May 29, 2003 - Orem, Utah In a last ditch effort to save their failed software company, Caldera Litigation, Inc., (formally SCO Group, formally Caldera Systems, formally Caldera, Inc.) announced today their intent to sue the last person on the planet they have not yet tried to bring to court. The target of this latest campaign is Sardawanda Parmutha, a 93-year-old great, great grandmother in Niuapal, India (57 km east of New Dehli). "Mrs. Parmutha's actions are in complete violation of all US copyright and patent laws," said Darl McBride, Caldera's CEO and one of the three remaining Caldera employees. "In August, 2002, while waiting for her grand-daughter to arrive with her great-grandson for a visit, Mrs. Parmutha, scratched what she claims were meaningless shapes in the dirt in front of her house. After detailed analysis of the shapes, it became clear that these were mathematical representations of code to which we hold the copyright. Although Mrs. Parmutha tried to obfuscate the code, it is obvious to even a sober person that it is our code. Mrs. Parmutha had not obtained proper authorization prior scratching those shapes in the dirt. Therefore she is liable for all lost revenue that resulted from her actions." Despite the fact that the yearly income of the entire Parmutha family is less that what Mr. McBride pays for his vodka martinis during a single lunch, Caldera is suing Mrs. Parmutha for 1 billion Indian Rupees (approx 21 million USD). At present Mrs. Parmutha's only possession is a 13-year-old mule, which she uses primary as transportation, since she finds walking difficult. When ask if Caldera really needed one more ass in the company, McBride responded, "It is a matter of principle. We are demonstrating to the rest of the world that we take our intellectually property rights very seriously." -- --------------------------------------- "Be more concerned with your character than with your reputation. Your character is what you really are while your reputation is merely what others think you are." -- John Wooden --------------------------------------- Be sure to visit the Linux Tutorial: --------------------------------------- NOTE: All messages sent to me in response to my posts to newsgroups, mailing lists or forums are subject to reposting.