Colin Carter wrote:
Yes, and I just double checked (again) that the source was "On" by opening "Change Installation Source". It is pointing to dir:///media/dvdrecorder and I used Konqueror to view the disk to check that it was readable. (Drive light came on.) SuSE set this field automatically. Why are there so many slashes? ie why ///media and not just /media
I entered "neverball" (which is on the DVD under x86_64) into the search, but Yast returned not found. In fact the drive light didn't come on.
It sounds to me like your rpm database is messed up. I just typed 'never' in my search box and neverball came up. You don't need the disk in the drive to see this. You only need the disk in there if you're actually going to install something. Change the Filter to 'Package Groups,' what do you see then? -- Until later, Geoffrey