Am Dienstag 27 Oktober 2009 11:10:37 schrieb Rupert Horstkötter: Hi Rupert,
as most of you know: last friday, I interviewed Martin Gräßlin from ubuntuusers.de on IRC about their experiences with the maintainability of a sandboxing concept. They use such an approach successfully for their wiki and I was curious about some input. That said, today I got an email from ubuntuusers.de's march asking for collaboration between wiki.ubuntuusers.de and the openSUSE Wiki. Please see his email (and an english translation) below.
Hallo Rupert, du hattest uns kontaktiert bzgl. unseres Wikis und dem Baustellenkozept. Hier können wir uns sehr gerne einmal im IRC mit den >Teams treffen. Vielleicht kann man auch weitere tiefergehende Verknüpfungen auf die Wege bringen. Ich fand die Idee nicht >schlecht ein allgemeineres Wiki zu schaffen - es gibt logischerweise Unterschiede bei der Installation und der Konfiguration - >jedoch ist die Beschreibung der Programme identisch. So kann man sich gegenseitig untersützen und entweder die Artikel von A >nach B kopieren mit einem Hinweis, dass er ursprünglich von XY stammt. Hier wäre es natürlich einfacher, wenn wir gemeinsame >Schnittstellen hätten - was z.B. den Aufbau der Artikel, Syntax, die Lizenz et cetera betrifft.
Wir könnten zur Terminabsprache eine Umfrage bei Doodle starten, wenn ihr uns treffen wollt. Eine Kooperation wäre IMHO >machbar und eine gute Sache. :)
LG march vom Wiki-Team
---english translation Rupert, you contacted us asking about our wiki and sandboxing concept. If you feel this appropriate we may meet on IRC with our respective teams at some point in time. Maybe we can discuss even further ways of collaboration-potential. We like the idea to profit from each other from a content perspective. Obviously there are differences in Installation and Configuration between Ubuntu and openSUSE but articles about the general use of applications may be just the same and can be utilized by both groups/communities. That way, we may collaborate by copying articles from A to B with a note that it is originated from Site XY. In that regard it may be valuable to have common ideas about e.g. structure, syntax, license etc. of articles.
We may start a survey at Doodle to find an appropriate time/date for discussion with the teams on IRC. A collaboration would imho be achievable and a good thing.
best, march, wiki team ---end english translation
I'll reach out to march telling him that we'll discuss this collaboration-idea team-internal and come back to him once we have a team-opinion in place. I myself feel this as an opportunity we should consider. From my perspective he's right, that articles about the general usage of applications (like e.g. Thunderbird, Pidgin, etc.) may be easily adjustable and thus can be utilized by both communities.
What do you think about it? I think it is an interesting idea. I feel a bit hesitation when it comes to the idea to link the ubuntu-wiki to the openSUSE-Wiki and vice versa, but I think it would be a great effort to set up lets say a domain for example called http://linuxsolutions.org where we collaborate together with upstream and other linux distros to document applications and solution stacks for Linux. However, doesn't that already exist where we could jump in, for example http://userbase.kde.org? Wouldn't it make more sense to contribute to these kind of sites and link them? It's upstream where the efforts have to go imo.
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