Don't kill yourself with C when you don't need to use it. For the purpose you listed below, a one line perl script could be written. Plus the perl regular expression engine is quite efficient and excellent. ~~Nick --- On Sun 03/30, Jay Vollmer < > wrote: From: Jay Vollmer [mailto:] To: Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 19:25:14 -0600 (CST) Subject: [SLE] Record grep Hi everybody!<br><br>Does anyone know of an existing command-line utility that will look<br>through a simple database file (with records separated by some ascii<br>character, or series of characters) for a pattern, then print the<br>entire record to the screen when a record containing a match is found?<br><br>I've written a little utility in C which does this, and I've been thinking<br>about adding some additional features before offering it to the community.<br><br>I won't bother if I'm reinventing the wheel however, so if anyone knows if<br>such a thing exists already, please let me know.<br><br>-- <br>JAY VOLLMER<br>JVOLLMER@VISI.COM<br>TEXT REFS DOUBLEPLUSUNGOOD SELFTHINK VERGING CRIMETHINK IGNORE FULLWISE<br><br><br>-- <br>Check the headers for your unsubscription address<br>For additional commands send e-mail to<br>Also check the archives at<br>Please read the FAQs:<br><br><br> _______________________________________________ Join Excite! - The most personalized portal on the Web!
participants (1)
Nicholas Parsons