7 May
7 May
Hello! Am Sonntag, 7. Mai 2006 09:03 schrieb Andreas:
The most important sections (I believe) are downloads and documentation.
Maybe they can be placed somewhat more prominent on the front page.
What happened to http://en.opensuse.org/Frontpage_redesign?
Well, then here we go: Can anything be done with the categories? I found this page "by accident": http://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Browse and I'm thinking maybe something like that would be nice to a have a link to from the front page or the documentation start page.
http://de.opensuse.org/Benutzerdokumentation_anders was my proposal of browsing categories. Yet I put them on the startpage as well, see http://de.opensuse.org/Startseite_translated. Sven