On 17.04.2016 7:41, Felix Miata wrote:
Disappointing. I don't create new RAID devices often, so thought since the first time was so easy with YaST2 many moons ago that now it would be simple enough. It's not. I wanted to create a new RAID disk with 10 md devices in advance, one disk only initially, in a different machine than the eventual target, then after configuring it, move it to the target for actual installation, still only one disk, then once up and running, add partitions from a second disk to the RAID1 devices created on the original. YaST doesn't even let me get started, refusing to proceed with only one partition per new md device, this in both 42.1 and TW. Please follow https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Report_a_YaST_bug instead of reporting issues on mailing lists.
Cheer Martin