Before you do the switch, note that if you rely on ATI's proprietory fglrx drivers then they do not work well with 6.8.1 (they do work with XFree86 4.3/4.4). In any case, if you rely on any proprietory driver, it is a good idea to research on whether they are available for 6.8.1 before you make the switch. Osho On Thu, 11 Nov 2004 16:38:45 +0200, Fatih Alabas <> wrote:
PRODUCT: SuSE Linux I386 9.1 Professional
I have latest XFree86 rpm's properly installed in my system. I need further development so want to update or change my current installation in to Xorg-X11-6.8.1. I checked SUSE's download page for Xorg-X11-6.8.1, but found just a general readme file. Can you help me by providing me a step by step base Xorg-X11 installation instruction ?
Thank you... Fatih ALABAS
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