Hi Kostas, after installation some month ago I configured my credentials in the setup wizard and selected the products. The repos are still active and synced last night. Now I want to add SLES15 under Setup Wizard | SUSE products; the page loads and shows the error. The credentials are still there and the hook is still green (verified). I already tried to delete the credentials and to reenter them. They were accepted, but now I can't see any SUSE products anymore. Before I saw it. I took the credentials fresh from the SCC. Regards Torsten
-----Original Message----- From: Konstantinos Tsamis [mailto:ktsamis@suse.de] Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 11:23 AM To: uyuni-users@opensuse.org Subject: Re: [uyuni-users] change SUSE products
Hi Torsten,
how did you setup the repositories for SLE12 and how are you trying to add SLE15? You need to add SCC credentials that have subscriptions for these products enabled to the Setup Wizard. That's where that message comes from.
What I am surprised about is that SLE12 works without the credentials. Do you get updates there?
About the server error, what exactly were you trying to do that lead to it? It could be a bug depending on what you were doing. But without the SCC credentials it might not as well.
Best, Kostas
On Mon, 2019-04-15 at 09:12 +0000, Haupt, Torsten wrote:
I want to change /update my SUSE products in Uyuni. I already configured repos for SLES12 some time ago. Now I want to add SLES15, but the GUI shows "Server error, please check log files.". And in rhn_web_ui.log I find: 2019-04-15 10:46:01,798 [ajp-apr-0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1-8009- exec-14] WARN com.redhat.rhn.manager.content.ContentSyncManager - Error reading UUID: /etc/zypp/credentials.d/SCCcredentials (No such file or directory)
There is no SCCcredentials file and the folder is empty. What is going wrong and how can I add and change new SLES products?
Regards Torsten N�����r��y隊[��x������칻�&ޢ��������'��-���w�zf��쮞+�z�>� ޮ�^�ˬz��