File Saving Problem with OpenOffice Spreadsheet
While experimenting with Open Office at home, view to using it in the office instead of M$ Office, there was a problem saving a large soreadsheet using the version of OpenOffice packaged with SuSE 9.0. A sheet containing 6 columns and 31,000 rows of data could not be saved. The saving process does start but does not finish. Oddly, on a windows machine using OpenOffice, teh problem does not occur. The only difference is that the windows version was downloaded from OpenOffice's web site. After deleting the software using YaST2 and downloading and installing the latest version from OpenOffice's website, the problem was solved. I have quadrupled the data, 18 columns by 32,000 rows of data and file was saved. If anyone else is having this problem, this might help. Regards. LW999
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