There appears to be some kind of bug in the login script. When I was getting the error, I noticed that the logs kept indicating that I was logged in iChain, but not in the wiki. Normally, it should only give that message once. This means that for whatever reason, I was not being automatically logged into the wiki, hence the error. When I log out and back in, the message appears only appears once, meaning that I managed to get logged into the wiki. Any ideas on what might be going on there?
>>> Juergen Weigert <> 7/14/2010 11:19 AM >>>
On Jul 14, 10 10:54:12 -0600, Matthew Ehle wrote:
> The hardware failure yesterday really threw iChain for a loop. After
> getting random reports of slowness, we reconfigured and cleared out the
> some things in iChain. Since iChain handles session data, it is possible
> that is what is causing your problem.
> Can anyone else duplicate this?
>I have had several 'Loss of session data.' errors. This was during
>normal editing. Most of the time it helped to hit save multiple times.
>I saw it ca 5 hours ago, when repeated save did not help.
>The wiki appears to be exceptioanlly slow today.
>Firebug tells me that the reload from clicking the logout button takes
>29.53 seconds 'Waiting for Response'
> cheers,
> JW-
Could you please more specific? Which wiki(s) and page(s)? If it's only the logout that is taking a long time, that would be an iChain issue that I need to pass on. If it's more than that, I will have to try to get as much information as possible.
> Pistazienfresser, can you try again
> after starting a new session, clearing your cookies, etc.?
> Thanks,
> Matt
> >>>> pistazienfresser <> 7/14/2010 10:42 AM >>>
> >Hello wiki-list,
> >
> >I have tried now several times to import an article with history but
> >every time I get an message about a loss of session data.
> >
> >Greetings
> >pistazienfresser
> >
> >--
> >
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