Dear All, I have an Athlon xp 1600+, 512 megs of ram, 60 gigs of harddrive running Suse 8.2. I had to upgrade the kernel because for some reason usb would not work at all until I did. I used k_athlon-2.4.21-108.i586.rpm which was working great for 2 weeks. My usb worked and it was faster. Now, I am having major problems and I am wondering if it would be good to upgrade again from source. Or I could just reinstall Suse 8.2 from my CD but then my usb will not work again. Is there a possible usb fix for the athlon's that anyone knows of that will not require upgrading the kernel? Also, I would like to make my own bootable CD of my optimized Suse system once it is the way I want it. Is this possible and how would I do that? Thanks for any suggestions or help. Marcia
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