SCO May Not Own UNIX but May Sue Torvalds -- Powered by SuSE Linux 8.2 Pro & KMail 1.5.1 Never forget: At Microsoft, the engineering department are the Ferengi... The marketing and legal departments are the Borg!

On Wednesday 28 May 2003 23:08 pm, Fred A. Miller wrote:
If SCO tries to sue Linus T. then I have $100 ready to send to the "Linus Torvalds War Chest". I would imagine it would grow pretty large quite quickly. -- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + Bruce S. Marshall Bellaire, MI 05/28/03 23:21 + +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ "Men seldom show dimples to girls who have pimples."

* Bruce Marshall <> [05-28-03 22:23]:
On Wednesday 28 May 2003 23:08 pm, Fred A. Miller wrote:
If SCO tries to sue Linus T. then I have $100 ready to send to the "Linus Torvalds War Chest". I would imagine it would grow pretty large quite quickly.
Sounds like a plan. BUT, you know that SCO *had* to have a come-back after Novel's comments (and their big stick|club|bat|mace|shotgun). -- Patrick Shanahan Please avoid TOFU and trim >quotes< Registered Linux User #207535 icq#173753138 @ Linux, a continuous *learning* experience

Bruce Marshall wrote:
If SCO tries to sue Linus T. then I have $100 ready to send to the "Linus Torvalds War Chest". I would imagine it would grow pretty large quite quickly.
When will the U.S. Courts wake up to realize they are being used? They are rapidly sliding from being one of the most admired legal systems to becoming the laughing stock of legal systems around the world? If this keeps up they will be nothing but the jesters in a cruel game of commercial politics. Sad. Very sad. Nevertheless, should the need arise I am also in for $100. It's still cheaper than a M$ license!

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Wednesday 28 May 2003 08:22 pm, Bruce Marshall wrote:
On Wednesday 28 May 2003 23:08 pm, Fred A. Miller wrote:
If SCO tries to sue Linus T. then I have $100 ready to send to the "Linus Torvalds War Chest". I would imagine it would grow pretty large quite quickly.
Ironic, - -----------Pre-Ramble---------- IBM pays m$ to provide an os Linus Torvalds creates linux m$ becomes wealthiest / most hated software company in world Linus Torvalds helps popularize the free software movement fed takes m$ to court m$ loses in court and is told to play fair Corel ports WP to linux (via wine) Corel sells linux distro m$ gives Corel a bundle of cash Corel stops selling linux and WP for linux A founder of m$ hires Linus Torvalds fed takes m$ to court m$ loses in court and is told to play fair - -------------The-Payoff------------ SCO sells linux distro SCO sues IBM (who put m$ on the map) SCO threatens its own customers SCO vies for title of most hated software company in world m$ (owned in large part by Linus Torvalds boss) gives SCO a wad of cash SCO stops selling linux SCO (Using Linus T's bosses money) threatens to sue Linus T - -----------The Future-------- fed takes m$ to court m$ loses in court and is told to play fair ad nauseum - -- dh Don't shop at! -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE+1YOIBwgxlylUsJARAkN+AJ9bmJAXTShFS33DTGRcXNz6IF71yQCfbNsK U0bTDRmzZpN8vittsxyX5eI= =GAUu -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On Wednesday 28 May 2003 08:08 pm, Fred A. Miller wrote:
Sound like more smoke and mirrors peppered with a fair amount of fear from McBride. Novell out and out torpedoed SCO. Novell's statements are, if nothing else, a great FUD equalizer. Considering that one of SCOs tactics is to put the OSS/IBM/LInux community on the defensive - aka if you can't dazzle 'em with your brilliance then baffle 'em with you bu**sh**. Now Novell has turned the tables. SCO finds its self on the defensive and came back with a brilliant retort.... We'll sue Linus. These guys seems more brain dead as this whole ordeal unrwraps. And I have a strong gut feeling that it will begin to unravel for SCO shortly. M$ will undoubtedly pushing from behind, but they ain't got as many allies as they had before. Meanwhile, Linux and OSS are gaining ground and allies about as fast and M$CO is. pfft! Cheers, Curtis.

SCO (Using Linus T's bosses money) threatens to sue Linus T - -----------The Future-------- fed takes m$ to court m$ loses in court and is told to play fair
You forgot to include The One (Linus T) destroys M$ while SCO & M$ crush the Free Software movement, only for both to be recreated, so the cycle can restart ad nauseum. ;-) -- James Ogley, Webmaster, Rubber Turnip Jabber: Using Free Software since 1994, running GNU/Linux (SuSE 8.2). GNOME updates for SuSE:

If SCO tries to sue Linus T. then I have $100 ready to send to the "Linus Torvalds War Chest". I would imagine it would grow pretty large quite quickly.
IANAL (thank God), but it seems to me that the more people SCO add to the growing list of people to sue (I reckon they're aiming for a total defendant list of 6bn people...) the less their chance of actually winning, because every time they add someone, it's because it's clear that the previous front was doomed to failure. "Gee, we can't beat them [cos we're in the wrong and have no case], who can we sue next then?" -- James Ogley, Webmaster, Rubber Turnip Jabber: Using Free Software since 1994, running GNU/Linux (SuSE 8.2). GNOME updates for SuSE:

On Wednesday 28 May 2003 19:08, Fred A. Miller wrote:
Hmmm, you know publicly threatening to sue some one and failing to do so is actionable in many jurisdictions..... -- _____________________________________ John Andersen

May 29, 2003 - Orem, Utah In a last ditch effort to save their failed software company, Caldera Litigation, Inc., (formally SCO Group, formally Caldera Systems, formally Caldera, Inc.) announced today their intent to sue the last person on the planet they have not yet tried to bring to court. The target of this latest campaign is Sardawanda Parmutha, a 93-year-old great, great grandmother in Niuapal, India (57 km east of New Dehli). "Mrs. Parmutha's actions are in complete violation of all US copyright and patent laws," said Darl McBride, Caldera's CEO and one of the three remaining Caldera employees. "In August, 2002, while waiting for her grand-daughter to arrive with her great-grandson for a visit, Mrs. Parmutha, scratched what she claims were meaningless shapes in the dirt in front of her house. After detailed analysis of the shapes, it became clear that these were mathematical representations of code to which we hold the copyright. Although Mrs. Parmutha tried to obfuscate the code, it is obvious to even a sober person that it is our code. Mrs. Parmutha had not obtained proper authorization prior scratching those shapes in the dirt. Therefore she is liable for all lost revenue that resulted from her actions." Despite the fact that the yearly income of the entire Parmutha family is less that what Mr. McBride pays for his vodka martinis during a single lunch, Caldera is suing Mrs. Parmutha for 1 billion Indian Rupees (approx 21 million USD). At present Mrs. Parmutha's only possession is a 13-year-old mule, which she uses primary as transportation, since she finds walking difficult. When ask if Caldera really needed one more ass in the company, McBride responded, "It is a matter of principle. We are demonstrating to the rest of the world that we take our intellectually property rights very seriously." -- --------------------------------------- "Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden --------------------------------------- Be sure to visit the Linux Tutorial: --------------------------------------- NOTE: All messages sent to me in response to my posts to newsgroups, mailing lists or forums are subject to reposting.

Hello, I want to know (be sure) if on the IBM p610 model 6C1 (bought with standard software pre-inst and AIX5L1/2) might be used SuSe8.2 , that is the free one, not the SLE8.0 (at more than 1000$)... PLEASE, could you help me ?? TIA, TMC

On Thursday 29 May 2003 12:00 am, John Andersen wrote:
On Wednesday 28 May 2003 19:08, Fred A. Miller wrote:
Hmmm, you know publicly threatening to sue some one and failing to do so is actionable in many jurisdictions.....
Like the U.S.? Though Utah might be exempt (hehehe). Cheers, Curtis.

On Wednesday 28 May 2003 11:45 pm, James Ogley wrote:
If SCO tries to sue Linus T. then I have $100 ready to send to the "Linus Torvalds War Chest". I would imagine it would grow pretty large quite quickly.
IANAL (thank God), but it seems to me that the more people SCO add to the growing list of people to sue (I reckon they're aiming for a total defendant list of 6bn people...) the less their chance of actually winning, because every time they add someone, it's because it's clear that the previous front was doomed to failure.
"Gee, we can't beat them [cos we're in the wrong and have no case], who can we sue next then?" --
Your right on target AFAICT. In my mind, the more he keeps adding people to the list the more it seems like a grand smear campaign. And as John A. pointed out, SCO could be sticking their foot in their mouth by publically threatening to sue Linus. It will force them to try to show something just to keep from being lible themselves. I mean, they publically cast ethical disparaging remarks about Linus (not to mention 1500 clients) and then refuse to substantiate their accusations and implicate everyone that seems to have even looked at a Linux cd... Sounds close to lible to me. At least with IBM they filed docs and served summons. So do we expect for someone to show up with a folded piece of paper at Linus' house and then state "served"? McBride = dupe. Dumb enough and desperate enough to start chasing tort money and believing what Bill and Steve tells him. Nice frontman for a smear campaign. The best that Redmond could buy at least. And when fall time comes Bill and Co. will be well out of the crossfire. Cheers, Curtis.

On Wed, 28 May 2003 23:22:58 -0400 Bruce Marshall <> wrote:
If SCO tries to sue Linus T. then I have $100 ready to send to the "Linus Torvalds War Chest". I would imagine it would grow pretty large quite quickly. I would think that if SCO sues Linus, that the defence would be handled by Linux International (as was the issue on the Linux trademark). Mad Dog Hall (Linux International Executive Director) has been very silent on this discussion on the GNHLUG listserv.
-- Jerry Feldman <> Boston Linux and Unix user group PGP key id:C5061EA9 PGP Key fingerprint:053C 73EC 3AC1 5C44 3E14 9245 FB00 3ED5 C506 1EA9

On Wed, 28 May 2003 20:50:27 -0700 David Herman <> wrote:
- -----------Pre-Ramble----------
IBM pays m$ to provide an os m$ turns Xenix over to SCO. Linus Torvalds creates linux m$ becomes wealthiest / most hated software company in world
m$ has been involved in Unix since the late 1970s. -- Jerry Feldman <> Boston Linux and Unix user group PGP key id:C5061EA9 PGP Key fingerprint:053C 73EC 3AC1 5C44 3E14 9245 FB00 3ED5 C506 1EA9

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Thursday 29 May 2003 03:22, James Mohr wrote: <snip> Doggonit James! You and Bruce gotta quit sending in things that get me laughin' so much! My neighbors know I don't watch TV, and they're all gonna have me put in a rubber room! LOL! Great writeup though James, I'm gonna catch myself laughing here and there all day long whenever I think about it. John - -- I needed fresh bugs for my SuSE gecko, and Linux penguin. So I went out and caught this huge ugly blue and red and green and yellow butterfly. They won't need fresh food for 3 months now. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQE+1fqdH5oDXyLKXKQRAkifAJ4ucw1UU8gvsJu1PKBM1AMJv8WpBQCeIHAQ E+MJEiPtKpd5p/+tvXVHtMA= =REwd -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On Thursday 29 May 2003 04:13, Jerry Feldman wrote:
On Wed, 28 May 2003 20:50:27 -0700
David Herman <> wrote:
- -----------Pre-Ramble----------
IBM pays m$ to provide an os
m$ turns Xenix over to SCO.
Linus Torvalds creates linux m$ becomes wealthiest / most hated software company in world
m$ has been involved in Unix since the late 1970s.
Yes, of course they have, the stole most of the tcp stack and great parts of NT directly form Unix, (and messed most of it up in the process). -- _____________________________________ John Andersen

On Thursday 29 May 2003 05:47, Hans Forbrich wrote:
Bruce Marshall wrote:
If SCO tries to sue Linus T. then I have $100 ready to send to the "Linus Torvalds War Chest". I would imagine it would grow pretty large quite quickly.
When will the U.S. Courts wake up to realize they are being used? They are rapidly sliding from being one of the most admired legal systems <snip>
LOL! -- Martijn
participants (13)
Bruce Marshall
Curtis Rey
David Herman
Fred A. Miller
Hans Forbrich
James Mohr
James Ogley
Jerry Feldman
John Andersen
Martijn van den Burg
Patrick Shanahan
Teodor-Mihai Cristescu