Which programs to skip at startup and how.

I notice that my new installation of SuSE 7.1 runs through a long list of programs at boot time. I am wondering whether some of the programs being run are superfluous. For example inetd, AFAIK, is an internet server, right? But all I need is a normal desktop set up (Browser , Email, Word processing, the gimp, Office apps). Surely I don't need to run a server, and not doing so could speed up my system. I have installed the basic (+office) option with 7.1. Are there likely to be many programs I could skip at startup. If so, which ones are they, and how would I go about removing them from the list. -- CF

On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 02:33:51PM +0000, Dan The Man wrote:
I have installed the basic (+office) option with 7.1. Are there likely to be many programs I could skip at startup. If so, which ones are they, and how would I go about removing them from the list.
If you do not need remote access to your machine, then you can get rid of inetd. Also check if the following are running, and decide if yoou need them or not: Apache, Sendmail. - v -- Victor R. Cardona vcardona@home.com "Behold the keyboard of Kahless, the greatest Klingon code warrior that ever lived!"

Hello Dan, Basically, you are right. You don't want any servers running. This should be a basic option at installation time, but apparently it isn't. Using YaST or YaST2 (I have no experience with 7.1, you'll have to check), you can disable inetd, apache etc. However, I recommend leaving a mailserver running, but configured to listen only on localhost. I think if you disable your mailserver you will no longer get mails sent by the CRON scripts (someone correct me if there is a workaround). These can be helpful. I recommend Postfix for a variety of reasons, pls. try configuring this in YaST or simply edit /etc/rc.config.d/postfix.rc.config. One more thing, if you don't want X to listen for network connections -- this is neat if you are logging in to another computer and want to run something in X from that computer, but otherwise inessential and insecure (the main reason I disabled all my servers). To see how, please visit the SuSE security FAQ at http://members.cotse.com/nix/suse-security-faq/ At the same time, you should probably set up the SuSE firewall, either through YaST or by editing /etc/rc.config.d/firewall.rc.config. It's quite self-explanatory. The new firewall rpm is available by typing ftp ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/7.1/sec1/SuSEfirewall.rpm at the command line. There are even newer alphas and betas at http://www.suse.de/~marc/SuSE.html All that being said, I think you will improve your security more than your boot-speed. For impressively fast booting, you should see FreeBSD! Best, Corvin On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 02:39:22PM +0000, Dan The Man wrote:
I notice that my new installation of SuSE 7.1 runs through a long list of programs at boot time. I am wondering whether some of the programs being run are superfluous. For example inetd, AFAIK, is an internet server, right? But all I need is a normal desktop set up (Browser , Email, Word processing, the gimp, Office apps). Surely I don't need to run a server, and not doing so could speed up my system.
I have installed the basic (+office) option with 7.1. Are there likely to be many programs I could skip at startup. If so, which ones are they, and how would I go about removing them from the list.
-- CF
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-- Corvin Russell <corvinr@sympatico.ca>

Incomplete sentence: One more thing, if you don't want X to listen for network connections -- this is neat if you are logging in to another computer and want to run something in X from that computer, but otherwise inessential and insecure (the main reason I disabled all my servers) -- then you don't want X to listen for tcp connections. -- Corvin Russell <corvinr@sympatico.ca>

Why does SuSE UK have its own e-mail address when it apparently isn't in use? I am an update subscriber and STILL haven't received my update to version 7.1 from SuSE UK. Other subscribers appear to have received theirs over a week ago. It's also been in the shops over here for the last month. So I sent them an e-mail today, querying the delay. The e-mail didn't go to SuSE UK as I had addressed it, it was rerouted to Germany from where I have received a Help-Line Ticket Number. So I suppose that I am now at the back of the technical help-line queue for getting my non-technical query answered. If it had gone to SuSE UK as I intended, it could have been answered quickly and directly by the people involved. If I sound annoyed at both the delay in getting the update and this ticket number fiasco, I am! I don't often get annoyed, but not being able to contact the UK office with a simple query, really has got me going. Why doesn't SuSE Germany allow the UK office to receive its own e-mails? Why are we, who fully support SuSE by getting our disks directly from them, rather than from a dealer, apparently pushed to the back of the queue when it comes to supplies? I know that I can't get the update from a dealer, but it may have been worth paying the extra and buying the complete new version from a shop, a month ago. Now I have got that off my chest, I feel better! But it doesn't alter the situation of not being able to contact the UK office. If I phone them to try to sort it out, I wonder if I will be connected to Germany? If I don't get an email reply soon, I will have to try phoning and see what happens. Cheers, from a frustrated Keith

Ah, did you order your 7.1 from their web site? I did on the 19th of Feb and still haven't got it. I emailed them (at info@suse.co.uk) and they called me back 2 days later. Apparently I didn't include a delivery address in my order and it's been sat in their warehouse ever since. My credit card was charged on the 19th of Feb though. So now it's winging it's way in the post to me. I expect there's something wrong with their web order system that drops (some) people's addresses. I'm certain I added mine - how could I miss such a thing, and how did it let me if I did??? Jamie On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Keith Powell wrote:
Why does SuSE UK have its own e-mail address when it apparently isn't in use?
I am an update subscriber and STILL haven't received my update to version 7.1 from SuSE UK. Other subscribers appear to have received theirs over a week ago. It's also been in the shops over here for the last month.
So I sent them an e-mail today, querying the delay.
The e-mail didn't go to SuSE UK as I had addressed it, it was rerouted to Germany from where I have received a Help-Line Ticket Number. So I suppose that I am now at the back of the technical help-line queue for getting my non-technical query answered. If it had gone to SuSE UK as I intended, it could have been answered quickly and directly by the people involved.
If I sound annoyed at both the delay in getting the update and this ticket number fiasco, I am! I don't often get annoyed, but not being able to contact the UK office with a simple query, really has got me going.
Why doesn't SuSE Germany allow the UK office to receive its own e-mails?
Why are we, who fully support SuSE by getting our disks directly from them, rather than from a dealer, apparently pushed to the back of the queue when it comes to supplies? I know that I can't get the update from a dealer, but it may have been worth paying the extra and buying the complete new version from a shop, a month ago.
Now I have got that off my chest, I feel better!
But it doesn't alter the situation of not being able to contact the UK office. If I phone them to try to sort it out, I wonder if I will be connected to Germany? If I don't get an email reply soon, I will have to try phoning and see what happens.
Cheers, from a frustrated
-- Jamie O'Shaughnessy jamie.oshaughnessy@ntlworld.com

Keith, I've received mine (sorry). Got the following info off of the wesite. Try fax/phoning them maybe. Jethro E-Mail Site feedback: webmaster@suse.co.uk Products: Comments and questions: info@suse.co.uk Bugreports (Only one report at a time please): bugs@suse.de ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Address & Map SuSE Linux UK Ltd The Kinetic Centre Theobald Street Borehamwood Herts WD6 4PJ The Kinetic Centre website has a set of maps detailing how to find the centre. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Phone/Fax Phone +44 (0) 20 8387 4088 Fax +44 (0) 20 8387 4010
participants (6)
Corvin Russell
Dan The Man
Jamie O'Shaughnessy
Jethro Cramp
Keith Powell
Victor R. Cardona