On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 05:56:59PM +0200, Sarah Julia Kriesch wrote:
The work with Salt hasn't started yet? Why did Lars told about a wiki setup with Salt and why was told at the conference about SUSE with Salt? I have got knowledge in Puppet, ansible and fabric. Automation is my job at the moment. October I will be full time student and I don't want to leave this area. I would join you after the wiki setup.
There is a confusion here that I need to sort out: - The SUSE R&D production servers (plus a large part of not-so-production ones) internally in SUSE are already working with salt for almost a year. The code is very mature and there is a large list of needed improvements, which means that the openSUSE salt infrastructure is not going to start from scratch. - The openSUSE infrastructure was running on puppet for a couple of years, and is slowly migrating to salt. Right now we have the basic infrastructure ready, but only two servers are attached to the master. The code is also quite hardcoded to those two minions right now. - There is only documentation for Puppet right now. While some docs are tight to puppet, some others are not, and pretty much all of it can be easily migrated to salt. - I have no idea about what wiki setup you are referring to. So, the steps that need to be done are: 1) Make gitlab.opensuse.org available to the public network. This is action item for me and darix, and the blocker we have at the moment is that the openid library is not working. Next week I'm going to have it public either way though, either with local accounts, openid or ldap authentication. 2) Announce on this list the repository of salt, the deprecated puppet one plus the documentation. Also action item for me right after (1) will happen. 3) Action item for volunteers: Read the documentation, the code, the open tasks, and start contributing to our salt code (based on what we had on Puppet so far), via gitlab merge requests. 4) Connect all the openSUSE machines to the master as minions. Action item for me and darix. We need to define which machines will go there and which ones will stay on SUSE-employee access only. But even before all these happen, people can still help with salt. We are heavy users of saltstack-formulas [1], so you can make sure that they have openSUSE Leap and SLE12 support on their map.jinja, eg [2]. Another example would be to help us on packaging, there has been a new release yesterday which is still not packaged. Or if you are already a salt user, feel free to ping me on IRC to share our codebases and brainstorm. [1] https://github.com/saltstack-formulas [2] https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/dhcpd-formula/commit/27551f5cc8b1b890b... Theo