There appears to be some kind of bug in the login script. When I was getting the error, I noticed that the logs kept indicating that I was logged in iChain, but not in the wiki. Normally, it should only give that message once. This means that for whatever reason, I was not being automatically logged into the wiki, hence the error. When I log out and back in, the message appears only appears once, meaning that I managed to get logged into the wiki. Any ideas on what might be going on there?
Juergen Weigert <> 7/14/2010 11:19 AM >>> On Jul 14, 10 10:54:12 -0600, Matthew Ehle wrote: The hardware failure yesterday really threw iChain for a loop. After getting random reports of slowness, we reconfigured and cleared out the some things in iChain. Since iChain handles session data, it is possible that is what is causing your problem.
Can anyone else duplicate this?
I have had several 'Loss of session data.' errors. This was during normal editing. Most of the time it helped to hit save multiple times. I saw it ca 5 hours ago, when repeated save did not help.
The wiki appears to be exceptioanlly slow today. Firebug tells me that the reload from clicking the logout button takes 29.53 seconds 'Waiting for Response'
cheers, JW- Could you please more specific? Which wiki(s) and page(s)? If it's only the logout that is taking a long time, that would be an iChain issue that I need to pass on. If it's more than that, I will have to try to get as much information as possible.
Pistazienfresser, can you try again after starting a new session, clearing your cookies, etc.?
Thanks, Matt
pistazienfresser <> 7/14/2010 10:42 AM >>> Hello wiki-list,
I have tried now several times to import an article with history but every time I get an message about a loss of session data.
Greetings pistazienfresser
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