On Friday 11 March 2005 21:26, Ingo Strauch wrote:
On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 21:09:42 +1100
Colin Carter <colincarter@exemail.com.au> wrote:
This looks to me that Yast doesn't know about where to find new packages to install. There should be a menu item "Installation Source" or something. You should check that at least one source is configured.
Yes, and I just double checked (again) that the source was "On" by opening "Change Installation Source". It is pointing to dir:///media/dvdrecorder and I used Konqueror to view the disk to check that it was readable. (Drive light came on.) SuSE set this field automatically. Why are there so many slashes? ie why ///media and not just /media
I think this has to do with the fact that also URLs can be used like "ftp://ftp.suse.com/...", so here you have "dir" as the protocol, the usual "://" and then the location, which is /media/dvdrecorder. Thus three slashes.
I entered "neverball" (which is on the DVD under x86_64) into the search, but Yast returned not found. In fact the drive light didn't come on.
I did a search in the SuSE support database at http://portal.suse.com/sdb/en/index.html
The only thing I found is this
Not sure if that helps.
Good suggestion. When I started out, it was with SuSE 9.0, and it gave me three months of grief (poor support from the SuSE contracted support) until an actual SuSE engineer, in one line, put things right: I had to emulate a SCSI drive. The above site refers to something similar, but SuSE 9.1 doesn't have this problem, and I now have both a CDRW and DVDRW and I checked that both are correctly set up as per your reference.
BTW, where did you get the RPMs from you used in previous mails?
I just lifted them from the .x86_64 directory. Okay?
Ah, fine ;-)
Something that popped into my mind just now: there is a command line tool named 'pin' which IIRC can be used to search for packages on you installation media. Not sure what it is capable of but I think you can for example search for the package that contains a given file.
Yes, one of the early responses suggested pin. It was very useful and helped me to make small steps forward.
Cheers ? (that's a very ENGLISH thing to say!)
Since Yast is not co-operating I think I will have to use rpm, and look at apt. See ya, (That's 'strine) Colin