 This loads the driver for the Vario 40 device from Baum that is connect to the first serial port on your computer. Also you can specify a softwarespeech or an hardware synth, if you like to use speech. If you want to use a software speech, you can for example use mbrola. If you have finished installation and configuration, you can start the screenreader with rcsbl start the screenreader will be started automatickly with every system start. More docu about the installation of mbrola and configuration of sbl is stored in the directory /usr/share/doc/packages/sbl or /usr/share/doc/packages/suse-blinux
Another question, Is there one version of yast accessible for blind person? Because the interface is accessible but I cant't work with it because I don't see the position of cursor when I read the menu of yast.
Thats a known problem of yast and screenreaders. Unfortunatly we haven't found a good solution for now. Please write a message to SUSe about the feedback formular on the webpage. The developper of YaSt should know about this problem, maybe they change something. The more people with this problem write to them, the bigger is the chance, that something changes....
Sauro Cesaretti
-- Gruss / Regards, Christian Schoepplein <schoeppi@suse.de> SUSE LINUX GmbH - SUSE-Blinux Support WWW: http://www.blinux.suse.de Phone: Germany: 0180 / 500 36 12 (12ct/min) Austria: 0820 / 500 781 (14,5ct/min) Switzerland: 0848 / 860 847